Home > Legend(9)

Author: M.R.Leahy

Once outside, I pace the balcony, my stomps shaking the whole foundation of our village. Gripping my hair, I search for clarity.

“Karzan…” having followed me out, my mother witnesses me break down.

Spinning around to face her, I throw my arms out to my sides. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you just confide in me who my father was? Who you were?”

Holding her hands close to her chest, she trembles with emotion. “I didn’t keep it from you to hurt you, Karzan. I did it to protect you.”

“To protect me?” I ask incredulously. “The murderous King of Beasts is searching for me.” I slam my fist against my chest, causing her to flinch away. “He wants me dead. And you didn’t think it would be a good idea for me to know that?”

“No.” She throws her shoulders back and steps up to me. “I didn’t want you to grow up haunted by a vague prophecy that would dictate your entire future. I wanted you to be free of that burden. I wanted you to live.”

“It’s her, isn’t it?” I inquire, changing the subject, “The girl from my dream. She’s the chosen one. Isn’t she?” I think back to the dream and see it all with different eyes.

It was all so obvious.

My mother doesn’t answer me, but she doesn’t have to. The answer couldn’t be any clearer.

Spinning, I slam my fists against the railing. “She’s just as trapped as I am. Forced to be mated, forced to go to war, forced to be what? King?” Feeling defeated, I hang my head.

My mother’s soft footsteps alert me that she’s moved closer behind me. “I didn’t tell you, Karzan, because I wanted you to know yourself well enough to be able to decide your own fate.”

Straightening up, I face her. For the first time in centuries, I see the weight holding my mother down for what it really is. Reaching out, she grabs my hand and brings it so it rests on my chest. “What do you feel?”

Swallowing the emotions that threaten to choke me, I answer the same way I did all those years ago. “My heart.”

Moving to the tips of her toes, she cups my cheek in her hands. “What does it tell you, Karzan?”

Closing my eyes, I block all that’s around me and instead allow myself to listen and feel. Images of my life flash before my eyes. My mother, guiding me, raising me to be the man I am today. My people suffering, dying, being forced to live in hiding. I also see the beasts; I feel a connection with them that I’ve never felt before, and I know they’re my people too. They’re trapped within themselves, dying, starving for freedom. And then I see the girl from my dreams…my mate. And when I look at her, for the first time in my life, I see light.

Opening my eyes, the images vanish, but they don’t disappear from my mind. Breathing in deep, the crisp scent of change fills my lungs.

“It tells me to trust,” I admit.

A single tear tracks down her cheek and while there’s sadness in her eyes, there’s also pride. “Your story may have been written in the stars long before you were born, but it’s still your story, Karzan. If you feel strong, be strong. If you feel sad, be sad. If you feel love, then love. My son, just because it’s fate doesn’t mean it’s forced. It means that no matter the path you take, no matter the struggles you face, you’ll always end up where you’re meant to be.”

“I’m meant to be King, aren’t I?” I ask, stepping out of my mother’s grasp.

Smiling, she wipes away that lone tear. “You’re meant to be Karzan.”

Nodding, I let what she said sink in, before leaping onto the railing and grabbing a vine that hangs from the tree.

“Where are you going?” she asks, even though she already knows.

“To find my mate.”

Just as I’m about to jump, Tantor calls out, stopping me. Facing him, I find the entire village and council have gathered outside. “Just be careful, Prince Karzan. Kircheck has always been threatened by those greater than him. He’s desperate, and he will do anything to be rid of the humans and keep his place as king.”

Taking his warning seriously, I grip the vine a little harder. “Gather all the villages. Get as many humans together as you can. Send word to the beasts who have rebelled. If it’s a war he wants, then it’s a war he will get. And it will be the last one we face. The light is upon us; I can feel it.”

With eyes wide, Tantor falls to his knees and bows his head. “As you wish…my king. I will follow you into the afterlife.” One by one, they all fall to their knees, including the elders. Glancing back to my mother, I see the tears swimming in her eyes before she bends at the waist.

Now confident in my decision, I jump from the ledge. Swinging through the trees from vine to vine, I feel my purpose; I see my path, and I can taste my future.

Letting out a yell that echoes through the jungle I make my presence known.

I’m done hiding; I’m done letting my people suffer. I am King Karzan, and this is my jungle.



Watching my son disappear into the night, my heart constricts over his heavy burden. Knowing this day would come does not make it any easier. No amount of preparation can prepare your soul for such a thing.

I block out the voices of the villagers behind me, their excited murmurs of hope, fear, and curiosity too much for me to take.

“You’ve done well with him, my queen,” Tantor says, coming to stand beside me, both eyes focused on the jungle ahead. “King Klayton would be proud.”

Swallowing hard at the sound of my mate’s name, I study the only other beast who was ever truly kind to me within the castle walls. “What has been happening, Tantor? We’ve heard of rebellions within the kingdoms, human slaves, prisoners. Rumors that Kircheck has gone mad, that his strength is growing by the day.” Turning my body so I fully face the beast, I ask, “What is my son getting into?”

His features turn grim as he stares down at me. The knot in my stomach growing heavier with dread. “The king is powerful, Kala. I’ve witnessed him working with ancient black magic that was found in the dungeons of the castle, I’ve seen his animal trying to break free. But nothing compared to what I witnessed in young Karzan. What you’ve heard is correct, the kingdom is divided. Most of the beasts have seen the tragedy for what it really was; manipulation and ignorance. They rebel for the humans; they try and protect the ones trapped within its walls. But Kircheck, he fights them with fear and hope. Just like the humans, they’re desperate, some have lost the battle with their animals, and they turn savage. We’re all facing extinction. This is what the prophecy spoke of. This is what your son will save us from. We need him, and have waited a very long time to be free from the dissolute state the curse has trapped us in.”

“He’s just one person, Tantor,” I choke. “How is he supposed to bring us all back from…this?”

“Kala, he’s not just one person. Look around you.” Following his order, I glance around and find everyone listening to our conversation. “He is us.”

My body slumps with exhaustion, so much has happened; so much is going to happen. And I haven’t the faintest idea how best to support my son during his grueling quest. If only I had my king by my side; my mate… how I miss you so.

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