Home > Tug of War(12)

Tug of War(12)
Author: T.L Osborn

She’s left me incredibly horny and utterly speechless.

Fuck, I have to have her.

I don’t know how much longer I can wait. I take a sip of my whiskey as I watch her from across the room. Our eyes lock, and suddenly I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. I want her more than anything in the world, and she’s going to see just how large I really am. Once won’t be enough for me either.




I arrive at Aria’s house for dinner, dessert and a catch up after the party last week. Sasha, Toby and Jake are already here.


I haven’t been able to ignore his comment about him being large in the crotch. I know he’s bigger than average. The night I broke things off with Ben, I could feel his cock through his pants when I rubbed against him. I wanted to drag him into the bedroom and demand he show me how he uses it.

Parking my car, I sneeze and continue to do so as I get out. My nose hurts and is running like a tap. Bloody hell, I’m over blowing my nose! I’ve been doing it all damn day, and my throat is beginning to feel sore. I think I’m getting sick, so I won’t stay longer than I need to tonight. I’d hate for Charlotte to catch a bug from me.

“Hey hon, how are you?” Aria calls from the lounge.

“I’m alright, though I think I’m getting sick. Nothing I can’t handle.”

“You’re late Stephy. What happened? Did your broom need more power?” Jake chuckles as I take a seat beside him on the couch.

“Thank you for being my timekeeper, Jake, but unlike you, I had a client to meet with, and it went longer than intended. As for my broom, I recently bought a new one which has way more power than your magic wand could ever give me,” I retort, glancing his way.

“My magic wand?” he asks. I cast my gaze down to his crotch, then back up. I purposefully lock our eyes together. “You wanna see how magical it is?”

“In your dreams.”

“Steph, would you like a glass of wine?” Simon asks.

“Yes, please.”

He brings me over a glass and then takes a seat next to Aria. Charlotte walks into the room moments later, and I see she’s wearing a very pretty pink t-shirt with some sort of writing on it.

“Charlotte, turn to me. I want to read your shirt,” Sasha says. Charlotte does, and Sasha reads it, then starts squealing.

“Oh my god. That’s exciting!”

Charlotte comes around to Jake and me. On her shirt is written, I’m going to be a big sister.

“What? How? When?” I want to leap out of my seat and hug Aria, but if I am getting sick, I don’t want to pass it on to her.

“No wonder I’ve been feeling weird these last few weeks. Must be getting sympathy sickness.” Jake chuckles.

“I hope you take all the labour pain too.”

“How far along are you?” I ask.

“About six weeks. Not too far along, but we wanted you guys to know first.”

“I don’t understand. You were drinking wine at the engagement announcement.”

“Perhaps you might have noticed that I was actually drinking sparkling grape juice if you hadn’t been flirting with Jake.”

“I wasn’t flirting with him all night,” I protest. Everyone in the room looks at me with a knowing glance.

“Auntie Steph, is Uncle Jake your boyfriend?” Charlotte asks.

I look at her and get down to her level. “No, he isn’t. He’s just a friend.”

“But you’re in love with him,” she says.

“Princess, life isn’t one of your fairy-tale books. If Auntie Steph likes Uncle Jake, I’m pretty sure she’s going to tell him first. Now, how about we serve some dinner and eat.”

The mere mention of food has Charlotte racing towards the kitchen.

“Thanks, Simon,” I say.

“Anytime, but I have to agree with Aria. You two would make a great couple.” He walks away into the kitchen as Jake steps in beside me.

“See, between us we could make magic,” he whispers in my ear.

“Ha! You just want to prove how big you are.”

“I could satisfy you in ways you’ve only ever read about. When you’re ready, all you need to do is ask.”

I inhale as he walks away. His hand brushes the skin on my arm, leaving me tingling with excitement. I want to chase after him, beg him to take me home right now, but one step forward and my head begins to swim.

“Hey, you okay?” Jake asks, dropping his fork onto the table and coming over.

“No, suddenly I don’t feel very well. I think I need to go home.”

“I’m driving you.” It’s not a request. Scooping me into his arms, he carries me out to my car without a backward glance at everyone in the room. I’m damn sure I hear ooh la-las from all the adults in the house though.

I don’t care what they’re all thinking either because there is a sexy as hell doctor who wants to take care of me, and I am not going to turn him away.




I haven’t heard from Stephanie since I dropped her off at home the other night and I’m worried. She got paler and paler the closer we got to her place. I didn’t like her condition, but she swore it was just the start of a head cold, so I left her to it.


Arriving at her house, I get out of my car and pound on her front door. I’m hoping she’s here and it was just a cold, but I’d like to know for myself. There’s no answer at all, not any sound of movement from inside the house either.

I pound again. “Steph!” I holler. If she doesn’t answer in the next few minutes, I’m going to kick this fucking door down.

A light turns on from the bedroom, and a figure appears in the doorframe. It opens, revealing a rather poorly Stephanie. Her eyes are puffy; her face is gaunt and pale. She’s ill, extremely so.

Why the fuck didn’t she call me?

“Oh, god. It has to be you who sees me like this,” she says, her voice hoarse like her throat is swollen.

“I told you to call me and tell me you were okay. Now I see you like this? I’m glad I came by.” I push past her.

“More like you tried to break my door down.”

Ignoring her comment, I turn to her. “How long have you been feeling like this?”

“A few days. Jake, I’m fine. It’s just a cold.” Her body tells me otherwise. Her teeth are chattering, and she’s wrapped in her fluffy pink robe. I reach out to touch her, finding her skin clammy.

“Just a cold my ass. Steph, you’re clammy. Are you cold?”


“Come on, back to bed with you.” I hoist her into my arms and carry her to her bedroom. I lay her down and realise her room is a pigsty. There’s rubbish everywhere, the sheets on the bed need changing, and there’s a mountain of laundry in the corner.

She’s so sick she can barely get out of bed to do things. I make a vow here and now that I’m sticking around until she’s better.

“Jake… I’m–” Her eyes roll back into her head, teeth chattering harder and body shaking.

“Sleep Steph. I’m taking you to the doctor tomorrow, then helping you to shower and change the bedding.”

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