Home > No Dukes Allowed(38)

No Dukes Allowed(38)
Author: Jess Michaels

He drew out her name slowly, a rough caress that reminded her of the way he moaned her name when he came. Every barrier that she had tried to build was crushed then, and she lifted up on her tiptoes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

He didn’t hesitate to return the kiss, making a low, hungry sound in his throat as he devoured her with a focused passion she had been dreaming of every night. She lifted closer to him as his hands began to rove down her back, along her side. He caught her knee and lifted it against his hip, rocking against her as she parted her lips from his with a harsh sigh of pleasure. She could feel him now, hard against her, as needy for her as she was for him.

If they had nothing else, there was always this. She feared she would never forget it. It would live just below the surface forever, a volcano ready to explode with the most benign spark.

“Tell me you didn’t want me,” he whispered against her ear, his breath hot there. “Tell me you don’t want me now and I’ll let you go.”

She gripped the rough fabric of his jacket. She should tell him that lie and extract herself from the dangers of this moment. But she couldn’t. She was too weak, he was too tempting.

“Just kiss me again,” she murmured against his jawline. “Please.”

He cupped her chin and tilted it up, his eyes locking with hers before he dropped his mouth and did just that. Everything slowed in that moment. Yes, there was desperation in this reunion, that didn’t change. But now he savored her, tasting her, teasing her, his mouth a promise of all the wicked and wonderful things he could do to her if she just let go.

And she wanted to. She would have. She knew that in her heart as much as she knew her own name.

But there was no chance to be so reckless, because before she could surrender to what he had to offer, the door behind them opened. She shoved away from him and pivoted, but it was too late. There in the doorway, eyes lit up with pleasure, was Lady Pittsgreen, and she was smiling so broadly and cruelly that Valaria flinched.

“Well, well,” the countess said, folding her arms. “What an unexpected vision.”






The look on Valaria’s face as she stared at the intruder who would destroy her world was unlike anything Callum had ever seen before. It would haunt him until the day he died, he knew that. All the color left her cheeks and she looked…defeated. Utterly broken, as if she could see the path to the worst future laid out before her and there was nothing she could do to turn away from what would happen now.

“Lady Pittsgreen,” Callum said. “We did not see you there.”

She arched a brow toward him. “I assume you did not. You were her husband’s best friend, were you not? What a scandal this will be, on every level.”

Valaria sucked in a breath. “And that is what you were looking for, isn’t it, my lady? What you are always looking for.”

There was that defeat in her voice, too, even as she raised her chin and put an expression of cool detachment on her face. He could see what a mask it was, feel how deeply this humiliation cut her.

And hated himself for being part of it.

“How dare you, you little—”

“That is enough, Evelyn.”

They all looked toward the door as the Duchess of Amberleigh entered the room. She glanced toward Callum and Valaria with an arched brow and then turned her full attention toward the countess, who was smoothing her hands along the front of her gown with a scowl.

“Don’t tell me what is enough, Your Grace. You have no idea what I walked in here to find. These two using your parlor for an assignation.”

Valaria made a soft sound and stepped away from him, hot redness entering her cheeks as she darted her gaze from the duchess and the countess.

“If that is true, there is certainly no harm in it,” the duchess said mildly. “Plenty of widows have had affairs.”

“With their husband’s supposed best friend? Not three months into her mourning for a husband who died under, shall we say, mysterious circumstances?”

“What do you mean by that?” Valaria burst out, lunging forward. Callum stared at her wild eyes, the way her hands shook at her sides.

“A strong man like that falling off a horse in his own stable?” The countess snorted.

“You might want to have a care, Evelyn,” the Duchess of Amberleigh said softly. “Everyone has their secrets, don’t they? And you would not want yours to come out any more than I think the Duchess of Gooding would want hers. Now I suggest you go. I will call on you tomorrow to discuss this further, and if I hear you have spread any scurrilous rumors in the meantime, I will be very put out.”

Lady Pittsgreen glanced at Callum and Valaria again, then back at the Duchess of Amberleigh. Her expression fell. “Fine.”

She turned on her heel and marched from the room, leaving Callum and Valaria alone with the duchess. She turned toward them, spearing them in turn with an even stare. “Was what she said true? Were you two engaged in an assignation in my parlor?”

Valaria swallowed hard. “Y-yes. Or nearly so.” She immediately moved toward the door. “I am certain you wish to remove me from your home, as well. I apologize for the humiliation that I have brought to your doorstep.”

Callum stared as the duchess dipped her head back with a laugh. “I am eighty-two years old, Valaria. It takes a great deal more than this to humiliate me, I assure you.” The duchess looked between them again. “When you two were meeting privately in your own homes, you could have subverted a scandal. But I won’t be able to keep that wretched woman from spreading some version of this tale, and likely with worse details than were true.”

Callum shook his head. “It is my fault. I should have had more control over myself.”

“We were both at fault,” Valaria whispered. “And now we will both pay. There will be some who do not accept me back into good Society after this. I suppose I deserve that.”

Callum arched a brow. She was pretending disappointment, but he knew her well enough to see what she withheld. She was relieved at the idea that she would not have to go out into the world again. It was all very confusing.

“Unless you make this into a great love story,” the duchess said softly. “After all, the handsome friend of your late husband offering comfort and having it turn into love and marriage would be something whispered about for the ages.”

Callum darted a look toward Valaria and found her staring, mouth agape. She did not look pleased with the option, even though he realized it was likely the only one. He would have to marry her. Well, not have to—he would never be forced into such a thing. He loved her.

But she would have to marry him.

And he could see that the very idea terrified her. But now he wondered why. They were compatible sexually, they had a great deal in common as far as their likes and views of the world. And he was trying to prove, and would continue to prove, that she could trust him. And yet she looked like the very idea was akin to being marched off a cliff to rocks below.

What was she so afraid of?

“Valaria, she is correct,” he managed to choke out.

She pivoted toward him. “Don’t you start! With all due respect, the duchess is entirely incorrect. Lady Pittsgreen will spread her tales and I will have months left of my mourning period. By the time I return to Society, if I even chose to do so, they will forget.

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