Home > Smut University (The Complete Series)(42)

Smut University (The Complete Series)(42)
Author: Kahlen Aymes

“Who gives a shit?” My mind railed.

All I wanted to do was sink into her sweet flesh again, but I knew she was right. We both needed to keep our relationship secret. At least until she graduated, and her book was published. I drew in another heavy sigh. “I’ll give him half of my students from your session. Satisfied?” I reached out and ran a finger down her cheek, my eyes fixating on her mouth and then sliding up to meet hers.

A lazy smile slid across her beautiful face. “Not for about an hour now.”

“Is that so?” I retorted as my cock sprung to life. I should be completely drained but this woman made me ravenous. She was like a drug. The minute I came down, I wanted another fix, and I knew I was already addicted.

Addison let out a short, throaty laugh. “Mmmm, huh,” she said. Her voice was sultry. She reached for me; her fingers starting to trace the muscles of my arms, chest and back.

I closed my eyes and rolled onto my back, urging her to straddle me. “I can’t have that.” I wanted to watch her come undone in the rising sun, but as I slid into her tight warmth, and she started to move, my arm around her hips to guide her movements and pull her hard against me, her body sucking and pulling on mine, it was I who fell apart.






“This is really good, Addison” I said, looking up from my laptop. I was reading a particularly angsty part of her manuscript where the conflict between the two characters ramped up to a boiling point. I could feel their pain as if I was living it; I could see the scene play out in my mind.

“Hmmm? Are you sure?” Addison asked absently barely looking up, sitting on the second sofa across from where I was, but in the middle of a thought she was typing out. We’d agreed to maintain some physical distance between us, at least while we were working. We’d been working on her book for about a month, and the first two Friday nights had been wasted on sex. Well, something so incredible could not be classified as wasted, but we got nothing done but each other. Over and over again until we were both exhausted. It soon became apparent that if we were within touching distance, no work would be finished so we made a pact; no touching until we’d made some real progress on the manuscript. I smirked to myself, taking mental note of the time even though tonight, we’d flounced our rule and made love on the area rug in front of the fire before we’d begun.

Though we stayed true to the original Friday night schedule to work on her book, and we spent more nights than we probably should together. As I watched her, dressed in fuzzy socks and the white dress shirt I’d removed earlier when she’d first arrived. She looked good enough to eat and that was my intention. My dick twitched inside my black silk pajama bottoms in response to my own rapacious thoughts, but my heart was full as well. I didn’t bother putting on a shirt, because ultimately, I knew that the evening would end sans clothing for both of us.

I had been worried a few weeks earlier that my sheer hunger for her would burn me alive and make it impossible to think of anything but having her, and to a degree it was true, but there was more to it. She was so beautiful, concentrating as she was on her writing, and I was damn glad I wasn’t grading her work, even though I swore I could handle it, I was man enough to admit that the pleasure I took in her body would supersede my objectivity. Luke still had the odd awe-struck moment when he would come into my office to rave about her, and then tell me bits and pieces, but overall, her grade depended only on her ability, and that was the way we both wanted it. The green demon did rear its ugly head now and again when his enthusiasm seemed a bit too rapt.

“I’m sure. Are you to a place you can take a break?” Even though I was working on my own laptop, I still took notes the good old-fashioned way, and I was gnawing on the end of my pen. A meeting with Gloria was already scheduled, but I hadn’t told Addison, yet, and I was anxious to do so. I couldn’t wait to get Addison’s book in front of my agent but wanted her to be comfortable with it being complete before I told her. We’d gone through one round of edits, and after these last few chapters I only had to look at anything new that she changed or added one final time tonight. It was so damn good; the bulk of the book easily measuring up to the sex scene I’d originally read. I knew it was ready, with barely any input from me.

Her hair was in a knot on top of her head, and her laptop sat on her legs that were akimbo underneath her. “I don’t know,” she murmured, her fingers flying over the keys.

“Addison, at some point you have to let it be. It’s solid… amazing, really. Gloria will pounce on it.”

I closed my laptop and threw the pen on the notebook. Rising, I walked the short distance to where she sat, lifting her computer off her lap and setting it on the low coffee table in front of the leather sofa.

“Hey!” she pulled it back and shot me a look. “It’s easy for you to be so blasé about it, Mr. Bestseller, but how do I know if it’s good enough? Maybe I need to add a prologue? Maybe?” she said again, glancing up and catching my wryly amused expression.

I shook my head. “You know it’s good enough because I’m telling you.” My eyes burned over her, taking in the open collar of my shirt, hinting at the swell of her luscious breasts underneath the fine poplin fabric. “I want to talk to you,” I said. “Come on.”

Addison stopped typing and looked at me. “What is it?”

I took both of her hands in mine and pulled her up, then took her place on the sofa and tugged until she was facing me and straddling my lap. My hands settled on her supple thighs and inched higher under the tails of the shirt, over her hips and ribs, to cup both breasts. I was surprised to see that she hadn’t replaced the sexy thong I’d peeled off of her earlier, hoping I’d be able to palm them and keep them hidden away. “Mmmm, my favorite position. And no panties, even better.”

“Uh uh. I know you. You can’t distract me with sex. Spill.”

A slow grin slid across my mouth. I knew damn well I could distract her with sex if I wanted to, but I had to tell her. “We both know that I can do exactly that.” My voice was a low purr, as I bent to kiss her neck. I’d learned she was particularly sensitive on the back of her neck and my fingers played there as I kissed her throat, and finally her mouth. My body surged involuntarily, one arm holding her hips so I could pull her down and grind my dick into her sumptuous heat.

“Jax,” she sighed, clearly taking pleasure in the pressure between us, but still pressing for an answer. “You said you wanted to talk to me.”

“Love is the universal language.”

“Love? Is that a play on words?”

I stopped and pulled back, meeting the mischievous glint in her eyes. I’d made no promises, but I found I wanted to. Just like that, in the matter of a few weeks, maybe a few moments, this beautiful creature had fundamentally changed me. “It’s a word,” I said seriously.

Instantly, she sobered, her eyes widening in disbelief. “Is it?”

I surprised even myself. Was I telling her that I was in love with her? I wasn’t sure. I knew I desired her more than any woman I’d ever been with. I loved her sharp wit and intellect. I couldn’t wait to see her, and couldn’t wait to get my hands and mouth on her, but was it love? Was this what love felt like? This insatiable hunger, the aching in my chest, that matched the one in my groin? I cleared my throat as the realization settled. I wasn’t ready to admit something so momentous to either of us… not yet.

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