Home > Smut University (The Complete Series)(45)

Smut University (The Complete Series)(45)
Author: Kahlen Aymes

“Thank you, James. I’ll get that manuscript to you by the end of the week,” Gloria said, offering a plastic smile. She had a very polished appearance but looked more like a fashion model than a literary agent, I supposed, though I had absolutely zero knowledge of what literary agents were supposed to look like. Thin, platinum hair, and her skinny body clad in a calf-length black sweater dress. It left one shoulder bare and hugged her body. Her height emphasized by four-inch heels and her makeup impeccable; smoky eyes and lips that were siren red.

“Hello, Jim,” Jax offered in passing, rising to shake his hand.

“Good evening, Jaxon. Who is your lovely companion?”

“Addison Tomms. A new discovery for Gloria.”

“One of your students?” he guessed, correctly. The older man took my hand between both of his and patted it. “Just lovely.”

“Thank you,’ I said graciously, offering a smile.

“Do you write fiction, honey?” he asked.

I started to answer, but the other woman cut me off.

“Bye, James! We really must get on with our meeting, now. Have a nice evening! I’ll call you!” Gloria hurried him away and he was barely out the door and standing by the elevator, waiting when she disrespected him. “He’s losing his edge. I’m going to need to find a good ghost writer,” the agent confided in a lowered voice what I felt should be kept confidential. She smiled brightly at Jax, then leaned in and planted a brief kiss squarely on his mouth, her scarlet nailed hand wrapping around his lower face.

“Gloria! What the hell?” He was clearly surprised by the kiss. His eyes darted to mine to gauge my reaction. It took everything I had to remain stoic and pull my eyes from him over to Gloria. “This is the young woman I was telling you about, Addison Tomms.”

Her gaze roamed over me, clearly sizing me up. She took in my budget, but expensive-for-me suit, and then slid it sideways to Jax. “So, you’ve said.” Her hand shot out as she turned her attention back in my direction. “Nice to meet you, Addison. Jax has told me so much about you!” she gushed so sweetly I thought I’d go into insulin shock.

This was the agent extraordinaire? I sensed there was a bearcat hidden under the polished exterior, however.

I took her proffered hand in a firm handshake. “Nice to meet you. He’s mentioned you, as well.”

She laughed. “Well, don’t you believe a word of it! That way. The door at the end.” She used her hand to usher me down the hall, but then hung back to link her arm through Jax’s. “So, when can I expect your pages, Jaxon?” she purred behind me. It was all I could do not to turn around and shoot daggers at her with my eyes, but I had to remind myself that she’d been his agent for years and a certain familiarity should be expected.

“I told you, I might want to take some time off,” Jax answered flatly. “That hasn’t changed.”

“Ha-ha, Jax, you’re so funny,” Gloria said patting his arm, but glaring at him and her tone dripping with sarcasm. “You know we have a contract, hon.” By now, I was inside her very posh office and turned to watch the two of them enter.

“No, we don’t, Gloria.”

“Come on, now, Jaxon,” she laughed nervously. “You know you have a standing contract with Simon & Schuster; first rights of refusal on any new books for the next ten years.”

“Yes, but I’m not under contract to produce.”

“You should take this more seriously. They may drop you for lack of work product. There’s a clause that states need to produce at least one book a year or they have an out.”

Jax was using the back of his hand to wipe the red lipstick off of his lower lip as he scowled at Gloria. Clearly, he wasn’t amused. “Maybe, maybe not,” he retorted angrily. “What the fuck was that all about back there?”

She waved away his protest. “Don’t overreact. I missed you, that’s all! Besides, James was hitting on me and I needed a buffer. I mean, seriously,” she said haughtily; as if that should explain away her unprofessional action. I started to wonder; just what was her relationship with Jax? “I’ll put up with him smoking those god-awful cigars in my office, but that’s where I draw the line!” She laughed sharply. “Have a seat.” Gloria indicated the two white leather chairs in front of the rectangular glass and chrome table that served as her desk.

I glanced from one to the other. Jax smoothed down his tie and indicated I should take the chair to his right before he lowered his tall frame into its twin.

“So, let’s get down to it, Addison.” She scooted her chair closer and folded her red claws in front of her. “Tell me about yourself and why you want to be a writer.”

I crossed my legs and sat my clutch on my lap, then told her about my parents and growing up with my brother in upstate New York and ended with the story about my grandmother’s stories and how writing was in my blood and something I needed to do to be happy.

“Hmmm…” she said. “Jax said your book is very good. Did you bring a copy of the manuscript?”

“What happened to the standard three chapters?” Jax demanded in an irritated tone. It was the first time he’d spoken in the twenty minutes we’d been ensconced in Gloria’s office.

Her expression was astonished that he would question her. “Well, if it’s as amazing as you say, Jax, I’d like to read the entire book right away.” She looked at him pointedly. “I thought that was what you wanted and since you’re a bit behind on your own pages, I can start shopping Addison’s around if it’s up to my standard.”

“Gloria, stop with this playing around. I told you it’s good, it is. Let’s move on, shall we?” Jax snapped. “What’s going on? You’re acting weird.”

“Nothing! It’s been a long day, that’s all.” Gloria looked embarrassed by the exchange, her cheeks starting to burn as her words rushed out. She quickly changed the subject, directing her gaze back to me awkwardly. “Have you thought about a pen name, Addy? May I call you Addy?”

Somehow, I had a feeling this woman was trying to establish her place in the pecking order of Jax’s life. “Of course, and um… well, I hadn’t really thought about a pen name. My middle name is Delaney after my grandma, so what about A.D. Tomms?”

“Ooooh! Delaney would be much better. It’s a sexy name perfect for sexy books. Delaney Scott, or Delaney Chance? Doesn’t that sound yummy? Tomms makes me think of a turkey.” She acted all wide-eyed and innocent as she insulted me; as if she was trying to be my best friend, and I was too ignorant to know what she was doing.

“I think Addison’s choice will do, Gloria,” Jax growled.

Gloria smiled awkwardly; she looked pained, and I almost felt sorry for her. “Jax, please. Let me do my job.”

He looked annoyed. I’d seen him happy, sated, drunk on passion, amused, relaxed, but he was on edge, his eyes like blue steel as they set on his agent.

“If it’s okay, I’d really prefer to stay with my initials. Isn’t gender-neutral better? Won’t it sell more books if the name could be interpreted as a man’s name?” I interjected with a sweet smile. “Women love a man who writes romance. Jax is proof.” I didn’t want him to defend me. I needed Gloria to understand that I wasn’t going to hide behind him, and I needed him to know I could take care of myself.

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