Home > Serendipity (Damnation MC Book 1)(27)

Serendipity (Damnation MC Book 1)(27)
Author: Grace McGinty

Cain had joined me in bed every night since the first time, though he never let it go further than giving me mind blowing oral sex every night, no matter how much I begged. I wasn’t sure what he was waiting for, or if it was the whole pregnant belly that was giving him the heebie-jeebies. I frowned. I wouldn’t want to fuck me either. I was about as sexy as a sea cow right now.

“Hey, what's wrong? You aren’t really worried about this right? If you don’t want to worry about putting everything away, I can send up a couple of the Prospects to do it for you? They pretend to bitch and moan, but I heard them wondering if the baby was going to be a boy or girl. I think they are excited about a baby in the Clubhouse. Very unscary of them. Might have to beat them a bit more so they aren’t such fucking pussies.”

I smiled, and I shook my head. “No, it’s fine. I’m almost excited to put this stuff away. I think I’m nesting or some shit.”

He ran his fingers through my hair and I all but purred. It felt so good. “Then what’s wrong?”

My cheeks flushed, and I regretted not agreeing to the freakin’ Prospects putting all this shit away.

“It’s nothing.” He raised a brow, and I sighed. He wasn’t going to drop it. Solomon was perceptive and stubborn as hell. “Fine. But you asked. Cain won’t have sex with me, and I’m pretty sure its because I look like a beluga whale.” I indicated my belly.

Solomon blinked at me. “Uhh…”

I stood up, and walked to the pile of onesies, and angry folded them. I folded each one twice and banged them down on top of the small table in the room.

I heard his soft steps behind me, and I kept my shoulders tense. “Dippy, that’s not it at all.” He gently spun me so I was forced to look up into the empathetic look on his face. “I’m almost positive that Cain has the biggest case of blue balls, because pregnant or not, you are hot as fuck.”

I snorted a laugh. “Eloquent.”

Solomon gave a frustrated huff, then he leaned forward and kissed me. And holy shit, he could kiss. If Judas wanted to possess and Cain wanted to devour, then Solomon’s kiss was pure pleasure. His lips pulled and sucked at mine as his tongue made love to mine like it was a different part of my body.

When he pulled back, he was grinning and I felt dizzy. “Uh…” I mumbled. “Again?”

“Now who’s eloquent, hmm?” Solomon whispered against my lips. He kissed me again, his hands roaming up and down my spine, one reaching down to palm my ass. He groaned low in his throat, and I finally pulled away.

Cain. I’d started something with Cain. This wasn’t right. “I can’t,” I gasped out while I had enough working brain cells remaining. “Cain and I…” I trailed off, because Cain and I hadn’t actually said anything about where this was going. Basically I cried and he’d made me feel better, then done it again the next night, and the night after and I couldn’t tell if he wanted it or just thought he was doing me a favor. Ugh. Men were fucking hard. Now I remembered why I’d been alone for the last two thousand years.

Solomon refused to let me go, and I remained pressed against his body because it was nice. The firm plane of his chest, his broad shoulders, the way his hands spanned the width off my back. “Don’t worry about Cain, Dippy. We’ve done this before.”

I pulled away so I could see his face properly. “Done what exactly?”

“Shared a woman.”

I felt my brows almost hit my hairline. “You’ve had threesomes?” Not going to lie, I wasn’t opposed to the idea right now.

“No, I mean yes, we’ve had threesomes but that's not what I meant. I mean we’ve had a relationship with one woman. Actually, not just me and Cain. Judas as well, he was her husband. And Goliath.”

“Goliath?” I couldn’t keep the disbelief from my voice. I just assumed that he hated women in general, but maybe it was just me.

Sadness clouded Sol’s eyes, but in the next second it was gone. “It was a long time ago, and a long story.”

I stepped back. “I’ve got ti-”

A low siren interrupted my words. Solomon’s body went on high alert. He went over to my window and let out a stream of profanities.

“We’re under attack. Come on,” he grabbed my hands and dragged me out of my room. We met Cain on the stairs, already holding a gun in his hand.

“Get her into the room at the back now. It's not just Uriel. He’s brought friends.”

He leaned forward and kissed me quickly on the lips. “We’ve got this, Sweetheart. Go with Sol,” then he was back down the stairs. Solomon continued to pull me along as we pushed against the flow of men rushing around like ants. Solomon stopped in front of what looked like a storage closet, but instead he punched in a number into a number pad, and the door popped open. Inside was a huge cache of weapons. Everything from semi-autos which I’m pretty sure were military grade and illegal as fuck, to damn C4.

Solomon tucked me into the closet then threw guns at every man who went past. Eventually the gun safe was empty of everything but a bunch of bricks of C4 and some goddamn grenades.

Solomon herded me back into the hall, pulling the armory door closed behind me. “What about me? I need a gun too.”

“Do you know how to use one? We will be in a room filled with our own people. Are you sure you can hit your mark?”

I huffed as I followed along behind him. I was an excellent marksman with a bow. Guns were a reasonably new weapon, and I hadn’t needed one. I was just a woman in this age. They didn’t need me to fight wars. And I didn’t need a gun to hunt for food when a bow was just as useful and cleaner. So no, I wasn’t a good marksman with a gun, fuck it.

Taking my silence as an answer, he opened the door to a room with no windows and the door seemed heavier. A huge wooden table sat in the center of the room. “This is where we hold Church,” Solomon explained, slamming the door shut. I noticed two prospects were here with me. Solomon stared at them, lifting his gun in their direction. “A single hair on her head gets hurt, I swear I’ll fucking torture you until you scream for mercy. I’m starting with your balls.”

They nodded nervously. Poor little guys. Couldn’t be more than twenty or so. They should be in college or at home with their Momma’s, not caught up in my fucking supernatural war.

Solomon leaned forward and kissed me softly. “It’s going to be fine. It’ll be all over soon.”

Then he walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

I slumped down in a chair, holding my head in my hands. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

They needed help. They didn’t understand what they were up against. I pulled my phone from my jeans pocket, and texted Hope. Then I called Marco.

I hadn’t told the guys about Marco, I wasn’t sure why. He seemed seperate to them, somehow a part of this shitshow but he’d gotten out. Dodged a literal bullet. I didn’t want to bring him back into it. But if Uriel got me today, he needed to run. Because if Uriel traced me here, he was going to want to eliminate anyone who knew that I was pregnant. Anyone who knew the whole story. Hope was on her own, she had her own beef with the Archangel. But Marco and his kids, they were just innocent bystanders.

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