Home > Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(48)

Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(48)
Author: Stephanie Hudson

“Good girl.” After this he walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind him, making me turn around to face the mirror at my back so I could see my reflection and ask it,

“What the hell just happened?”

Naturally, the traitorous bitch had no answers for me.


I didn’t know how long I took getting ready, or how long it was before I even started to. I just stared at the door before staring at myself in the mirror as if either one of these views would explain to me what was happening?

This was in hopes that the last few hours would somehow begin to make sense to me. The biggest question of all being what the hell was he doing. Fuck that, what the hell was I doing?! A question I had asked myself at least six times during this whole ‘getting ready’ order Lucius had given me. Now the question was, did I want to go on a date with him, Gods no! But did I want to walk back out the door and tell him this…? That was the ‘Hell no’ that won. As I wanted to do that even less. Because I couldn’t face him right now.

So, instead, I focused all my energy on getting ready and yes, of course I went the extra mile in trying to achieve amazing results. This with the aim that with one look at me and it was powerful enough that I could bring him to his knees and crumple at my feet at the sight of my beauty! Then I could bolt for the door and do a runner. But then, in all honesty, I was a woman about to go on a date with her ex and wanted to look amazing, as after all…

I was only human!

Of course, achieving this would have been easier had my eyeliner stopped making mirror imprints on the arch of my eyelid every time I opened my damned eye. So this meant redoing one eye twice and using I don’t know how many cotton buds to achieve this. Now, as for stabbing myself in the eye with one, well that was thanks to Lucius knocking on the door and scaring the shit out of me. But he did this to inform me that he had hung my black lace dress behind the door making me mutter in a mocking way,

“I guess I am wearing the black lace dress then.” Then I stuck out my tongue at myself pretending it was Lucius, aka, Mr bossy ‘date me’ pants. Although, to be fair, it was the only fancy dress I had, so it made sense. But to know that he had obviously gone through my things, well let’s just say, it hadn’t exactly given me the warm and fuzzies!

The major thing that still hadn’t made any sense, was why the bathroom was filled with my beauty products and the living room of his suite was filled with my luggage? Because as we had left the museum I had told him, one cup of coffee and that was it. Something he had agreed to. Well, so far it had started with a quick conversation over coffee, with the choice to leave after I have heard him out, now to somehow being in his hotel suite. Somewhere, I will add, where he obviously intended me to stay and go on a date with him. Like seriously, when had I allowed all of this to happen?

Of course, this was Lucius we were talking about. He might not be able to manipulate my mind with the power of his will, but he wasn’t without his other skills in the art. Which was why I got to the point of not being able to put it off any longer. As I had already found my outfit hanging up, with my underwear hooked over the hanger making me want to growl at him.

I had to say that spending the entire evening with him knowing what my underwear looked like wasn’t exactly going to add to the cool ice queen persona I had decided to go with. Especially when I opened the door and saw him standing there looking like sex on a stick. Gods, but why hadn’t I just invested in a vibrator…or a sex shop?

He was wearing navy-blue suit trousers, a black leather belt and a crisp white shirt tucked in at the waist and naturally, rolled at the sleeves. Black dress shoes completed the sexy look. His trademark glove could be seen, this one made of black strapping that, damn him, only ended up adding to the sex appeal.

Of course, so did the dusting of blonde stubble kissing his jawline and the way his hair had been styled back. It parted a little at the side, as if he had got out the shower and just run his fingers through it a few times working with where it fell naturally. And as much as I hated to admit it, it did make for the most perfect sight when I opened the door being faced with his magnificence. My heart fluttered and my lady bits…well hell, I didn’t even want to think about what they were doing! Most likely drooling, spreading wide and wolf whistling to get his attention…had my pussy been a cartoon character that was.

I walked out to find him leaning casually against the arm of the sofa, his handsome features illuminated slightly by the screen of his phone that he was looking down at. But then, at the sound of me opening the door, his head snapped up. Then his eyes scanned the length of me, doing so slowly and with the keen eyes of a predator, one with the sole purpose of taking in every inch of me. And well, the moment that dark grin, the one that promised so much more than I was ready for, started to appear, I couldn’t help but shiver. He didn’t miss it either, as his eyes flashed amber before they shimmered back to bluish, grey steel.

Then he tossed his phone to one side, never taking his eyes off me before making his move towards me. It was like a killer on the hunt and I tried not to squirm under the intensity of it all.

“You could make a Goddess shy away from your beauty, for it knows no bounds, my Khuba,” he told me making me blush and drop my head, finally free from the sight of him approaching me. But then he wasn’t happy with this and took hold of my chin so he could bring my gaze back to his.

“But these eyes…these fucking eyes. Gods, but the power they hold over me is fucking limitless!” he said before leaning down ready to kiss me again and I turned my head just in time to avoid it, telling myself that I couldn’t let him do that again. Not until I have had my answers and discovered what was going on. Because his kisses were dangerous. They had the power to lure me in and make me forget. They had the power to give me hope, and I knew how painful hope could be.

They had the power to entrap me in the promise of him forever.

In the end, his kiss landed on my cheek instead and I ignored his growl of frustration at not getting what he wanted.

“Thank you,” I said on a barely heard whisper as my emotions were making my voice too thick to push past my lips any louder. Then I took a much-needed breath and after stepping away, something he thankfully allowed, I granted him a look up and down before telling him,

“You look nice too.”

“Nice?” he mocked making me fight a grin.

“Very nice?”

“Damn, but I must be losing my touch if the word nice comes up…in fact, I think I am hurt,” he said teasing me by placing a hand to his heart as if I had damaged him. I laughed once and said,

“I think your ego will survive, big boy.” To which he replied,

“Well, the big boy compliment certainly helps.” Then he winked at me making me laugh,

“It wasn’t a compliment.”

“No, it was a compliment aimed at you,” he said before slowly looking down at himself and making my eyes follow to see for myself what he meant.

“Lucius! Gods, can’t you…” I said putting a hand in front of my eyes to hide the very obvious erection straining the material down his impressive length. He laughed unapologetically and said,

“What, hide it? And just where do you suggest I do that…? As I am not sure you will like my preferred suggestion so soon,” he said with a grin at the horror on my face.

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