Home > The Power of Hades(9)

The Power of Hades(9)
Author: Eliza Raine

'Right. So, how do I fight a demon?'

'It depends which type it is.' She turned to the wardrobe and opened it to reveal rows and rows of dresses, in every color I could imagine. 'We don't have many of your old things here, but I remember them well enough to work some magic,' she winked at me.

'Thanks,' I said. 'But seriously, how do I fight a demon?'






In what seemed like no time at all I was back in the throne room with Hecate, feeling slightly dizzy from the bright lurching motion of her transporting us. I managed to keep the contents of my stomach in place this time though, which I was taking as a small win.

I was wearing my white hair up in a high tail now, a silver band decorated with emerald gems keeping it back from my face. 'So as not to hinder your view of the demon', Hecate had said. My clothes too were made for 'getting out of the way', supple leather trousers that were black, and a slightly less supple leather corset that was supposed to be thick enough to repel claws. Given that the garment barely came above my breasts I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do if any claws were aimed higher.

Just stay out of the way, I told myself, as Hecate had spent the last ten minutes doing so. I was good at staying out of the way, and I was quick. This wasn't exactly what I thought I'd been training my body for when I'd hauled my ass out running every other day for the last year but I was sure glad now that I had.

The throne room was mercifully empty, and I took the opportunity to move closer to the dais. Only two thrones were on it now, massive and imposing and breathtaking. One I assumed belonged to Hades, as it looked to be made entirely from bones. I shuddered as I took in the skulls lining the arched back, the long limb bones making up the chair legs, the curved rib bones running down the raised arms. Something black that looked almost alive appeared to be holding the throne together under the bones, and I dragged my eyes from the unnerving thing to the other chair.

As fierce as the throne made form skulls was, the second throne was almost scarier. The whole thing appeared to be made of something that looked like thick barbed wire in the form of rose vines. Large metal roses with sharp, jagged edges made up the back and the seat of the chair, and I couldn't understand how anyone could ever sit on such a thing without slicing themselves to pieces. Lethal looking thorns jutted out of the tightly wound vines along the legs and arms and I shook my head with a long breath out. The two thrones were confusing and brutal to look at and they were making my nerves worse. I turned instead to the enormous flames licking up around the sides of the throne room.

'What's below us?' I asked Hecate.

'More fire,' she shrugged.

'Is there any way into this room without the magic transporty thing you do?'

'Not that I know of.'


'No, there's no other way. But if you think this is nice, you should see my throne room.'

I turned slowly, already knowing who had spoken. The arrogance was unmistakable.

'Zeus,' I said through gritted teeth. Hecate was bowing her head low and throwing me a pointed glare. But I wasn't going to bow my head. This was my opportunity to ensure I wouldn't be bullied by this jerk.

'You are in the presence of the Lord of the Gods. I suggest you show some deference,' he smirked. He was in the form of the blonde boy from the coffee shop.

'You owe me,' I hissed. 'You kidnapped me just to play stupid games with your brother. Until we're even you'll get no deference from me.'

I heard Hecate's intake of breath as Zeus's eyes flashed dark, and his surfer-guy build began to expand before me.

'I do believe that you need to be reminded of who I am, little mortal,' he said, his smile no longer reaching his eyes. Purple lightning began to fire around him, sizzling into the marble, but I held my ground. At this point, what did I have to lose? If I really did have to begin these Trials today, I wasn't going to start by being bullied.

I glared at him as the purple lightning flashed closer.

'Won't you be in trouble if you kill the girl you went to so much trouble to find?' I asked in a singsong voice.

'Trouble? Me? Nobody chastises Zeus!' He was three times my size now, approaching the high vaulted ceiling of the throne room, but I stayed put. My stomach was flipping and flopping as lightning screeched into the stone inches from my leather boots, but I managed to keep the flinches from showing on my face.

'Harm a single hair on her body and we'll find out once and for all which king is strongest,' hissed a voice, at the same time as my skin felt like it was being covered in ice. A smoky form shimmered into existence beside Zeus and tension literally crackled through the air. Then Zeus slowly began to shrink, the tension easing as his size decreased.

'I enjoy a woman who can stand up for herself,' Zeus said as he reached human size again. 'This might end up even more interesting than I had anticipated,' he grinned, a new, and unnerving, look gleaming in his eyes. I ignored him, my gaze fixed on Hades. I wanted to see those eyes again, desperately. They had been the only thing I'd recognized here, the only thing that made some sort of sense since I'd arrived - even if I didn't know what they meant.

But all I could see were the suggestions of features, the hint of a mouth, or the tiniest flash of sliver in the dark smoke. Nothing I could hold on to. He was staring back at me though, I could feel that much.

'We haven't been formally introduced,' I said, my mouth dry. 'I'm Persephone.'

There they were. For less than a second, and I almost missed it, but those silver orbs definitely flashed into existence.

'You shouldn't be here,' he said, his voice making me think of snakes.

'Yeah. I've heard. But I am, so...'

'You are human, and mortal, so you are highly unlikely to win the Trials. When they are over, you will be returned to New York.'

Relief washed through me, so strong my knees almost buckled. Hades' plan was the same as mine.

'If she survives them,' added Zeus, who was sauntering over to the thrones on the dais. A little wave of heat cut through the cold as tendrils of smoke danced out from Hades form.

'So I was right? You can't kill me? Or hurt me?' I asked Zeus, willing my confidence to build as my palms began to sweat. Sweat was my body's default reaction to any stress. Stupid body.

Zeus looked into my eyes as he waved his hands, and eleven other thrones appeared on the dais, the rose throne vanishing. He sank slowly into his own seat.

'Not during the Trials, no. And anyway, I don't want to hurt you. There are many other things I'd rather do with you...'

A stronger wave of heat blew over me, and I thought I saw Hades' chest solidify under the smoke for a second.

'Right,' I said, flexing my fingers. 'Well, in that case, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that you are a colossal prick.'

Hecate made a slightly strangled coughing sound and I let my smile spread fully across my face. Something fierce leapt in Zeus's eyes, but I wasn't sure it was anger.

'Oh, brother Hades. I see why you liked this one. And I can see why it was so hard to let her go.'

'Enough!' Hades shouted, and the temperature ratcheted up even higher. 'Where are the others?' he hissed, and stalked towards the thrones, his smoky legs seeming to carry more weight than should be possible. I took a few long, controlled breaths. I'd done it. I'd stood up for myself. But I wasn't sure I'd made Zeus back off. In fact I had a horrible feeling I'd just made him more interested in me.

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