Home > Highest Bidder Collection(143)

Highest Bidder Collection(143)
Author: Lauren Landish

I’ve put up with my brother and father for years. But they brought Lilly into this and that firms my resolve.

I kiss Lilly’s hair softly, rubbing soothing circles on her back. But I stare straight ahead at the blank wall, knowing I need to kill them. Tonight.



Chapter 27






I’m a ball of nerves as I sit in Madam Lynn’s office, my mind on what just happened.

I killed a man.

I still can’t believe it. It’s nearly impossible for me to process. I keep thinking that I’m going to wake up and find out this was all some horrible nightmare. I pull my legs up into the chair, wrapping my arms around my knees.

But it’s too fucking real.

Never in a million years, would I have thought I’d wind up in a situation like this. It’s like a real life action movie. Hell, it’s even like one of my romance novels. Except there might not be a happy ending for this one.

The thought chills my blood.

Even worse, I thought Joseph was going to die. I saw him die. I know I did. I couldn’t pull the trigger as the man came after me. But I saw Joseph. I saw the bullet. My chest tightens as I remember the gun pointed at his head. God, I can hardly breathe remembering it. My heart felt like it was ripped from my chest. Even now I get cold sweats thinking about it. He was so close to death.

Had I not walked in right at that moment, he would’ve died. They were going to kill him.

I’m glad I shot that asshole. I’m glad he’s dead. I’ll never tell a soul. But I don’t regret it. Not for a single moment.

And now I’m here. Stranded in an office in Club X. Joseph left me here, shoving cash into my purse and telling me that they’d protect me.

He pushed me away. He told me they would protect me, literally pushing me into the arms of People I don’t even know.

And now I’m ready to leave. I rest my face on my knees. My eyes feeling hot against my cool skin. I just want to get the fuck out.

I’m tired of being in this office. I either want to be with him, or I want to go home.

I’m tired of being a prisoner.

I know after what happened, he’s pushing me away for my safety, trying to figure things out. And he wants me to be where he thinks I’m safe. I understand, I do. But I still don’t want to be here. I feel helpless sitting here and waiting around for I don’t know how long.

I look around the office. It’s so depressing. Just a medium-size room with a large oak desk littered with papers and not a single window.

Besides the lamplight, it’s dark in here. Madam Lynn has been very nice to me and has done her best to make me feel comfortable with what she has to work with, but she hasn’t come back in, I glance at the clock above the door, for almost two hours. I haven’t seen anyone for hours. My heart flickers in my chest. I don’t even know if Joseph is still here. I cover my face with my hand.

How could he just leave me here?

I shake my head and put my feet back on the ground. He has to know by now I can’t live without him. Isn’t it obvious that I love him? He must know.

Restless, I get up from my seat and pace the floor, wondering what the hell I should do.

I want to leave, but I’m not sure if I’ll be safe. And he told me to stay here. He practically pleaded with me to do as I was told.

The door opens and I pause mid stride as Joseph walks into the room. My lips part and my breath halts.

My heart skips a beat at the sight of him. Dressed in dark slacks, a crisp, black dress shirt and coat, he looks pale and a little rough around the edges with a day’s worth of coarse stubble around his jawline, but he’s never look so damn good to me. I’m so relieved to see him after being secluded in this room for hours.

“What’s going on?” I ask him, immediately going to him.

He looks at me, holding me as I put my hands on his chest. But he doesn’t answer me. My skin pricks with a chill. I know he’s hiding a gunshot wound under his shirt. He has to be in pain. But I want to beat the shit out of him. Tell me what’s going on!

I cross my arms over my chest, moving away from him and shoving the emotions down.

“You don’t need to worry about it,” he says finally, walking over to stand in front of Madame Lynn’s desk. There’s exhaustion in his voice, but he’s doing his best to hide it. My eyes feel heavy and raw. I swallow thickly, not knowing what to do or say.

“You owe me more than that,” I say warily. “You almost died. I –” I swallow thickly.

And now I’ll never be the same. The room is filled with nothing but the sound of my beating heart as he stares back at me, saying nothing. Offering me nothing.

I gesture sharply at him, pointing my finger at my chest. “I deserve to know.”

Joseph shakes his head. “You don’t need to know anything.” His words are hard, but his eyes are soft. “I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“Keeping me in the dark is not keeping me safe,” I say with every ounce of sincerity I have.

When that doesn’t get through to him, I add, “And I absolutely hate it here.” I sound like a petulant child and I hate it. But I really can’t stand it here. I’d almost rather be in my fucking cage. And that’s saying something.

His eyes study my face for a moment, and a twinge of hope goes through me. Maybe he’ll change his mind. But when he speaks, his voice is firm. “It’s the best place for you right now.”

I start to argue with him when the door swings open and in walks a man I met when Joseph brought me in here. Zander.

I turn in his direction, taking in his appearance. With chiseled features, dark blonde hair, he’s a handsome man, dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt. Tall and noble-looking, but with eyes like his, he looks like he holds just as many secrets as Joseph does. It makes me wonder if this club is filled with men like them.

I guess it would make sense. Men like these don’t become rich and powerful without accumulating secrets.

Joseph turns away from me to meet Zander’s gaze. “What did you find out?” he asks him.

Zander glances at me for a moment, as if debating if he should talk in front of me. But Joseph gives him a slight nod to go ahead. The pain in my chest loosens from his gesture. At least he trusts me with somethings.

“I know for a fact it was your brother,” Zander says. Like Joseph, his voice deep and rich, and it has a kind of calming quality to it. He stares at Joseph as if waiting for a violent reaction. “He set you up.”

Joseph’s quiet for a moment, and I can only wonder what he’s feeling right now. His own brother tried to have him killed? It’s not hard for me to comprehend after reading his journal. I know it still hurts him though. It makes my heart ache for him. I couldn’t begin to comprehend being in such a position.

There’s a coldness in Joseph’s eyes that scares me when he answers, “I already know that.” It reminds me of death.

“Good, then you’ll be taking care of that matter soon?” Zander asks, taking a seat in the corner of the room as if we were talking about a sale on dry cleaning.

My heart skips a beat as I realize what this is about.

I don’t even have to hear him say it. I know he’s going to kill his own brother. His own flesh and blood. Joseph’s answer is short, “yes.”

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