Home > Smut University (The Complete Series)(15)

Smut University (The Complete Series)(15)
Author: Kahlen Aymes

His jaw firmed and he nodded. “So, it’s doubly dangerous. I want to work with you, but I’ll be hard-pressed to keep my hands off of you. I need you to know going in,” he said, still looking out over the campus. “That things could get… hot.”

I sat, frozen, breathing hard as I tried to figure out what to say. Was this real?

“Okay,” was all I could manage. “But, I’d be an idiot to pass up the opportunity to learn from you.”

His head whipped around, and he turned his body so that he could face me. “All weekend I’ve been thinking I’m out of my fucking mind for even considering it. My integrity insists that I not touch you, but I don’t know if that’s possible.”

“I understand,” I said as calmly as I could manage. “Only, is this, um… usual, for you?” I wanted to know if he made a habit of seducing a female student and sleeping with her for the semester under the guise of encouragement.

A muscle in his jaw started to work as if he was clenching his teeth. “No. There is nothing usual about it. It’s a first for me. You’re… one of a kind.”

“How do I know that?”

He shrugged. “I guess you’ll have to trust me. Can’t you feel it? The sexual energy between us? The thing that makes it dangerous is that it’s intellectual as well. Like what you wrote; the air is vibrating.”

I tried hard to get past the lump in my throat threatening to cut off my air. “Yuh-yes,” I stammered. “I believe it was, fucking vibrating.”

He wide smile slid across his mouth. “Indeed, it was. So, now that we know what we’re up against, we can get down to it.”

“Down to it?” How could he look so relaxed when I was jumping out of my skin?

“If your mind turns to sex every time I say something provocative, we’ll never be able to do this. We might as well give in to desire, right here and now.”

I opened my mouth to speak unsure if I would agree or protest. Unsure if I should say anything or if I did, whether it would come out as nothing other than an incoherent squeak. Desire. I’d written about it, read about it, but never really felt it. Not like this.

“Get down to work,” he said sternly, as he plucked at his lower lip with the thumb and index finger of one had. “On your book. I’ve mentioned your piece to my agent, Gloria Sussex,” he continued without missing a beat. “She wants to read it, but I needed your permission before giving it to her.”

Oh my God! The heat in my face was unbearable. I was so embarrassed; he admitted to the attraction, but apparently, he was in complete control of himself, where I felt myself giving in. I shook my head to get my focus back. Gloria Sussex represented some of the biggest authors in romance and romantic suspense in the industry. “Of course, Professor. That would be— amazing. Thank you for giving me this chance.”

“My help comes without strings, Addison. I want to make that clear. Nothing is expected from you other than your best writing.”

I nodded slightly. “I understand”

His eyes narrowed. “Tell me what you think I mean,” he demanded.

I mustered my courage. “You’re saying that this is a working relationship but that if sex happens, it will be mutual and has nothing to do with our work together. I’m clear on that.”

He offered a sexy, satisfied smile. Of course, something would happen. Could I be in a room alone with him for any period of time, writing hot sex scenes, talking about them, and not want to jump on his bone? Hell, no. I knew it already. I bet it’s the bone to end all bones; huge, long, thick. It had to be thick to rank as the bone of champions, I thought, feeling my face flush with heat. Michelle would be proud.

“Good. We’ll set up a weekly work schedule until you get your manuscript finished. I’ll handle your classwork myself, but no matter what does or doesn’t happen outside of this university, you have to do the work for the grade.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.” I ran my hands down the top of my thighs, trying to ease the sensations his statements had created.

“Alright. I’ll have something drawn up by my attorney and then we’ll get started.”

“Attorney?” I was perplexed and taken aback. “For what?” Was he expecting to be paid? “A share of royalties on my book?”

He huffed out an incredulous laugh. “Good God, no. An agreement to protect both of us in the event anything sexual does transpire between us. It will protect both of our careers because we’ll both be sworn to secrecy.”

I nodded. A feeling of dread washing over me. “You’re sure this hasn’t happened before? You seem so well prepared,” I stated bravely.

“What?” he rose again and came closer again, his expression becoming darker. “Good God, no. I’m no martyr, Addison. If you can’t trust what I tell you, then I guess we’re done.”

It was as if he’d struck a physical blow. The air left my lungs and I shook my head. “I’m sorry. This is all a bit sudden and overwhelming. I’m getting mixed signals. I’m not sure what to expect. You’re this hugely successful author, so why would you be interested in me or my work? Maybe you’re a player and this is a ploy to get me in the sack.”

He reached out and took me by both arms, hauling me up out of my chair until my face was inches from his; close enough to feel the warmth and smell the sweetness of his breath as it washed over my face. I was shocked.

“Trust me when I say, if a roll between the sheets was all I wanted, I wouldn’t have to go through all of this. You have a huge career in front of you. I’m not offering to help you in order to get you in bed, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I want to fuck you senseless. I wanted to be upfront about it. Honestly, I’ve thought of little else since Friday night when I was reading your piece and it will only get more difficult going forward. The legal stuff will protect us, just in case.” He released me so suddenly I stumbled back, so he put a hand out to steady me. Goosebumps broke out on my skin at both his touch and the gravity of what he’d said.

I was confused. What was he saying? Did he just tell me he wanted an affair, yet it was hands off? I needed to know. “Just to be clear, we agree this is platonic, then?”

“We both know it should be for professional reasons, but I can’t promise that working closely, reading and writing sexy scenes won’t provoke me. I’m ultra-aware of you, and I’m not going to lie about it. I’m going to try, but I’m not made of stone. It’s a risk. If it’s not one you’re willing to take, then walk away now. Do you understand?”

“I do.” He was telling me that despite knowing we shouldn’t get involved, we already were.

“Good.” He ran a hand down the front of his shirt.

He’d left me reeling, but I nodded my assent. “I’ll try, but can’t promise either, Dr. Michaels.”

He looked at me intently, and swallowed, rubbing a hand down his face. “Stop teasing Addison. We both know where this is headed if we proceed, but it had to be said that it shouldn’t happen. Now, get out of here before I rip your clothes off, here and now.”

I wasn’t sure which elated me more; that he loved my work or that he desired me. “What if I want you to rip my clothes off?”

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