Home > Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(100)

Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(100)
Author: Jay Bell

Cameron laughed. “Really? I can’t believe I’ve never had you over.” Of course there were reasons. Like his mother’s unpredictable behavior, but he wouldn’t let that stand in the way of friendship. And besides, ever since he’d mention the support group, his mom hadn’t been drinking as much. He welcomed Mindy inside.

She followed him up to his room, where she immediately began oohing and aahing. “Everything is so pretty! But still manly,” she added quickly. “You’re going to love the antique mall we’re going to. It’s full of this kind of stuff!”

“I’m looking forward to it,” he replied while searching for his wallet. “I’ve been here for a few years, but I still don’t know the area as well as the locals do.”

“Looks like you’ve done just fine without us,” Mindy said, gasping at an antique game table next to his bed. “This wood is stunning! Is it okay if I touch it?”

“Yeah, but my mom is going to be very confused if she overheard you saying that.”

Mindy covered her mouth and laughed. Then she began stroking the table while putting on a comically seductive expression. “So big and hard,” she moaned. “And brown!”

“I have a rare genetic condition,” he joked. He finally found his wallet, which was next to his sunglasses. “Two birds, one stone,” he said, holding them up. “I’m ready.”

“Hey!” Mindy said, grabbing his arm once they were in the hall. “Did you hear about Ricky? He’s missing! His mom called me this morning. I don’t know how she got my number.”

“I gave it to her,” Cameron admitted sheepishly. “She called me too, although it was last night. And she started crying, so I felt like I had to give her something. Sorry about that.”

“I don’t mind,” Mindy said. “I just hope he’s okay.” She eyed him intently, as if trying to read his mind. “Do you know where he is?”

“Uhh…” Cameron said.

“Because I already asked Anthony, and he wouldn’t say either way. So I figure he must know, or he would have simply said that he didn’t. And if he knows, then so does his boyfriend, and that’s you.”

Cameron scratched the back of his head. “Err…”

“You do know!” Mindy said in excitement. “What’s going on? I won’t tell anyone.”

“I promised I wouldn’t say anything,” Cameron replied. “But he’s okay.”

“Good!” Mindy said with transparent relief. “I felt so guilty after talking to her.”

“How come?”

“Because it was all my idea! Diego asked me what I would do, if I wanted to get into trouble. Which sounds weird out of context, but it made sense in the moment.” She shook her head. “Anyway, I was the one who suggested TPing Graham’s house. Although it was supposed to be Faith’s house, for obvious reasons. Diego bought a bunch of toilet paper and had it in the trunk of his car the night of the play. For me.”

“Wow,” Cameron said. “That’s wild. What about the fire?”

“That definitely wasn’t my idea,” Mindy said. “Not even as a joke. But I still wish I’d kept my big mouth shut. If I had, none of this would have happened.”

“Maybe something worse would’ve,” Cameron said. “Without a trunk full of toilet paper, Diego might have come up with a different idea, like strangling Troy right there on stage in front of everyone.”

“I wish,” Mindy said before clamping both hands over her mouth, as if it speaking the thought aloud was enough to make it happen.

“Hmm,” Cameron said, flexing his fingers murderously while putting on a sinister tone. “You just gave me an idea.”

Mindy shrieked and rushed down the stairs. They were still laughing on their way out, which is probably what attracted his mother’s attention.

“Who’s this?” Brenda asked when joining them in the entryway.

“You don’t recognize her from the play? The most famous girl in all of Kansas from stage and screen?”

“Oh stop,” Mindy said before introducing herself.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Brenda said, seeming to size her up. “I know you’re still young, but have you ever considered becoming a surrogate mother? I love my gay son, but I want grandbabies.”

“Mom!” Cameron complained.

Mindy laughed. “I can see where he gets his sense of humor.”

“I wasn’t kidding!” Brenda said before smiling. “You really would make beautiful babies. Hey, I know straight people experiment in college. Is the same true for gay men?”

“I’ll let you know when I get there,” Cameron said, rolling his eyes. “We have to get going. My barren boyfriend is waiting outside.”

Brenda laughed and kissed him on the cheek. Cameron stiffened, but not because of the gesture. He smelled alcohol on her breath. And it wasn’t even lunch time yet. He’d thought she was doing better! Then again, his father hadn’t come home this weekend. He wasn’t sure why. Cameron hadn’t wanted to mention it in fear of setting her off.

They said goodbye and went outside before he hesitated. “Just one more thing,” he said. “Tell the others I’ll be right there.”

“Sure!” Mindy replied.

He returned indoors and found his mother in the kitchen. He didn’t see any bottles, which meant that she was hiding her drinking.

“Oh!” she said when noticing him. “Did you forget something?”

“Yeah,” he said, grabbing a couple cans of pop from the fridge. Someone might want them. All he needed was the excuse. “Hey,” he said casually. “When is dad in town again? There’s something I need to ask him. Computer stuff.”

Brenda’s expression hardened. “I don’t when he’s coming back.”

“But he’ll be here sometime next weekend, right?”

“I don’t know, Cameron. It might be a while.”

He noticed the hurt in her eyes before she smiled it away. “You shouldn’t keep your friends waiting. Go have fun!”

“Okay,” he said, worried that she planned to do the same. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, honey.”

Before he left the house to join the others, he hugged her, hoping she could feel how much he cared. And that it would somehow be enough.

— — —

Omar was flipping through cable stations on the living room TV, hoping to find a good movie, when he heard the whirring motor of his grandmother’s stair lift. He waited until the sound reached the top before muting the TV and calling, “Need any help?”

“Not today,” he heard Mamani reply. She walked into the living room not long after, with the assistance of her cane. “This weather is good for my bones,” she said. “I barely need this at all.” She leaned the cane against the couch before sitting next to him. “What does my favorite grandson have planned today?”

“Just hanging out here,” he replied glumly.

“With your favorite grandmother?”

“That’s right,” he said.

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