Home > Smut University (The Complete Series)(19)

Smut University (The Complete Series)(19)
Author: Kahlen Aymes



A thrill went through me. He was anxious; already seducing me with his words and I was falling for it. Hard.

“God, what am I getting myself into?” I asked myself softly.

I’ll meet you at seven.



That’s two hours from now.



I chuckled softly. I could almost hear the lament in his voice as if he’d said the words.

Did anyone ever tell you how brilliant you are?



It was a cheeky response, but he deserved it.




I laughed out loud. Of course, he’d say that. He was hot, but he was also funny and smart. A lethal combination that was impossible to resist.

I set myself up for that one. I didn’t think you were the type to take advantage of a lady.



As I typed, I almost second-guessed myself. Should I say that? Was it too bold? My heart pounded as I waited for his response. It didn’t come as quickly as the others.

You think you’re vulnerable now, just wait until I get my hands on you.

Get out now if you don’t want this, because “want” is all I’ve been doing for weeks.



My mouth fell open and my breath rushed from my lungs, my heart thrumming inside my chest. I closed my eyes as moisture surged in my now ravenous body. He’s dangerous, I reminded myself again. So dangerous.




His text came in as I considered his words. He was demanding. He was demanding in class. Would he be so demanding in bed? No doubt he’d be a masterful lover. I almost came, just sitting in the bathtub. My mouth suddenly dry. Suddenly the greedy desire he provoked left me aching… fucking starving. I couldn’t help the appropriate play on words. Would he understand?

I’m coming.



No. Don’t. Wait for me. Promise me.



I sucked in my breath knowing exactly what he meant. We were both so in sync with each other.

I promise.



I’ll see you at seven.



He read into two little words, and I wondered if I’d typed the double entendre intentionally. I put the phone down and rushed to my closet, my insides still quivering, my breath shallow. I had to look amazing. I had to make him want me… as badly as he made me want him.







I muttered aloud even though I was alone at a small table by a window, sipping my drink. I told myself it was creepy as hell to stare at the door like a rabid dog and forced my eyes to concentrate on the cherry sitting at the apex of the cocktail glass before I took another sip of the cold, but iceless, bourbon mixture. Manhattans were the drink of choice for my grandfather and father and somehow my brother Jefferson and I both followed in their footsteps. The men of my family weren’t pretentious, but they were old-school gentlemen, which, belied what I was doing even more. On summer visits to their home, I remember my grandmother making my grandfather, Emory Michaels, a Manhattan cocktail every night when he came home from his law firm. Without fail.

I wondered what my grandmother would think of me waiting to pounce on my delicious, and maybe defenseless, student. It wasn’t as if I didn’t know how heady a combination my literary career, and my natural alpha tendencies were to some women. Combine it with money and I could pretty much do whatever it took to sweep women off their feet. I knew it, and yet, right now, I was willing to do whatever I had to do to convince the stunning Addison to plunge recklessly, and headlong, into an affair. I swallowed. If my reaction and hers when we were alone inside my cozy, yet very academic office was anything to go on, this would be a passionate affair. Extremely so.

I could picture my father’s scowl and disapproving shake of his head at the direction of my thoughts, and let’s face it; my intentions were just as laser focused on the outcome I wanted. Even my brother, Jeff, who was somewhat of a scoundrel, would scoff. My head fell back, and I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply at how fucked up this was. It was completely out of character for me, yet I was buzzing with anticipation and already my body was aching. I was like a heroin addict who would sell my soul for my next fix.

Was I selling my soul? I wondered. All I knew was that I’d never wanted anything more, never had this ferocious hunger for anyone. And what was just as intriguing, her mind sucked me in as much as her body turned me on. I ran an impatient hand through my hair and glanced at the screen of my phone. 7:10 PM.

I was already on my second drink and told myself to lay off so as not to get sauced before Addison arrived at the trendy, exclusive eatery I’d chosen. A lone piano player tinkling the ivories of a beautiful baby grand sitting along one side of the bar that was separated from the restaurant by the large mahogany wall with the hand-carved bar and beveled glass mirror. The atmosphere was old-world with dark furniture, original brick walls left without plaster, white linens and candlelight flickering throughout.

The host, André appeared beside the small table. “Sir, it’s after seven and your table is ready.”

I pulled out a roll of bills from my pocket and unfurled the top one and handed it to him. “Just a few more minutes, please, André?” I smiled up at him. “I’m sure it’s just traffic.”

André was an older, very distinguished man with an Italian accent, clearly the patriarch of the family who owed the restaurant. He put up his hand and shook his head. “Oh, that’s not necessary, Professor Michaels. I’ll hold the table, sir.”

“Thank you. I would appreciate that.”

“My pleasure, sir. Would you care for another drink?”

“I’ll wait for my dinner companion. Thank you.”

I watched his retreating back as he moved through the bar into the restaurant and as he passed, my breath caught in my throat. Addison had come in while I was speaking with the host and she stood, stunning, in a simple black dress that completely knocked me dead. The neckline was a halter, just low enough to leave the top swells of her breasts, her arms and shoulders bare. The soft material skimmed her curves, and then flared into a soft sway of fabric as she walked toward me. Her hair was swept up loosely, leaving enticing tendrils gracing the sides of her beautiful face and exposing the elegant column of her neck. Dark red lipstick graced her mouth and her eyes were highlighted with smoky shadow and a thick black fringe of lashes.

The air left my lungs in a slow whoosh and my hand settled on my chest as it started hammering in an unfamiliar way. Gone was the college student and here was a gorgeous, glamorous woman and time slowed to slow motion as she searched for me. Her legs, beneath the short dress went on for days and my gaze swept down their length to her sexy, and strappy black stilettos. Somehow, I’d managed to stand up from my chair.

Addison caught my eye as I approached, leaving my drink on the table. The light was low. The flickering candles giving her perfect skin a rosy glow and her eyes as I drew closer appeared more greenish blue. She was smiling beguilingly, making it impossible for me to breathe.

We stood inches apart with our eyes locked. Her full lips were glistening, and I wasn’t sure if it was gloss over her lipstick or if she’d licked her lips just moments before. Either way her mouth begged for mine to take and devour. I huffed out a small breath.

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