Home > Legend(8)

Author: M.R.Leahy

My father reaches out, tucking my hair behind my ears. “Don’t worry about the how, Janey.” But I can see the burden of the purchase hidden in his eyes. He will be working off this debt forever.

“I can’t accept this, Papa. It’s too much,” I whisper, trying to hand it back to him.

Refusing to take it, he points to the paper. “Giving you this, is my life’s purpose. Just like this,” he says, gesturing around the room, “Is yours. I’ve always known you were meant for so much more than this, but I think it’s time I told you how I’ve known.” Swallowing hard, my father grabs my left hand. Flipping it over so my palm is facing up, he runs his thumb along the black webbed birthmark, the motion comforting as he’s done it for as long as I can remember.

“Your mother and I had tried so hard for so long to conceive a child,” he began. “We had just given up hope on ever raising one of our own when a psychic came into town.” Lost in the memory, my father shakes his head and lets out a small laugh. “I had forbidden your mother from seeing that woman. I couldn’t stand the thought of witnessing heartbreak in her eyes again. But no one could stop your mother when she put her mind to something. You get that from her,” he adds in admiration. “At first I was furious, but the second she looked at me with those bright green eyes so full of hope, and a smile that could melt the hearts of hangmen, I lost all my anger.”

“What did the psychic say, Papa?”

Still running his thumb across my palm, he answers. “She told your mom she’d been waiting for her, that the only reason she came to this town was because the gods had told her to. She gave your mother everything she’d ever wanted and blessed her with the promise of a child; a daughter who would break curses and change worlds. The chosen one.” he whispers, his face falling as he remembers what came next. “But she also warned your mother that with such a great gift would come great sacrifice.”

Guilt consumes me, making it hard to breathe. I’ve always known my mother died giving birth to me, but I didn’t know they knew it would happen.

Clearing his throat, my father meets my eyes. His voice raw with emotion as he seeks to console my grief. “She loved you with all her heart, Janey. She didn’t care one bit of the outcome, she knew this was her purpose, just like this is mine. Your mother would be so proud of the woman you’re becoming. We’ve always known your journey would be a thing of legends.”

Tears fall freely from my eyes as I place my fathers’ hand against my cheek. “You’re not coming with me, are you, Papa?”

Shaking his head, he pulls me in for a hug. The familiar scent of coffee and spice causes my heart to stutter. “My place is here, my daughter. But I know we will see each other again.”

“I don’t know if I can do this without you. I don’t know if I can face whatever it is I’m destined for on my own.”

“Janey, my precious girl. You’ve been preparing for this your whole life. You are the chosen one for a reason. Trust your heart, let fate guide you. You’ll never be alone.”

Holding my father's stare, I search for regret; regret for having me, for raising me, for having to watch me go. But as I look into those blue depths, it's not regret I find—its pride.

"Do you believe in the story, Papa?" I ask, my voice hoarse, the question holding a deeper meaning that only he and I will ever understand.

"I believe in you, Janey."



“You’ve risked the entire village by bringing this beast up here! How do we know this is not a trap?”

Perched on their thrones, in the center treehouse, the elders—the four oldest men of the islands; Raylen, Mangani, Lawrence, and Judiah–stare down at my mother and the beast in horror. Still unsure as to what’s going on, I stand guard behind the small crowd of villagers who look on with fear and curiosity. The second the beast uttered the words ‘chosen one’ my mother had ushered us to the village.

“I would never put our home at risk, Raylen.” my mother defends herself as she stands next to the beast.


Balling my hands into fists, I try to keep in control for my mother’s sake, but watching her shoulders slump under Elder Raylen’s scrutiny makes it difficult.

“You put us at risk when you fled with the former King of Beasts! You put us at risk again when you came back with that bastard son! And despite our forgiveness and generosity, you again risk us all by bringing none other than the King’s advisor into our home. Tell me why I shouldn’t just banish you to the jungle?” Raylen’s intense fury reverberates around us with every word he spits out.

Unlike me, who stands vibrating with rage, my mother lifts her chin showing no emotion. “Council, friends, I know I’ve let you down. But I beg you to hear him out. Tantor was a gracious friend to me in the castle and he has secretly been protecting us from the inside by keeping the hunters off our scent. He would not betray us.”

Tense silence blankets the room as the elders’ exchange glances.

“We don’t have time to debate my intentions,” the beast announces, stepping forward, placing himself between my mother and the council. Spinning in a slow circle, he meets every villager’s eyes landing and holding mine last. “The last of the prophecy has begun. The chosen one has woken, and war is once again upon us.”

Whispers roll through the room like a wave; some sound hopeful while others are fearful.

“Does this mean the gods have spoken?” a villager shouts, followed by another, and another…

“Will we see sunlight again?”

“Does this mean the beasts will be able to shift again?”

Turning away from me, Tantor faces the council. “Is this true?” Elder Mangani asks, leaning forward in his seat.

Tantor gives a short nod of acknowledgment. “It’s true, councilman. King Kircheck has grown strong, he has become one with prophecy and he has heard the call. His efforts to stop the chosen one from reaching the prince have now doubled.” All eyes turn to me and I realize I’m the prince they are speaking of.

A prince?

Still putting pieces together, my mind races as I try to comprehend what they’re saying.

“What is his plan?” my mother asks, bringing my attention to her. She stares right back at me with fierce protection in her eyes. Tantor's expression is full of regret, his hesitation obvious. “Tell me,” she demands, her voice raw.

“He plans to kill the prince and find the chosen one. With Prince Karzan out of the way, he believes the chosen one will make him the rightful king.”

My ears ring and my blood runs cold. Question after question clouds my mind, but two stand out over them all. What is this prophecy that they speak of and–

“Who is this chosen one?” Elder Raylen shouts his question above the noise.

The girl from my dream flashes before my eyes and I begin to lose control all over again. Quickly, I push past the villagers and rush for the door.

I need fucking air.

“Karzan!” my mother shouts for me to stop, but I can’t. I’m losing it. Between the dream, my parentage, and now this…prophecy. I feel as if my skin is going to burst.

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