Home > Burn Zone (Hotshots #1)(32)

Burn Zone (Hotshots #1)(32)
Author: Annabeth Albert


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   “The rook’s getting better,” Garrick said as he handed Linc a box with a drill, some spare batteries, a few wrenches and assorted bits. The late Friday afternoon sun winked at them, promising a sunny weekend, one he was apparently spending building a play structure with Jacob.

   “He’s not doing too bad.” Linc put the box in the cab of his truck. He’d stick it in his garage when he met Jacob back at his place for their trek to Bend to pick up the parts for the play structure. He owned plenty of tools himself, but everyone seemed eager to take an interest in this project of Jacob’s from Garrick arranging for the discount to Sims producing a large plastic steering wheel to add to the fort and some little curtains for the windows.

   “His last several landings have been way better,” Ray added as he brought over a bucket of sand toys for the digging pit part of the structure. He’d said his kids had contributed the toys, but they looked suspiciously new. “And he kept his head during the controlled burn. Now he’s just got to pass the pack-out test.”

   “He will.” Laughing, Jacob came over to them, his truck parked not that far from Linc’s. His hair was still damp from a shower in the locker room, and he’d changed shirts. Not like dress clothes, but still he looked nicer than a trip to the home improvement store warranted in a blue shirt with buttons. “You guys don’t have to sound so surprised that I’m not flaming out of training.”

   “Now, don’t go getting a big head.” Ray clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re doing okay, but you still gotta put in the work.”

   “I know.” Jacob didn’t roll his eyes, but his tone said he was tempted. “We’ve got more jumps next week. Bring it on.”

   “That’s the spirit.” Garrick added his own light punch to Jacob’s arm. “I’m heading out. See you guys Monday. Bring pictures of the swing-set thing.”

   “Will do.” Jacob answered first. Linc was still trying to wrap his head around their whole social network conspiring to ensure that he and Jacob spent much of the weekend together. And sure, most of it was going to be either in public or under the watchful eye of Jacob’s family, but Linc still found it surreal.

   And for all he told himself that this wasn’t a big deal, it kind of was, deliberate plans that had nothing to do with sex. Sharing dinner simply because they wanted to and not as prelude to getting all tangled up on Linc’s couch as they already had twice that week.

   After saying goodbye to the guys, he drove home, trying to quiet the thrum in his veins when he saw Jacob already there, waiting for him. He helped Linc see to the dogs before they headed back to the truck. Part of Linc was disappointed that Jacob hadn’t tried for a quickie back at the house, what with his spiffy shirt and smelling extra good all of a sudden thing, but they did need to pick up the parts, so he restrained himself from being the one to nail Jacob to the mudroom door. Again. God.

   “I’m already hungry. Here’s to hoping we can be fast at the store.” Jacob stretched, more of that new shampoo of his filling the truck, as Linc headed for the rural highway that led south to Bend, heart of shopping and such in central Oregon. “Do you want me to suggest a place for dinner? I know a few places where you’re not likely to run into anyone you know and where two guys sharing a meal isn’t a big deal.”

   “This isn’t a date,” Linc protested, even though it sort of was, and he knew it.

   “I didn’t say it was. I was thinking of your comfort at being seen with me.” Jacob sighed like Linc was insufferable and maybe he was. “And when was the last time you were on a date anyway? Maybe you’ve forgotten how they work.”

   “I’ve...” Linc started to protest, then paused. He honestly wasn’t sure. Some double dates with Wyatt back in his twenties, painful setups with fresh-faced girls who deserved better. But on his own? It had been a while. “If we’re defining date as sharing a meal at a restaurant knowing sex is probably on the table after, then yeah, I’ve had a few of those. Probably fewer than you and not as much around here, but when I was bumping around from crew to crew, it wasn’t an unheard-of situation.”

   “Well, I’m a sure thing for later, and you know it. And we’re sharing a meal out. So...”

   Linc groaned because Jacob had him. “Fine. It’s a date. Happy?”

   “Ecstatic.” Jacob sounded exactly the opposite.

   “And I’m not a total country bumpkin over here. I know the sort of inclusive places you mean, and shocker, I actually know people who eat there. I’m not expecting us to stay anonymous no matter where we eat.”

   “You’re not?”

   “No. I’m not ashamed to be seen with you or something. Guys at work heard us make plans to go out to eat after getting the parts. It’s not a big deal.” Maybe if he said that enough, he might believe it. “Pick a place you like with red meat on the menu and decent portions, and I’m fine.”

   “Good.” Jacob’s tone was far more pleased now. “You know, I’ve always been curious why you don’t just come out. Wyatt’s homophobic high school squad notwithstanding, you mainly have open-minded friends, some of whom already know. You’re not cringing at the idea of strangers maybe thinking you’re on a date. You’ve had same-sex encounters prior to this...”

   Hills rolling by, Linc let a few more miles tick away before he answered. “You’re way more into labels than me. I don’t see it as being closeted, not anymore. My dad...he was a bastard.”

   “I know.” Jacob sounded all willing to be his champion again, making warmth bloom in Linc’s chest.

   “Anyway, he made Wyatt and his crowd look downright tolerant. I didn’t want any part of him knowing, not when I was still bailing out his messes. But now...it’s complicated. And I’m not sure it would make any difference. Not like I’ve got someone at home.”

   “True. Not like you’re in a relationship where it might matter.” With a wounded sigh, Jacob slumped in the seat.

   Linc hadn’t meant to hurt Jacob, and a heaviness settled over his shoulders. Not wanting to make it worse, he let Jacob stew as they started to approach more clumps of houses on the outskirts of Bend.

   Finally, he couldn’t stand the weighted silence anymore. “Out or not, it doesn’t change things between us.”

   “I get that, thanks.”

   “Fuck.” Linc was mucking it up, exactly as he’d feared. “Listen, even if I was staying, even if we didn’t work together, it would still be...”

   “Complicated. Your favorite word. Yeah. I know. Because you want to be noble or some such shit. And you made some promise to Wyatt a million years ago for God knows what reason.”

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