Home > Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(50)

Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(50)
Author: Stephanie Hudson

“And also, even a little sexy,” he teased making me turn quickly in his arms, so I could slap his big bicep and say,

“I thought I told you…omg you’re completely naked!” I shouted the second I saw the tangled sheet reveal as much. The sight making me react totally irrationally considering our history as I started to scramble backwards. But seeing as this was me, I misjudged the fact we were completely on my side, which meant I fell out of bed with an umpf. Then, after the chuckling had stopped, his head popped over the side and he said in a cocky tone,

“I believe we have been here before.” I threw an arm over my face and grumbled,

“Great, does that mean I am allowed to slap you again?”

“Mmm, well, seeing as I know where it ends…most definitely,” he purred making me groan, even though my cheeks were going red under the cover of my arm.

“Although, I do remember you wearing significantly less clothes at the time,” he said and I felt him pull at the t-shirt I wore, making it tent over my breasts with a pinch of his fingers. It was huge on me and obviously one of his that I had no recollection of changing into.

“As it shall stay,” I told him dryly making him mutter,

“Spoilsport…you know, you were far more accommodating last night.”

“I will now go back to my earlier statement of…Lucius, stop talking.” He laughed and carried on anyway…but of course he did, I thought rolling my eyes under my arm.

“In fact, it was harder to get you into clothes, seeing as you were determined to keep taking them off and throwing them at me.” I lifted my arm and muttered up at it,

“Oh my Gods, you’re evil.” He ignored this and continued to add to my horror,

“I can honestly say, that in all my years, I have never felt so much like a rock star as I did last night.”

“Correction, make that primeval,” I muttered making him laugh.

“Are you intending to stay down there for the rest of the day?”

“Yes, at least until I am thirty,” I told him, hearing for myself the grin… how, I didn’t know but I would have put money on it being there.

“Then should I join you and we can make camp?” I couldn’t help it, I laughed at that.

“I never took you for the boy scout type, Lucius.”

“That depends, are they wine drinkers or beer?” This brought back some memories of how the night started, making me want to gasp in horror as they started to flow back to me. But instead of giving anything away I told him,

“The only grape you will find those kids drinking is of the Kool-Aid variety.” Of course, he saw through my bullshit strained response and said,

“Your memories of last night are starting to come back to you, aren’t’ they?”

“No, they are not, and I swear if you mention the D word, then I will shoot you…I’m getting quite good with a gun now, you know.”

“Yes, but like you said, they take murder quite seriously here…now come back on the bed,” was his answer.

“No, I’m fine down here and given your last comment, I think it’s safer for you if I…hey!” I complained the second I felt him get out of bed, lifting me into his arms before putting me back in bed.

“And just what D word is it you’re referring to?” he asked, now I was back in his arms and I had to admit, there was most definitely worse places to be.

“Lucius,” I said his name in warning, as he started to whisper,


“Lucius,” I continued to warn him on a growl,

“Drinking?” he tried again, making me raise my hands to my ears and say,

“Lalalala, not listening.” Then I felt him shackle my wrists and forcefully pull my hands down so he could whisper against my jaw this time,

“Dancing.” I turned my face away and shouted,


“Be at ease, sweetheart, the night was an enjoyable one and that is all that matters,” he told me, his voice sincere and comforting.

“Well, at least I wasn’t sick this time,” I pointed out making him chuckle.

“There is also that.” I finally decided it was time to get serious, so I rolled back to face him, so we were both on our sides. Then I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear in a nervous gesture. He watched me do it silently, with a half-smile playing at his lips.

“Ask your question, Amelia.”

“It’s just…did we, I mean last night…did we, you know?” I said rolling my hand around in between us making him grab it in his and pull it close to his lips so he could start biting on the tips of my fingers. Then he repeated,

“Did we…? You’re gonna have to be more specific here…I believe we did lots of things last night.” I rolled my eyes, ignoring that spark of heated amber in his eyes and said,

“Did we have sex, Lucius?”

“See that wasn’t too hard now, was it?”

“Kind of part of my question, Lucius.” I responded dryly, referring to his obvious manhood that usually needed to be hard to achieve what I was getting at. Something Lucius clearly didn’t have any difficulties with, seeing as the bloody thing always looked ready!

“As disappointing as it is for me to admit, the answer is no, we did not. As trust me, sweetheart, one you would have remembered and two, my preference in a partner during the act is for them to be a little more coherent than you’re drunken state allowed.” God’s, but I swear he was trying to get my cheeks to melt right off the bone! A fact he didn’t fail to notice seeing as he was currently running the back of a finger down my heated skin.

“But I remember you carrying me to the bed and then us kissing and then…well granted, I don’t remember much after that,” I confessed.

“That’s because before that part of the night could continue as I would have liked, your head touched the pillow and you passed out.”

“And this?” I asked looking down at myself, referring to his t shirt.

“That was to hide the temptation from waking you up by continuing where we left off…it was for both our benefits, trust me, getting you out of your dress was torturous enough,” he said and looked strained as if the memory flashed back to him. My chuckle prompted him to add,

“I’m talking medals need to be purchased and awarded here, Amelia.” I blushed at this and tucked in my chin to smile. At this he got closer to me, lifted my face to his and whispered,

“Big, huge, fucking medals.” So, I tried to talk past my smirk and said,

“I will see what they have on Amazon.” He laughed at this and flicked my nose before shifting back and giving me at least a few more inches of space.

“Wow, I don’t even remember what it was we ate for dinner,” I said after my stomach chose that moment to growl.

“That would be down to the four cocktails before it and the three after it…don’t worry, I made sure you ate, and you hydrated,” he said nodding to the bottle of water next to the bed that was half empty.

“And the reason we are in bed together and you’re…erm, well clearly naked?” At this he grinned, looking down at himself and the abundance of muscles on show…I mean jeez, a girl didn’t have a chance! Especially when he lifted the sheet that was once again rested at his waist. Then he looked down at his body, one that was making a statement of saying hello to me in a very ‘erected’ and obvious way,

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