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Author: M.R.Leahy

Legend says that long ago, beasts–strong and powerful human-like beings that had the ability to transform into animals—coexisted in the world alongside man.

It is said that their King, Klayton, who was the strongest of all–ruled alongside Gods, following their prophecies and keeping peace between the two species.

But just like man, the beasts were fueled with emotions. Some began to see themselves as superior over man, while some men started to see the beasts as abominations.

War and death swarmed the lands, filling the rivers with wasted blood. No place was untouched, and no being was safe.

The Gods cried in anger and grief at the division and loss of their creations, their children. To prevent further loss, they created a last and final prophecy. One they knew would break down the division and bring forth a new species to end the war.

“Klayton, our son, King of the Beasts, your most sacred path has been laid before you. Go, find your queen, unite the species, and bring into this world a son of hope and change. A son fit to bring peace to all.”

“How will I find my queen, my lords?”

“From the moment you catch her scent, she will be all that you see. She will be your balance in life, your light in the dark, the gentle touch to your heavy hand. She will be your equal. Go. Find her. Cherish her. For this path laid before you is not a long one.”

“So, I must love only to lose it all?”

“Love is not easy, child. It’s patience; it’s sacrifice. Love is selfless. What is it you love most at this moment, King of Beasts?”

“My people.”

“And what would you do for your people?”


“When you find your mate–that same reason; that same drive will intensify. You will want assurance, and you will want safety. You will want the promise of tomorrow. Trust us, young king, for this is the only way.”

Not long after the Gods had spoken, did word of the prophecy circulate. For those who hid in fear, the news gave them hope. And those who were forced to fight in endless wars, the news promised peace. But for those who could not see past their blind prejudices, the news was nothing more than a threat.

“Do you believe them?”

“Of course, I believe them, brother. They are Gods.”

“The Gods are known for their trickery, Klayton. You of all people should remember that.”

“Regardless, Kircheck, I must follow the path they have set for me so I can give our people the peace they deserve.”

“Peace is won with war. It’s not given; it’s taken.”

“And that narrow-minded thinking is why you are not King.”

It was not long before the God’s visions began to arise. It is said the second the king scented his queen, he lost all control of his beast. Without warning, his clothes tore from his body, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a wolf the size of a man. They say his fur was as black as the night sky, and that his eyes glowed gold like the moon and stars. Nothing could stop him as the wolf king fled from the castle in search of his mate. He followed her scent outside the kingdom walls, through the endless jungle, to a human village hidden deep within the trees.


At that moment, through the blinding lust, he understood what the gods meant. He hadn’t laid eyes on the girl, yet he felt her, yearned for her, loved her. A Beast King and a Human Queen.

Unable to shift back into his human form, and unable to climb the trees, the wolf king paced beneath the treehouses howling and begging for his queen to reveal herself.

“It’s one of them! The beasts have found us!”

“We must run! We can rebuild!”

“Wait! What is he doing? He isn’t shifting to come up here. Maybe he’s wounded.”

“Look with your eyes, Kala, that beast is rabid! We must go!”

“I can’t…”

The future Queen may not have understood the forces behind the pull she felt towards the strange crazed wolf below, but Kala was the chosen one for a reason. She did not question what her heart told her, her whole life she’d followed it blindly and without question. She wasn’t about to begin second guessing things.

Though her village shouted and cried for her to stop, she couldn’t. She knew that whatever waited for her on the ground below, was her destiny. Without looking back, the future queen climbed down the tree and met her beast with her head held high, her heart and mind open.

The King had never bowed down to anyone that wasn’t his Gods. But as his fated mate climbed down from the village above, the wolf put his nose to the dirt before her feet even met the ground. At that moment, she became his everything.

They say that Kala was fearless. That when she met the wolf, she didn’t hesitate; she didn’t cower, she reached out with steady fingers and ran her hand through the beast’s midnight fur. Through her touch, the king gained the strength he needed to regain control over his wolf, and before the human girls’ eyes, the wolf transformed into the King of Beasts.

“King Klayton,” she whispered his name in awe.

“What is your name, human?”

“Kala, my lord.”

“Kala…can you feel this between us?”


Her admittance was all the king needed. It’s said the mated couple barely made it past the tree lines before their need for each other consumed them completely. The king knew without a doubt they created a life that night; a prince, a future king to rule and bring peace to all.

Despite their bliss, Klayton knew that this time of pure happiness and love was limited. For three days, they hid in the jungle learning everything about one another. Their likes and dislikes, their passions and fears…their people. With open eyes and an open heart, the king saw the true devastation the wars had caused and knew that change must happen.

It wasn’t going to be easy, and it wasn’t going to happen overnight, but it was going to happen. The king knew no matter what, all would be right. The Gods had given him a Queen that was strong and wise enough to help him make it so.

“Are you ready to meet your people, my queen?”

“They’re going to hate me…”

“Do not taint your mind with those thoughts, Kala. You are who the prophecy chose. You are my mate; you are my light. There will be those, human and beasts alike, who will fight against this union as they have since the whispers of the prophecy began. They’ll try and tear down what we build, but they cannot defeat what is meant to be. They cannot defeat love.”

“Love...how can you be so sure that this is love?”

“What does your heart say, Kala?”

Trusting herself, the Queen uttered the words she felt in her heart. “It says this is fate.”

The weeks and months following the introduction of the new queen were some of the hardest their world had ever faced. They had in fact created life, and with the swelling of their child in her belly came more deaths, more destruction. Although the prophecy rang true so far, people were fearful. The darkness overshadowed all light…the people were quickly losing hope.

“You are blind, brother! You can’t see past your infatuation with the human girl to realize the gods are playing you for a fool! They don’t want peace. They want a game; a show, and you’re just a pawn.”

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