Home > Just Another Silly Love Song(15)

Just Another Silly Love Song(15)
Author: Rich Amooi

Kyle pointed to the screen. “Look. Up five hundred percent compared to the same time yesterday. And people are still commenting and sharing. The numbers keep going up and up and up!”

Ben and I leaned closer and smacked our heads against each other.

“Ouch.” I rubbed the side of my head and winced. “You’re hard-headed.”

He massaged his noggin. “Likewise.”

We turned and inspected the live social media statistics, the numbers continuing to climb. We glanced at each other again.

I couldn’t tell which one of us was more shocked.

“The listeners like us?” I finally said.

How could they like us when I didn’t even like us?

“But why?” Ben asked.

Kyle slapped his laptop shut and walked back around his desk to his chair, taking a seat. “Of course, they like you. The back and forth between you two was mind-blowing and so bizarrely in sync. It was like you had been together for years. Awesome chemistry.”

Chemistry? What was this guy smoking?

“If your first day is any indication, this is going to be huge. Anyway, right now I need to get corporate on the phone and give them an update. We can talk more about the future after your show tomorrow. Keep up the good work.”

Ben and I both stared at Kyle.

The future?

Was he serious?

How could there possibly be a future with me and Ben?

I think I’m going to be sick.

Ben walked out of the office, shaking his head, not one word coming from his snarky mouth.

I turned to leave but Kyle stopped me. “Lori . . . keep doing what you’re doing.”

I flipped back around, still a little in shock. “To be honest, I don’t know exactly what I was doing. The show felt like a train wreck to me.”

“Not even close. You had three hours of borderline perfection. You have to understand that people are into the conflict and drama and the he-said-she-said. It’s all about the ratings. So, assert yourself more with Ben. Have fun with it.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “Fun? But how can I have fun with a man who’s so arrogant? Honestly, he’s not a nice person at all!”

“There’s more to Ben than meets the eye. Appearances can be deceiving.”

I studied him. “What are you telling me? The caveman isn’t really a caveman?”

Kyle laughed. “Just think of yourself as two actors playing to a live audience, but instead of being on television or on stage at the theater, it’s radio! There’s really no difference at all. You both are entertaining the listeners.”

I blinked. “But with me, what you see is what you get. I’m not acting and I find it hard to believe that Ben is, if that’s what you’re telling me.”

“Ben’s a big teddy bear, once you get to know him. He does more for the community than anyone at this radio station.”

“Are we talking about the same Ben Baxter?”

Kyle smiled. “Google him if you don’t believe me.” He grabbed the phone and held it up. “I really need to make this phone call now. We’ll talk again tomorrow.” He started dialing.

“Yeah . . . tomorrow.” I could barely get the words out.

I walked out of Kyle’s office shell-shocked, because of three things.

The listeners loved our show.

I was going back for a second day on the air.

Dr. Tough Love was supposedly faking it.

Well, according to Kyle he was.

The last one was something I just couldn’t wrap my head around.

I staggered toward the front door, deep in thought, when I glanced up and saw Debbie, the receptionist.

“Hi, Lori! Great show this morning!”


It felt odd saying that since I thought the show was a disaster.

Then I remembered what she had told me.

If you ever need anything at all, or need to know something, just ask.

I hesitated but then stepped toward the counter, the curiosity eating me up so much that I couldn’t walk out the door without asking.

I needed to know if Dr. Tough Love was all just an act.

“Hey, I have a question for you, if you don’t mind.”

Debbie smiled. “Of course. Anything.”

I leaned across the counter and whispered, “It’s about Ben Baxter . . .”

Her face lit up.

Debbie got out of her chair and moved closer, looking around to make sure nobody was listening. “I know. Gorgeous, right?”

I hesitated, not wanting to think about that or even answer the question. “Uh . . .”

Debbie leaned in even closer. “Yes, he’s single, in case you’re wondering.” She winked.

“No!” My response startled Debbie so much that she plopped back down into her chair. “I mean—that’s not what I wanted to know.”

“Oh, sorry. It’s just that almost every woman in the building has asked me that question at one time or another. What was your question?”

Now, I wondered if I should just let it go. I didn’t know her well enough to know if she would start spreading rumors if I asked if Dr. Tough Love was faking his persona on the air. She would probably think I was prying because I liked him, and that’s the last thing I wanted.



Debbie tilted her head to the side, analyzing me. “You had a question about Ben?”

“Well . . .” Think fast. Anything. “Yeah . . . have you seen him?”

It was the safest question I could think of, since he had already left the building.

“Yeah—he’s right there.” Debbie pointed behind me. “Ben! Lori wants to talk to you.”

Okay, that question certainly backfired on me.

I froze as I heard the footsteps behind me getting closer.

Ben was directly behind me.

I could feel it.

He cleared his throat. “What’s up, Lori? You needed me?”

I twirled around to face him and forced a smile. “Same time tomorrow, I presume?”

Ben arched an eyebrow. “Yeah. Same time.” He analyzed me further. “You okay?”

“Fine!” I didn’t mean to yell. “I mean, yeah, completely fine. See you tomorrow.”

“Will I be seeing you with two mochas?”

“Ha. You think you deserve a mocha?”

“Well, yeah. I was on my best behavior today.”

“That was your good behavior?”

Ben nodded. “Of course. I was being a good boy.”

“I’d hate to see you when you’re a bad boy.”

He grinned. “That comes after hours and only by appointment.” He winked and walked down the hallway toward the sales offices.

What did he mean by that? And more importantly, why was I suddenly curious?

I turned back to Debbie, whose eyes were almost wider than her smile.

“What?” I said.

She leaned closer. “He likes you.”

“What?” I glanced back down the hallway, but he was gone. “Ben? Don’t be ridiculous. We have nothing in common.”

“Opposites attract.” Debbie winked at me.

I wiggled my finger at her and gave her a tsk tsk. “Not in this case. If one of us ends up dead, you’ll know who did it.”

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