Home > Foreseen_ Lex (The Four #2)(36)

Foreseen_ Lex (The Four #2)(36)
Author: Sloane Kennedy

I wanted it all.

As eager as I was to know every inch of Lex's body, I wasn't foolish enough to think I could just claim him and be done with it. First off, I didn't have enough experience to even know where to start. And second, I was absolutely terrified that I'd freak out in the middle of it all and not only embarrass myself but devastate Lex. I remembered what his asshole of an ex had said to him about being glad he no longer had to pretend to enjoy touching Lex. Personally, I thought the guy had to be absolutely insane to not find pleasure in Lex's beautiful body, but that was beside the point. Grady's words had left scars on Lex, just as his actions had. There was no way in hell I would risk doing the same thing, even if my intentions were good.

But that didn't mean I could just turn off what I was feeling. And what I was feeling at the moment was the need to be closer to Lex. The texture of his skin was intoxicating. It was soft in some spots, but rough in others. He had a little bit of a five-o'clock shadow going on, so there were spots on his neck that should've felt wrong against my lips.

They didn't. I liked exploring them. I also liked how he fit against me just so. My wife had been petite, so we'd always had the added challenge of trying to line ourselves up in a way where we were both comfortable. But with Lex, things just seemed to fit perfectly, even though he was still shorter than me. My cock had felt like a steel poker in my pants from the moment I’d kissed him, so as I held him from behind right there in my kitchen, I made sure not to push my groin into his ass the way I wanted. I didn't want to scare him off with the wrong message.

I continued my exploration of Lex's neck and collarbone. His shirt was in the way, so I had to stick with a small amount of available skin. But I was perfectly content with that because my hands were on the move as well and they were taking in an entirely different group of sensations.

I’d placed Lex's hands over his own chest but when I moved my own, he left his where they were. That meant I got to explore freely. I moved my right hand down over his abdomen. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt that was of a thicker material than the dress shirt he'd been wearing the first day I'd met him. But I could still feel the play of muscles beneath my hand as Lex breathed in and out.

As my mouth explored Lex's jawline, I used my fingers to push his shirt up so I could see what the skin over his belly felt like. It was soft and supple for the most part, though it covered hard muscle. When my fingertips encountered the line of hair from his belly button that led south, my already pained dick swelled even more, and I let out a muffled curse against Lex's neck.

It wasn't a good sign. It meant that there was no way I'd be able to keep up this exploration of his body without going too far. Disappointment went through me, but I set it aside and forced myself to take a step back from Lex. But before I could drop my hand, Lex covered it with his and then his other hand was reaching behind him. It landed on my outer thigh.

"Don't stop," Lex said with a gasp. Then he took a step back at the same time that his hand pulled me forward. Despite the fabric separating us, it was like a thousand fireworks going off beneath my skin when my dick pressed up against his sweet ass.

"Fuck," I growled as I wrapped an arm around Lex's waist so I could hold him there.

Lex turned his head enough so he could capture my mouth. Our second kiss was much like the first in that it consumed me almost instantly. All my good intentions were forgotten as I thrust my tongue into the sweet lushness of Lex's mouth. I heard and felt his whimper as I explored him. I used my free hand to grab his hair so I could hold him the way I wanted as I took his mouth and made it mine. But when Lex fervently returned the kiss, what little shred of control I had flew apart into a million pieces.

"Lex," I growled into his mouth. I forgot that I was supposed to be taking it slow not only because he was a man, but because I didn't want to hurt him. My brain wouldn't even give me time to process the fact that it was a guy’s mouth beneath mine. All I cared about was that it belonged to me now just as mine belonged to him.

Lex was still in front of me with his back pressed to my chest. I started to turn him so I could kiss him more fully, but then his hand was reaching between our bodies and he began rubbing it up and down my cock. I groaned in pleasure as fire coursed through my spine. I tightened my grip on him and began fucking his hand. It didn't matter that there was what seemed like miles of fabric between us. I didn't even care that I was going to come in my pants like a horny teenager. All I cared about was getting off and doing it with him.

I was dimly aware of Lex's fingers trying to open the button of my jeans. His mouth was still on mine, so when he growled, "Help me," I did it without hesitation. I flipped open the button at the same time that Lex somehow managed to pull my zipper down. His hot hand closed around my dick a second later. I wasn't sure how he even managed to get his hand into my underwear. But it didn't matter because the result was mind blowing. I yanked my mouth from his and pressed my face down onto his shoulder as I began rutting against him.

I was barely aware of the sound of another zipper being drawn down. I managed to look down over Lex's shoulder and saw that he was trying to get his pants down with one hand. I could see the head of his cock peeking out above the waistband once he got the pants loose. I was shocked when saliva filled my mouth at the sight of the clear fluid leaking from the tip. I didn't know what possessed me to do it, but I reached down and shoved Lex's hand away from his own body. When I swiped my thumb over his crown, Lex groaned my name. He still had his hand on my cock, so I quickly did the same thing to him that he was doing to me. Somehow, Lex managed to get his pants down so his entire front and back were exposed.

Since his hand was wrapped around my shaft, it was only my balls that had the pleasure of feeling the softness of his skin, but that was more than fine by me. Or so I thought. Because a moment later, Lex opened his hand so the skin of my dick came directly into contact with the crease of his ass.

"Oh God," I ground out. My instincts took over at that point and I began to pump Lex's cock at the same pace that I was rubbing my own dick up and down his ass. I was sure it couldn't get any better until Lex reached behind him with his free hand and spread one cheek. I got a glimpse of his hole right before he notched my dick between the tight globes.

The whole thing sent me into overdrive, and it became too much. I forgot about Lex's cock and wrapped both arms around him as I began wildly pumping my shaft up and down his crease.

Lex countered my thrusts with his own body, giving me the leverage I needed. The orgasm hit me out of nowhere and nearly took me to my knees. I shouted as the pleasure tore at every nerve ending I had. The pressure in my balls was painful as shot after shot of semen felt like it was being ripped out of my body. Waves of pleasure shot up and down my spine and floated out to my limbs as the orgasm went on and on. I could feel my release dripping down from where it had pooled briefly in the small of Lex's back.

Something hot hit my forearm as Lex let out an ungodly moan and said my name. I had enough sense to open my eyes and saw his own release shooting out of him in long white stripes that painted my arm and his stomach.

My orgasm seemed to go on forever, and by the time the coiled tension inside me began to relax, I felt worn out and I ended up slumped against Lex. We were both breathing too hard to talk, which was fine because I had no clue what to say. Everything had happened so fast and had been dictated by white-hot passion.

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