Home > One Of Us(3)

One Of Us(3)
Author: Samie Sands

Mike caught sight of Mary and hurried towards her, “You talked me into coming.” He said as he sat down next to her.

“How wonderful! I’m so glad you came tonight. You are going to love this group.” Mary beamed at him.

“It sounds a little bit like a cult, are you sure these people are on the up and up?” Mike asked in a whisper.

Mary just laughed. “Oh don’t be so dramatic. We are a bit new age here, but we are hardly a cult. Just listen with an open mind. The Prophet has taught me so much. I used to be lonely and depressed, now I feel like I’m thriving. I’m happier now in my sixties than I have ever been in my life. You know the Prophet is a psychologist right? He really knows what he is talking about, he just teaches it in a rather unorthodox way. You’ll see, this will change everything for you.”

Still skeptical, but happy to be out of the house and potentially making a new friend, Mike kept it to himself. Soon all the seats were filled and the doors shut. Mike could have sworn that they locked the doors too, but that he must be imaging things. Then from behind a screen came the man he could only assume was “The Prophet”. The man seemed to be a little younger than Mike, he would guess about mid-fifties. Small, balding, and mousy looking didn’t give off the vibe of being a prophet. But once he began to speak Mike understood why the room was packed, talk about presence.

The night seemed to go by in a blur, later Mike could not really recall all of the information given, only that he felt happy and content by the time the evening ended. He bought the books that were available for purchase and went home lighter than he had been in a long time. During the following week he read the books that the Prophet had written. He took assessments in them, he did the “homework” assignments. Mike even cancelled dinner with his son so that he could read and prepare for the meeting the next Thursday. It was time he did something for himself he thought, there would be time for family.

Everyone greeted him with enthusiasm when he showed up the next week.

“Hey Mike! Welcome back.”

“Good to see you again friend.”

“Mike! I’m so glad you made it this week.” Mary said as she gave him a quick hug. “Didn’t I tell you that you’d like this group?”

“You were right. I’m actually making friends, at my age that is quite something.” Mike said, smiling like he hadn’t in a long time.

The Prophet came out and started speaking and once again Mike would have been hard pressed to tell anyone what was said, all he knew is that he felt better than ever at the end of the meeting. He felt a sense of belonging, he no longer felt alone. When he heard that the Prophet was hosting a weekend retreat, well of course he signed up just like everyone else.

“Will I can’t make it to dinner again this Sunday, I’m going on a retreat with my new group of friends.” He called his son to cancel for the second week in a row.

“Dad, what kind of group have you gotten involved with? Don’t get me wrong I’m glad that you are out and about and making friends, but it sounds like you are spending a lot of money and with you being on a fixed income...” His son trailed off, concern evident in his voice.

“They are call the Prophet of Change and yes I am making friends. Most of the people are older and alone like me, we have so much in common. I’m learning about myself and how to be happy rather than lonely. It’s great. And don’t worry about my finances, I’m an adult after all.” Mike said.

“The Prophet of Change? Dad that sounds a little like a cult, especially if they are recruiting only lonely older people.” Will said.

“Nonsense. I thought the same thing at first, but I am not a member of a cult. We are a New Age group that is all.” Mike said with confidence.

The next day Mike packed and headed just out of town to a compound that the Prophet owned up in the mountains. “Wow, this place is huge. Look at all of the cabins!” Mike exclaimed when he saw the compound. “How can the Prophet afford all of this?”

“A lot of people live up here. That way they can help spread the word of the Prophet of Change. When my lease is up at my apartment I plan on moving up here. Imagine living next to like-minded people? After years of feeling invisible and alone, it’s a dream come true for me.” Mary said.

“He lets us actually live up here in all this peace?” Mike asked in awe. He had always loved the mountains, but thought that he could never afford to live there. Not to mention that he felt all alone himself in his small and bland apartment. Maybe this was the answer to the question he didn’t even know he had been asking.

The weekend went by in a blur and by the end of it Mike had indeed signed a contract stating that he would move to the compound as soon as his lease was over or sooner if he could. He would be provided room and board including a small allowance, all he had to do was sign over his pension and social security check each month. Sounded like a fair exchange to Mike.

When he got back to town and told his son and daughter of his plans, both were less than happy for him. His daughter told him to just move in with her and her family, but Mike didn’t want to move there. His son went back to his cult talk. “Dad, they are asking you to sign your retirement checks over. I don’t even know if that is legal and I sure as hell know that it’s not right. This is a cult, you need to get out of it now before you get in too far.”

“We are not a cult! You are just a non-believer!” Mike got mad and hung up on Will. He refused to answer his son’s calls and just started getting ready for his big move in a couple of weeks. He would just break his lease and move on with his life.

By midweek he had broken his lease and given away or sold most of his furniture, he wouldn’t need much other than clothes up at the compound. Thursday he went to the usual meeting of The Prophet of Change. As usual he left with a feeling of euphoria, but that all came crashing down when he got home and found his son Will waiting for him. “Holy shit Dad! You are nothing but skin and bones. Are you even eating or do you just listen to your cult? We need to get you to the doctor and make sure you are okay.”

“Oh stop being so dramatic. For your information I am eating more than ever lately. I feel better than I have in decades.” Mike walked past Will and unlocked his door.

“What the hell happened to all of your stuff?” Will exclaimed as soon as he saw the mostly empty apartment.

“Gave it away. Sold it. I am moving to the compound to be with my friends. I didn’t need that stuff any longer. Material things only hold us down you know.” Mike said.

“Dad, when are you planning on moving?” Will asked, speaking slowly.

“Soon. I broke my lease and just need to finish a few things up and then I head to the peace of the mountains.”

“What about me? And Sally? Don’t you care about your family anymore? Do you plan on coming to see us sometimes?” Again Mike wondered why Will was speaking so slowly and calmly.

“Of course I will come see you. I am not a member of a cult, I can come and go as I wish.” Mike said.

“Dad, I still think that you need to go see a doctor if you are eating as much as you say and dropping weight rapidly. I’m worried about you.”

“And I told you that I am fine. Never felt better.” Mike said stubbornly. “Now I need to head to bed, I have a busy day tomorrow.” With that he ushered his son out and locked the door. He didn’t know why, but Will’s calm demeanor made him want to get out of the apartment sooner rather than later. He made the decision to be out of there tomorrow and up at the compound before noon. That meant cleaning and packing through the night, but it would be worth it.

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