Home > Evermore (When Rivals Play #2.5)

Evermore (When Rivals Play #2.5)
Author: B.B. Reid

ETA to Prom…56 days


“Tyra, you’re black, right?”

It was a Saturday morning, and we were all at Vaughn’s eating the huge breakfast spread his father’s team of cooks had made. Vaughn had even invited Barbie against his better judgment, along with Wren and Lou, who I was more than happy to see. They’ve been kind of honeymooning it in their love nest for the past two months and finally emerged to rejoin the world. Lou kept looking like she had a secret to tell, but I knew if she did, she’d never have lasted this long without saying something. I’m sure she was just excited and smug to finally be boning her best friend. She had shamelessly tortured and seduced him until he gave in, after all.

“Ask me if the carpet matches the drapes, and I’ll disembowel you right here, Buchanan.”

Jamie snorted and scooped a huge helping of eggs into his mouth. “Give me a fucking break,” he said with a mouthful. “I answered that question thoroughly years ago. Besides…” He swallowed this time before saying, “I already know you’re as bald as a baby’s ass.”

Everyone was shocked into stunned silence as we shifted our questioning gazes to Tyra.

Vaughn was the first to break the stunned silence. “How the fuck do you know that?” he roared.

Jamie’s smile was small as he methodically slathered cream cheese on a bagel, perfectly content to leave us in suspense. And then, with a teasing wink, he said, “Saw the reminder for her wax appointment on her phone.”

Everyone seemed to release a collective breath except Tyra, who screeched, “You guys actually think I fucked him?”

“Jamie can be persuasive,” I muttered guiltily, which earned an eye roll from Tyra and a scowl from Ever.

“How persuasive?” he demanded.

If Ever were a dog, he’d be foaming at the mouth right about now. Taking a cue from Tyra’s book, I rolled my eyes and could practically see the steam blowing from his ears. For the sake of finishing breakfast, I bit back a smile.

Hey, if he could prance around with a pretend girlfriend, then perhaps I could make myself feel less like a fool by torturing his ego.

That lasted about a minute or two before guilt sank in.

Not only had I agreed to the charade but Ever also made damn sure to never cross any lines. He only wanted to protect his friend, and I wanted to protect his conscience and share some of the burden resting on his shoulders. It had taken so much from him to give up rescuing his mom from a raging madman—at my urging—but then Wren Harlan had been his shooting star, and it all worked out. I was determined for this to work out, too.

Leaning over, I stole a kiss and earned his surprised though still slightly pissed gaze. “Only ever you.”

Slowly, the anger faded, and I was once again the girl he adored.

“Fucking better be,” he said with a confident smirk that made me want to deck him like I had soon after we first met. But I also knew Ever wouldn’t hesitate to take me over his knee no matter who was watching, and I knew I wouldn’t hesitate to put up a fight.

It’d be a shit show for sure.

“So, guys,” Tyra shouted cheerily. I think she was more than eager to redirect the conversation. Ever and I turned to see her regarding Lou and Wren. “How are you liking living together? It isn’t weird?”

“Not at all!” Lou answered with an affectionate smile. “I’m learning so much about my baby. Like how fast the toilet paper goes when he’s around.”

Wren’s lip curled into a mocking sneer. “I’m sorry that I need more than two squares to wipe my ass.”

“More like two rolls,” Lou corrected before laying a sympathetic hand on his arm. “It gets a bit explosive down there, huh?”

I nearly choked on my food trying not to laugh although Jamie had no such reservations and roared while the rest of the table pushed their food away. Wren and Lou went back forth for a while, but I was distracted away from their playful banter when Tyra leaned over and whispered something in Vaughn’s ear. When she finished, Vaughn nodded grimly. What struck me as weird was when his gaze found mine, he quickly looked away.

“Jamie,” Vaughn drawled, “it’s your lucky day. That stunt you pulled got you chauffeur duty. The girls want you to drive them around when they go dress shopping.”

Rather than getting upset, Jamie shrugged and reached for a strip of bacon. “Only if I get to help them try some on,” he retorted lasciviously.

“You don’t,” Ever, Vaughn, and for some reason, Wren echoed.

“Dresses?” I questioned. “For what?”

Everyone’s expression became equally bewildered, including Wren and Lou. It was the latter who answered when everyone else just stared. “For prom, silly.”

“Okay, how does she know that, but not you?” Jamie quipped.

“For one,” Lou sassed before I could respond, “I’m going. And two, maybe she just forgot.”

Jamie’s gaze narrowed before traveling back and forth and then settling on Ever. “You haven’t asked her yet, have you?” At Ever’s silence, Jamie’s lips spread into a wide smile. “This should be interesting.”

“Why would he need to ask her?” Lou argued in a tone suggesting Jamie was dense. “She’s obviously his girlfriend.” The sneaky smile and mocking tone made it clear how Jamie and Lou became such fast friends. They were both messy as hell.

“No, she’s his dirty little secret.” Jamie stood up from the table with a chuckle that strangely lacked humor. “Everyone will be expecting him to show up with her on his arm.” He pointed accusingly at Barbie, who had lost her bravado and looked like she wanted to crawl under the table.

She’d been little more than wallpaper since she sat down, and I didn’t blame her. Jamie usually baited her without cause. Opening her mouth would only add fuel to an already raging fire.

I wasn’t convinced that she couldn’t handle herself, though. Her eyes said everything her lips didn’t. And when they thought no one was looking, they’d have a silent battle of wills. Sometimes I had to look away because it felt too intimate.

As if I’d just walked in on them fucking.

I shuddered at the thought.

I’d gotten too used to them hating each other to see them reconcile enough to do… that.

Then again…

I remembered Halloween and the cornfield. Ever had ripped away the tape covering my naked body underneath, bent me over for anyone who discovered us to see and took me with a savage vengeance for the kiss that Jamie had stolen.

I flushed not only at the memory but at the possibilities.

If a moment of anger could have such delicious consequences, then I could only imagine what years of resentment would inevitably lead to.

“You’re blushing,” Ever whispered in my ear.

I jumped guiltily and peeked at him from under my lashes. He looked more confused than intrigued, and then I remembered the conversation at hand.

“It’s just a little hot in here,” I responded. He didn’t react to my lame excuse, but the look in his eyes said to try again. The air conditioning had to be working overtime to cool a place this big. Maybe that was why the French doors behind us had been thrown open to let in the cooling breeze.

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