Home > Pirate Captain's Daughter(8)

Pirate Captain's Daughter(8)
Author: Elizabeth Drake

Sapphire’s stomach churned as she remembered her mother’s descriptions of the unpleasant wifely duties she’d be required to fulfill. But Sir Matthias had insisted on a real marriage, and she couldn’t deny him that. He was giving her his name and the protection of being married to a member of the Dragon Church.

Not just any member of the Dragon Church, but a High Knight. A man on the Dragon Council.

She would close her eyes and imagine the flowers in the gardens as her mother had recommended. It would be over quickly enough.

Sucking in a deep breath, the scent of Sir Matthias filled Sapphire’s senses. Warm, masculine, with a hint of incense from his time in the church mixed with fresh air and sunlight.

Sapphire leaned her head against the squabs. Sir Matthias sat beside her, strong, protective, and boyishly handsome. Parts of her plan were working just as she’d expected.

Other aspects were going horribly awry.

She hadn’t anticipated the strange rush of emotion when he touched her. Hadn’t expected the ache in her stomach or the way her heart raced.

By the seven hells, she’d underestimated how much he affected her.

How much she enjoyed his company, and how disarming it could be to have all of his attention focused on her.

She’d made a terrible miscalculation on that.

As perfect as he was in every other way, marrying Sir Matthias was the worst thing she could do and still protect her heart. But she’d chosen him because she liked him. Because she’d been attracted to him once, maybe even been infatuated with him before he’d made it clear he didn’t share her sentiments.

It had seemed easier to pull off a love match with him. Of course it had, especially as that infatuation hadn’t faded.

She reminded herself again that no matter how charming he was, Sir Matthias didn’t love her. He was marrying her to protect her because she’d appealed to his Knight’s honor.

A cold calculation on her part.

Sapphire wasn’t proud of that, but she had more to consider more than her pride. A lot of people relied on her to feed them and their families. She couldn’t let them down, and she knew her grandfather wouldn’t take care of them. Lord Henry Carsons only cared about himself.

Not much longer and she’d be free of her grandfather.

In four years, Sir Matthias would be free of her.

In the meantime, not even Lord Carsons would consider harming a Knight of Valor.

She hoped.



Chapter 7



Sapphire’s carriage pulled up in front of a tidy brick building marked with a small plaque noting these were the offices of Hewitt and Schuester. Located in an upscale district lined with plain facades, elegant greenery, and immaculately kept yards, it was quiet, respectable, and the type of place the aristocracy could conduct business without drawing too many glances.

It would have been better if Mr. Hewitt could have met her at home, but that was impossible while her stepfather lived there. Which wouldn’t be much longer. A strange giddiness mixed with her lingering fear as she glanced at Sir Matthias, but he appeared as steadfast as always.

She was making the right choice. He would be a good husband to her and a good caretaker to her lands and people. While guilt nipped at her for manipulating him into the arrangement, he would benefit, too. Her fortune would help him in ways he couldn’t yet imagine, and it would open doors otherwise closed. While he might have been able to make a better match, the nobility would never let him forget he was a farmer’s son, even if the Dragon God had blessed him.

That he didn’t love her was beside the point. Marriage was not about love. Her mother had taught her that.

Squaring her shoulders, Sapphire let Sir Matthias hand her down from the coach, then led him up the cool marble stairs.

A doorman admitted them, and the interior of the offices offered more of the same staid decor as the exterior.

She smiled. It exuded competence without extravagance, much like Mr. Hewitt himself.

A young man dressed in a well-cut but conservative tunic greeted them. “May I help you, m’lady?”

“Miss Sapphire Darrington.” She held out her hand and waited for the young barrister to bow. “I’m here to see Mr. Hewitt.”

“Of course, Miss Darrington. If you’ll just follow me.”

Sapphire and Sir Matthias followed the young man to a large and tastefully furnished office that sported several large leather chairs. The walls were lined with books, most with titles that suggested some aspect of the law. The room was tidy to a fault, with nothing belying the character of its owner on first inspection.

Again, exactly as her barrister wanted.

Mr. Hewitt sat behind a large oak desk, his dark hair just starting to show streaks of silver at the temples. When he stood, he wasn’t much taller than Sapphire and rather thin. While he didn’t exactly make her feel comfortable, he exhibited a sharp intelligence and unassuming competence that made him easy to trust.

“A pleasure to see you as always, Miss Darrington. And you as well, Sir…”

“Sir Matthias, High Knight of the Dragon Church, this is Mr. Matthew Hewitt, my father’s most trusted attorney and the trustee to my estate.”

The men shook hands and waited for Sapphire to be seated before sitting themselves.

Reaching into her reticule, Sapphire withdrew the papers Sir Matthias had signed and handed them to Mr. Hewitt.

Her attorney scanned the documents, then peered over his glasses at Sir Matthias. “You understand that by signing these you will be entitled to nothing more than the designated sum should you decide to end your marriage?”

“I’m not after her money. Seems like more of a bother than it’s worth.”

The corners of Mr. Hewitt’s lips quirked. “I’m glad there aren’t more like you or I’d be out of work.”

“We’ll be married as soon as possible,” Sapphire said.

“I expect this will be a large and lavish affair?”

Sapphire shook her head, keeping her voice even despite the knot in her stomach. “Small, intimate. Thalia willing, tonight.”

Mr. Hewitt raised a brow as he studied Sir Matthias. “In that case, it won’t exceed the allotment your father left. Any instructions on what to do with the remainder?”

“Put some aside for a trousseau. Roll the rest back into the trust, unless you have any need of anything?” Sapphire turned to Sir Matthias.

He considered for a moment. “Perhaps a gift to the Temple of Thalia for the orphanage they oversee. They could use a new roof rather than me patching it for them every few months.”

Mr. Hewitt blinked several times, but his face stayed expressionless as he turned to Sapphire. “If you are okay with that, Miss Darrington, I will arrange for it.”

Sapphire fought to keep her voice even. Even now, Sir Matthias showed the kind of man he was: a good man, one her father would have liked, one he would have been proud to call his son. “It would honor Papa. Best wedding present I can imagine.”

“Your father wanted to make sure you were well cared for. He loved you very much.”

Sapphire’s voice hitched. “I miss him every day.”

Sir Matthias laid a hand over hers and stroked his thumb over her knuckles, offering her comfort without words. Without chiding her for missing a man that had died years ago. Without making her feel less because her father had been a common merchant captain.

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