Home > Pirate Captain's Daughter(14)

Pirate Captain's Daughter(14)
Author: Elizabeth Drake

Hopefully, the confrontation would be such that she’d never see Lord Bartley again.

Sapphire doubted she’d be so lucky.

Sucking in a breath, she fortified her resolve as she followed Sir Matthias out of the church. They paused several times as her husband stopped to chat with the young squires already up and about their duties. Sapphire had never realized there were so many squires. Far more than all the Knights of Valor combined.

Following her gaze, Sir Matthias squeezed her fingers. “There are many who wish to serve Dracor, but most won’t make it to the final initiation.”

“Why not?”

“Some leave for personal reasons, others realize Dracor won’t chose them.”

She frowned as watched a group of youths hurry about their duties. “I don’t think I understand what that means.”

“It’s not just a catchphrase when we say a Knight is chosen. Dracor Himself touches each one of us, and that’s how we are able to channel His light. Only those He chooses in the final initiation ceremony become Knights of Valor.”

Sapphire pressed a hand to her chest. Her husband had literally been touched by the gods. It was humbling and made her realize all the more how unworthy she was of him. She was using him for her own ends, and that made her feel a lot closer to Rashalee, goddesses of jealousy, lust, and greed, than it did to Dracor.

Just as her mother had warned Sapphire she was.

Two boys who had yet to grow into their tabards interrupted Sapphire’s thoughts as they raced past her and Matthias.

“What happens to the squires who don’t become Knights of Valor?” Sapphire whispered.

“A few return to their families, but most become paladins or take up administrative positions within the church. Enough faith and strength to make it to the final initiation ceremony is special. Dracor may not bless all who have it, but they all have a place in His church.”

And her husband had that faith and strength. More than that, he had the blessing of Dracor. Sapphire swallowed hard, knowing she should grant him an annulment that morning.

But she needed him all the more because of who he was.

Damn Rashalee, but Sapphire’s self-interest won.

Sir Matthias grinned, the boyish expression lightening the moment. “The first time you’re assigned chamber pot duty seriously tests your faith.”

Sapphire bit back a grin of her own and arched a brow at her husband. “I’m assuming that is saved for those squires and pages up to the most mischief.”

“Or those who can’t cook.”

She laughed as he led her out of the building and down to the waiting carriage. A pair of squires loaded a trunk onto the back, and Sir Matthias instructed the driver to take them to Sapphire’s home.

Leaning her head on his shoulder, she moved closer to her husband, and he slid an arm around her. Sapphire basked in the warmth of him. In the scent of spice and soap that clung to him.

For a moment, everything was okay. She was simply Mrs. Northland returning home with her doting husband.

It was a fantasy, but it was a beautiful fantasy, and one she could very much delude herself into believing if she wasn’t careful.

The carriage rolled through the half-empty streets while immense dragon oaks shaded the increasingly large houses and lush gardens. While the palace was the biggest structure in the Dragon District, many of the homes there rivaled the royal residence in age and luxury.

Turning down the last lane toward her home, Sapphire stared at the mansions, but here the dragon oaks barely reached the roof lines.

These homes were as large and lavish as Lord Henry Carsons’, but Sapphire’s grandfather had never let her forget they were not worthy of being on the same street.

Sapphire balled her fists.

What a horrible, petty man her grandfather was. The orphanage that raised her father was smaller than any home in the entire Dragon District, but it took in and cared for more people than all the houses on her grandfather’s street combined.

And Sapphire’s husband had gifted that orphanage a new roof.

She glanced over at Sir Matthias, the warm morning sun streaming across him. He was a farmer’s son and a Knight of Valor. Both her father would have respected. Both her grandfather ridiculed.

Perhaps Lord Henry Carsons was correct. Sapphire didn’t belong in the exalted Carsons family.

Too bad.

She was his granddaughter anyway.

The carriage slowed, and she stared up at her home, wondering what Sir Matthias saw.

The mansion had been Captain Gregory Darrington’s wedding gift to his wife. Sapphire had grown up there, surrounded by laughter and love. It wasn’t until after her mother had remarried that Sapphire had dreaded coming home.

But she and Sir Matthias would change that. They would bring back the happiness from her childhood.

Her father had built the house for light and joy to fill its halls. She wanted that back, and it started with sending Lord Bartley on his way.

Sapphire pursed her lips and prepared for battle.



Chapter 12



Matthias sensed a whisper of melancholy from Sapphire, but she offered no insight into her thoughts or feelings.

Of course she didn’t. He was her husband in name only, and one of the reasons she’d been forced to marry him resided here.

But not for long.

The footman opened the door, and Sapphire straightened her spine as she marched out of the conveyance.

Sir Matthias joined her, then pulled her arm through his and kissed her temple. “We’re in this together. I’ll help however I can.”

“Having you here is a tremendous help. I doubt he’ll resort to insults, lies or violence in your presence.”

A hard glint darkened Matthias’s eyes, and he slid an arm around her. If Lord Bartley tried any of those things, he would regret it. Matthias was a Knight of Valor, and he would protect his wife.

Sapphire led Sir Matthias up to the house, and a servant opened the door for them. Matthias noted it wasn’t her butler.

“Do you have the list of servants you want removed?”

She nodded and reached into her reticule.

“Is your current butler on that list?”

“Actually, yes.”

“Good.” Matthias glanced at the long list of names in her hands, then nodded at the young man to dismiss him. “What do you think of putting Mary in charge of finding replacements while we’re visiting my family? You could interview them when you get back to confirm her choices.”

“Mary? She’s not even a lady’s maid, not exactly.”

“You trust her and so did your father. I think she’s sharp, and she’ll only let those into your house who are loyal to you and will treat you as you deserve.”

Sapphire considered a moment, then nodded. “You’re right, and I care more about that than maintaining appearances.”

Sir Matthias frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“Front parlor maids must look a certain way, butlers must possess a certain lineage,” Sapphire said as she ticked the requirements off on her fingers.

Matthias’s frown deepened. “Why do any of those things matter?”

“They don’t. That’s my mother and grandfather talking.” Pausing a moment, Sapphire touched a hand to her hair. “Perhaps I should freshen up before we start this.”

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