Home > Bad Habits_ A Dark Anthology(46)

Bad Habits_ A Dark Anthology(46)
Author: Yolanda Olson

I briefly contemplate punishing her next time for driving me mad like she is, chasing me toward the edge and leaving me dangling over the precipice. Faith’s teeth catch against my clit, and I open my mouth in a silent scream as I come, shuddering and shaking on her fingers. Faith takes her revenge on me by continuing to fuck my pussy with her fingers, sucking hard on my tender clit while daringly pushing her tongue inside with her fingers until I’m shattering all over again.

The door bursts open as I let out a shriek of pleasure and come hard.

“Sister Emily and Sister Faith! What do you think you are doing?!” the almost ungodly screech of anger coming from Mother Superior rips through the air, making my heart freeze, and causing Faith to pause, her face still pressed against my body.

Neither of us moves or says a word as we wait for the explosion, “Clean yourselves up immediately, make yourselves decent and get to my office in fifteen minutes. No excuses!” Mother Superior barks at the top of her voice, and I feel Faith flinch from where she’s still positioned.

The door slams shut, and Faith looks up at me with horror, guilt, and embarrassment stark on her pretty features. Turning away, she wipes her mouth on the back of her hand, grabs her underwear, and walks out of the room without a backward glance, leaving me alone. The weight of what I’ve done is crushing, but I don’t feel any remorse about doing it, I only regret the way Faith looked at me before her abrupt exit. I’ll be lucky if she ever forgives me, especially by the time Mother Bitch has finished with us.



Chapter Fourteen



Sister Faith



I can’t believe Mother Superior caught us, especially at the moment she did when I had my head between Emily’s legs. The power I held over her was incredibly satisfying, more so than I expected, even from my seemingly subservient position, kneeling at her feet. It was poor timing to have Mother Superior burst in at that moment, but maybe I can turn the blame away from me.

I almost feel guilty for my plan to pin this all on Emily, but it was her willful carelessness that got us into this mess in the first place. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was yet another ploy to get me into trouble, although the look of dismay and shock on Emily’s face said otherwise.

I had to get out of there. I had to get away from the evidence of her arousal and pleasure in plain view, and away from the room that she has tainted with sin…where she has tainted me. I submitted and allowed her to repent as she chose, but it was another of her games. I was wrapped up in the feelings she was releasing within me, and forgot my mission, my faith, and all of the right choices. I chose to repay her in kind, and the opportunity was rife in that moment. Alas, it seems to have worked against me, but I intend to change my fate if I can.

I hurry along to the bathroom, and heading inside, I lock the door behind me and strip out of my habit. I quickly and carefully scrub every inch of me she has touched with her tongue, trying to ignore the lingering buzz that makes me shudder every time I brush over my clit with the washcloth. Satisfied that I’m clean, I dress once again and exit the bathroom. Keeping my head down, I walk through the long corridors of the convent to Mother Superior’s office.

When I get there, the bench outside is empty, but I don’t sit down. Instead, I decide to get this over with and take advantage of Emily’s absence. It will be easier if I don’t have to look at her face while I lay the blame entirely on her doorstep. It pains me to do it, but I can’t risk losing my place and my life here.

“Come in.” Mother Superior's clipped tone easily reaches me through the solid wooden door.

Taking a deep breath, I clasp the handle and turn it. I push the door open and walk inside to face my fate.

“Sister Faith, where is Sister Emily?” she asks, noting I’m alone.

I shake my head, “She’s not here yet, Mother Superior,” I answer meekly.

I may not be as simple and innocent as my sisterhood believed, but Sister Mary Margaret still very much intimidates me.

“Late as always. No matter, I will talk to you first. You and Sister Emily have disgraced yourselves. You have disrespected God by engaging in sinful activities and breaking a number of our sacred virtues. Explain yourself,” Mother Superior says, disapproval written all over her face and in her words.

I drop down onto my knees and then prostrate myself in front of her, bowing my head in shame. “I’m sorry, Mother Superior. I did tell her to stop, but she was constantly teasing me and trying to tempt me into sin. I tried to do what you asked and help her, but she wouldn’t listen. She wouldn’t keep to the righteous path laid out for her, no matter how hard I tried to help her stay on it. Sister Emily did everything she could to lead me astray, and I regret to say she was successful. I made a mistake, I never meant to let it get so far!”

“I thought you were better than this, Sister Faith. Is there anything else you need to confess?”

“I never told you how bad it had gotten, because I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me for failing, but everything got out of hand. She would regularly abandon her chores and leave me to pick up the slack, but the real problems started when I walked in on her ringing the devil’s doorbell and screaming my name with lust as she did so. I wish I had told you sooner, but she manipulated me. Please forgive me, Mother. I’ve sinned, and I need to be punished for it.”

I lift my head to look at her, unsure of what to expect, but she looks slightly calmer, more thoughtful.

She finally nods in agreement before responding sharply, “Yes, my child, you shall be chastised. Stand up, move over to the desk, lift your habit above your waist, and lower your underwear.”

I rise up as gracefully and quickly as I can, and make my way over to the desk. Although I’ve seen the welts and faded scars on Emily’s ass, I’ve never been punished by Mother Superior before. I do as I’m ordered, and brace myself, tensing in wary anticipation of the first cut of the cane.

“Relax, and it won’t hurt so badly,” she orders, and I do try, but when the wood connects with my backside, I can’t stop the howl that leaves my mouth.

The cane hits again, swishing through the air and striking me with a resounding thwack. I do everything I can not to tense up, but it doesn’t work. My eyes water, and I clench my teeth to keep the scream in. Blow after blow lands on my ass, and I give up trying to hold back the agonized sounds leaving my mouth. The latest one she delivered made my vision turn white, and I nearly deafened myself with my own screeches… I think she may have broken the skin.

After what feels like hours, the beating finally ends. My legs are wobbling, tears are streaming down my face, and my voice is hoarse.

“That’s enough. You have borne your punishment for your transgressions and are now forgiven. Return to your room, Sister Faith, and continue to repent. Contemplate on how you may cleanse your soul of the darkness that has been laid upon it by Sister Emily.”

“Yes, Mother Superior. Thank you,” I reply weakly.

Standing up straight, I carefully pull my underwear over my stinging, sore ass before letting my habit drop back down to cover me once again. I walk to the door on unsteady legs, and on opening it, I’m met by the fearful, white face of Sister Emily. After briefly catching her gaze, I avoid her eyes and walk away, wincing as my ass throbs painfully. I leave her there, along with the guilt over what I’ve done. I’ll repent and regain the grace that I’ve lost today. I’ll strive, once again, to be a pillar of diligence and make myself worthy in the eyes of our Mother Superior and God.

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