Home > The Power of Hades(13)

The Power of Hades(13)
Author: Eliza Raine

'My god, that's good. What is it?'

'Gods,' corrected Hecate. 'It's Nectar.'

'As in nectar and ambrosia?'

'Yeah, except if you drank ambrosia like that it would kill you. Until you get the ichor back in your veins, at least.'

'Ichor,' I said, cocking my head at her. 'That's gods blood, right?'

'Yup. And you're full of all that icky red human shit now,' she said, and sat down on the bed. 'Well done. I can't believe you picked seeds as your token though. You're a fucking lunatic.'

'Er, thanks?' I said, sitting beside her. 'What's wrong with seeds?'

'Well, nothing, but here you are risking life and limb, and you decide seeds are your worthy reward? Are you not worth more than that?'

'I, erm, I didn't really think about it like that. I just said the first thing I wanted. Which was seeds.'

'The other contestants all picked precious stones, emeralds and sapphires and diamonds. But you... seeds. You're an enigma, Persy.' Her bright eyes were boring into mine and I looked away uncomfortably with a shrug.

'I think I picked the wrong feather too,' I said.

'Feather? Is that how they made you choose a guard?'


It turned out that only the Trial had been broadcast via the weird iron flame dishes, so Hecate hadn't seen the feather choice afterwards, so I told her about Dionysus's feather making me laugh and my stupid impulse decision.

'Well, you could have chosen worse. Hades guard would have been strict as hell, and Poseidon's even more dull. Athena's would have been best but you could be in for something pretty entertaining from Dionysus. Just hope it's not one those randy little sprites his realm is full of.'

'Randy sprites?' I asked, slightly alarmed.

'Yeah. Did they tell you anything about the next Trial?'

'Yeah. I'll be hosting a masquerade ball,' I said, scowling. Hecate's eyebrows shot up.

'Wow, really? They've brought that one out early,' she said thoughtfully.

'Do I literally just have to plan a party?' I asked, hopefully. She gave me a look as though I were a complete idiot.

'No, Persy. You have to host a ball for some of the most disgusting and dangerous folk in Olympus. They will try to ruin the party, mostly by trying to screw or kill each other. Occasionally both. And there's always a surprise twist, something horrendous for the host to try and rectify.'

'Well, it still sounds easier than killing a skeleton.'

'It's not. Trust me.'


'We'll get some specialist help in on this one. I'll send Hedone to you tomorrow.'

'Hedone? Isn't she...' I racked my memory. 'Goddess of pleasure?'

'Yup, and party planner extraordinaire. You'll love her.'

'Right,' I said.

'In the meantime, get some sleep.'

'Is this my bedroom?' I asked, looking around the room.

'Erm, yeah.'

I paused before asking,'Was it my bedroom before?'

'No. You slept with Hades, dummy.'

'Oh.' My feelings must have shown on my face because Hecate frowned at me.

'You don't like this room?'

I shook my head, feeling guilty for complaining to her but not seeing the point in lying.

'It's just hard not having a window,' I said. She regarded me a moment, then stood up.

'I'll see what I can do tomorrow.' I gave her a grateful smile.


'You're welcome.'

'Seriously, thanks for everything,' I said, trying to impress my sincerity into the words.

'You're welcome,' she repeated.



I was asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow, exhaustion completely taking me over. I expected to dream about murderous skeletons or mysterious and terrifying gods made of smoke, but instead I found myself in a garden. And it wasn't a normal garden. As somebody who spent hours of their waking life dreaming up gardens, I knew instantly that this one was not born of my brain. So whose was it?


It was stunning, I thought, as I wandered towards an epic water feature. The word 'fountain' didn't really do the structure justice. There was a large round pool, the stone the same shining white marble from the throne room, and in its center was a statue of a man on one knee, holding a globe on his back. I recalled the ancient myth about the Titan Atlas, who was made to hold up the heavens as a punishment by Zeus. Could that be what I was looking at? As I got closer I saw that the globe was not representing my earth, but was made up of hundreds of rings, interlocking to form the sphere. Gemstones glittered in the places where the rings overlapped, and water burst from them, shining the same color as the gem until they reached the clear, sparkling pool below. I drank in the sound of the running water, the feel of the cool breeze on my face, the smell of the primroses... I turned on the spot slowly, looking at the huge array of flowers in beds lining the hedged circumference of the garden. Not all these flowers should be able to grow together. Many needed totally different temperatures and soils to the ones they were blooming right next to. I frowned.

'I heard you chose seeds,' said a voice. A male voice. Was it the voice from the Trial? The one who had told me to get up, when I'd been frozen to the spot? I realized distractedly that I hadn't told Hecate about that.

'Who are you?' I asked, quietly. It felt wrong to speak loudly in a place as serene and beautiful as this.

'I'm your friend, Persephone. I remember you well.'


'Of course. The Queen of the Underworld is not easily forgotten.'

'Where are you?'

'All around you. I am the garden.'

I turned on the spot again.

'Am I dreaming?'

'Of course you are. But dreams are controlled by the gods too, Persephone. I heard you chose seeds.'

'Why does everyone care so much that I chose seeds?' I said, annoyance interrupting the intense soothing effect of the garden. Another gust of wind fluttered through my hair, carrying the scent of lavender. I inhaled deeply. I wanted to stay here.

'I admire your choice. You know, pomegranate seeds can be eaten.'

I frowned.

'I'd rather plant them.'

'Trust me, my Queen. You'd rather eat them.'

I woke with a start, sitting up abruptly in the dark. Disappointment and a deep sense of loss swamped me as I looked around at the dim bedroom, the only light coming from twinkling stars on the weird rock ceiling. It was pretty enough, but now I longed for fresh air, the scent of flowers, the sound of running water. What a weird dream. I was positive I hadn't created that garden, so whoever that voice belonged to must have. Eat the pomegranate seed? That was my hard-earned reward. I didn't think so. I shook my head to clear it, then lay back onto my pillows with a sigh. Everything about this place was weird. The sooner I lost the Trials and got back to New York, the better.






The next time I opened my eyes the ceiling was giving off its weird daylight glow, the stars gone. What time was it? I made a mental note to ask Hecate how to keep time as I swung my legs out of bed. I was wearing a silky camisole top and matching shorts that I'd found in the wardrobe, and as weird as it was going to bed in what felt like someone else's clothes, they felt divine against my skin. I sat down at the dressing table and peered at my reflection. The make-up Hecate had put on me yesterday was gone, and my now white hair was hanging loose past my shoulders, only a slight curl left in it. But the tiny braids were still scattered throughout the bright locks. I gathered it all up into a ponytail without brushing it, and used a band on the dresser to secure it in a messy bun. My eyes still looked more green, and my cheekbones more angular. It was weird, and maybe just my imagination after defeating a demon skeleton yesterday, but I looked more fierce. More competent. Would Ted Hammond and all those brats at school have been so cruel if I'd looked like this back then?

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