Home > One Of Us(2)

One Of Us(2)
Author: Samie Sands

In the two years since Marq had been old enough to be part of the Order there’d only been two sacrifices. Having two in the same week was unheard of.

The woman who’d asked about the snow at the last meeting was singled out, which was no surprise to Marq. He knew now his father had no visions. Natas didn’t talk directly to him.

It was all about the power. All about selfishness and fear. Natas didn’t have time to communicate with someone as low as his father, who’d been able to control the small group by keeping them away from the main group.

Marq wanted to ask why the sudden change.

Instead he let his father ramble about changes and how he’d need a new wife since the last had been a traitor, questioning his authority and trying to run away.

“Natas is everywhere,” his father said. “Natas will use us as his instruments.” He turned and pointed at Marq. “This is our new instrument. He will cleanse those who oppose the Order.”

“I asked a question,” the woman said.

His father turned and smacked the woman across the mouth, dropping her to the snow. “You dare question me again and I’ll make sure you die slowly, bitch.”

Marq stepped forward, pushing past his father. “I’ll handle this.”

His father smiled. “Behold. Natas speaks through me and my son now.”

Marq nodded. “I know what to do and why. Natas has shown me the light.”

The knife was in his hand and he stood next to the woman, putting the cold blade to her neck.

She began to plead for her life but Marq put a finger to his lips.

His father began to chant and the others joined in, most looking away at what was about to happen.

Marq could smell the fear and he knew it was right.

“Will you make a good wife?” Marq asked the woman.

She looked confused.

“I will need a wife now that I’m your leader,” Marq said.

He turned and struck his father in his exposed neck, the words he was chanting gurgling forth before the blood began to spray.

Marq stabbed him ten more times in the face. “Remove his jacket so I can perform the proper ritual.”

The others stripped his father, who was still alive, weak fingers grasping his torn neck, his punctured eyes unseeing.

Marq smiled and turned to the woman, motioning her to rise. “You will be my wife. Move in with me. Show me how to be a man in the bedroom.” He stared at the others. “You will serve me from this moment. We shall not join with the others. They will join with us. Natas has spoken to me.”

The others smiled as Marq began stabbing his father’s dead body over and over.

This is for mother, Marq thought.



ARMAND’S NOTE: this story loosely ties into my upcoming Death Metal supernatural horror re-release from Stitched Smile Publications. Death Metal was the very first book I ever sold and the rewrite of it is both challenging and inspiring for me as an author. I hope you enjoy this small little glimpse into the world.



Armand Rosamilia



Armand Rosamilia is a New Jersey boy currently living in sunny Florida, where he writes when he's not sleeping. He's happily married to a woman who helps his career and is supportive, which is all he ever wanted in life...

He's written over 150 stories that are currently available, including horror, zombies, contemporary fiction, thrillers and more. His goal is to write a good story and not worry about genre labels.

He not only runs two successful podcasts...

Arm Cast: Dead Sexy Horror Podcast - interviewing fellow authors as well as filmmakers, musicians, etc.

The Mando Method Podcast with co-host Chuck Buda - talking about writing and publishing

But he owns the network they're on, too! Project Entertainment Network

He also loves to talk in third person...because he's really that cool.

You can find him at http://armandrosamilia.com for not only his latest releases but interviews and guest posts with other authors he likes!

and e-mail him to talk about zombies, baseball and Metal: [email protected].



Only the Lonely

Sheri Velarde



Looking back Mike could remember the exact moment that led to this...

He had been shopping for groceries just like he did every Wednesday morning, getting the senior discount. Out of the blue the woman in front of him in line struck up a conversation. “Isn’t sad that at our age this is usually the highlight of our week?”

Mike just laughed, “How did you guess?”

“Oh I know the look. Let me guess, the kids are all grown up and you hardly ever see them. Sure they call once in a while, but they just don’t seem to have time for you anymore?” The woman continued.

“Yeah pretty much. My son and his girlfriend have me over for Sunday dinners though still. So that’s actually the highlight of my week.” Mike said.

“And your wife? Or husband? No judgement here.” The woman asked.

“She passed away a long time ago. What about you? Kids grown and gone? Your husband or wife?” Mike continued the conversation, liking to have someone who understood his empty and lonely life.

“Yes, both of my girls have families of their own. The youngest lives in Texas, but the oldest still lives here. I’m lucky if I see her and the grandkids once every two weeks, they are just too busy for this old lady. I’m Mary by the way.” She stuck out her hand.

“Mike. It’s nice to meet you.” He shook her offered hand. “It’s nice to meet a kindred spirit.”

“Well if you are interested in meeting more lonely hearts like us, you should join me tomorrow night at a little group that I belong to. Since I started going I feel alive once more.” Mary said, digging in her purse and pulling out a brochure of some sort. “We meet at that hotel downtown shaped like a pyramid, the coordinator of the group thinks it’s a fitting symbol of how we are rebuilding our lives. I hope to see you there tomorrow.” Mary smiled one more time before checking out.

Mike took the brochure and shoved it into his pocket, too busy putting his groceries on the belt for checkout. By the time he had paid, Mary had already left and he went about his day as normal. Later that night when he changed for bed he found the brochure in his back pocket.

The Prophet of Change invites you to create the life that you want for yourself. If you feel out of step with the rest of society, if you are looking to change your life and start living, then you have found the right group. We meet weekly to share fellowship, encourage each other to live our best lives, and learn skills to change ourselves and the world.

Underneath that was a list of classes that the group seemed to offer, a short biography of the leader, and the address of the hotel Mary had mentioned earlier. “Sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but what have I got to lose?”

The next evening, Mike showed up at the appointed time, looking around for Mary. “Welcome brother, are you a new believer?” A man asked as Mike entered the meeting room.

“Well this is my first time here, so I don’t know if I believe in anything.” Mike answered.

The man just smiled. “Welcome friend. You will believe soon enough.” He handed Mike a small book and ushered him into the room.

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