Home > The Girl He Needs (No Strings Attached #1)(39)

The Girl He Needs (No Strings Attached #1)(39)
Author: Kristi Rose

“But they will be. Soon, I hope.”

“There are just as many risks with that plan as there are with Erik’s.”

Brinn shrugs, but I can tell he’s rolling the idea around in his head by the few irritated sighs he’s making.

“It would take a lot of capital for that startup. I just don’t know if I could tolerate him. He pretty much says what he’s thinking so there’d be no mystery.” He shakes his head. “It’s a wonder he’s ever made a dime.”

“It’s something to consider.”

“Nah, between trying to buy into Mark’s and putting together my application for my PhD, there’s really not much to consider. I’ve got all the options I need and they are sure things.”

“Do you really want your PhD? Was it something you were thinking of getting before the school made the offer?”

“No but that’s because I was single-focused on Mark.”

“The psychic said you had three paths. Maybe this one is the third.”

Brinn laughs. “Doubtful. Speaking of which, the university has this big charity shindig thing next weekend. I usually don’t do these sort of things but I’ve been told it would behoove me to go. Care to come with me?”

“Casual or formal?”

“Formal. I have to dig up a tux.”

“Tuxes cannot be ‘dug up’. They have to fit. They should”—I sweep my hands over his shoulders and down to his waist—“show this off. Jayne can help you.”

He groans. “Let’s forget about all this. I saw a movie theatre across the street.”

“We’re alone in a hotel and you want to go to a movie?” I wrap my arms around his waist.

He laughs. “Yeah, actually. I’d like to do something with you other than sex and food. It’s not a date or anything, because we don’t do that sort of thing.”

“Not a date?” The noise of the hotel is a whisper compared to the hum of our bodies.

“Nah, not a date. I mean, you know, even though it looks like what all other normal people do on dates. Dinner, movie, hold hands.”

“Entertain a drunk man.”

“See. Not a date. Just friends or maybe even co-workers, that’s how un-date like this evening is, and because it’s not a date I don’t have to acquiesce and agree to some chick flick just to try and impress you with my soft manly side.”

“You already scoped out the selection, didn’t you?”

“Yeah. Liberation, the new alien sci-fi movie, is out and I’d love to see it. Come on. You like sci-fi. It’s been ages since I went to a movie.”

I shrug. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay here, have another drink, and take it upstairs?”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but there’s more to life than sex.”

I purse my lips as if I’m considering the plausibility.

Brinn laughs. “Yeah, it sounded stupid in my head but I said it anyway. I’m tempted, you know I am, but I’d really like to see a movie with you. Besides, these BJJ’s are all bad ass looking in their gis and I’m thinking I need to get you away from all this testosterone.”

“You know I learned self-defense from a BJJ. In Texas.”

“You lived in Texas?”

I nod and tell Brinn how I met the owner of a Brazilian jiu-jitsu school at the bar where I’d taken a job when I escaped to Dallas following my runaway bride act. How upon arriving, I realized my options were limited as far as jobs were, so I scored one in a bookstore and the other in a bar. Using the experience I gained during my short stint as a barmaid for one of my mother’s gambling themed charity events. Being of a studious nature, more so back then versus now, I’d read several books on the art of cocktail making. Instant job skill.

“Then Utah?”

“Yes, I worked as a ski instructor. After Utah was Washington State—that’s where I met the artist I was engaged too. But I found out he was marrying me because he thought I had connections in the art world. And here I thought it was about an evolved relationship with an open concept. No real strings.”

“You could do that? Share your spouse?”

I shake my head. “I realized I couldn’t on the drive to Vegas. Right before I figured out I was being played. I think I was just lonely. That’s when I got this.” I touch the piercing he likes to kiss.

“From there?”

“South Carolina and now here.”

“Any chance you dated this Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor?”

“Maybe.” I shrug.

“What if he’s here right now?” Brinn scans the crowd, his eyes coming back to me, the corners crinkled with repressed laughter.

“Holy shit, you’re right. I don’t think he’d be too happy to see me. I dumped him over a text message. We should get out of here. Fast. To the movies,” I say. I try to make light of it, only now thinking back on it all, I don’t feel adventurous, but more like a shit bag.

“Yes!” He plants a fast kiss on my lips and lets go of my waist to grab my hand. He drags me through the lobby, weaving between the sea of uniforms, and we quickly make our way outside but are forced to stop at the crosswalk, waiting for the flashing white man to give us the approval to cross. Thunder booms overhead.

“Come on,” he says when it gives us the cue, tucking my hand into his. We run across the street as fat, unexpected raindrops splash down on and around us.

“It’s cold.” I’m surprised.

“Enjoy it. It’s a rare thing.” We jog through the crowd as others scatter in all directions hoping to find cover before the deluge begins. Brinn leads me toward the theatre doors.

“Don’t we need to buy tickets?” I tug him toward the booth but he tugs back, bringing me in front of him, and pushes me gently through the door.

“I bought tickets earlier from the concierge. Popcorn?” He points to the concessions counter.

I snatch the tickets from his hand and read them. “You’re a lucky son of a bitch. If these tickets were for a specific movie and not a voucher, I’d be giving you hell for playing me like that. What if I’d said no to a movie?” I hand him back the vouchers.

“Ha, no way.”

“Maybe I would’ve fought hard for a romantic comedy.”

“Nope. You got all the romance you can handle right here.” He pats his chest a couple of beats, puffing it out. I roll my eyes and turn away but he snags me by the arm and pulls me into his embrace, wrapping me tight.

“Just two co-workers, huh?” I say.

“Yep, after the movie I’ll show you how to fix the copy machine.” “Is that office talk for playing doctor?”

He laughs and brushes a kiss along my lower lip. “When it’s time for you to go, don’t end it with a text, please.”

“Are you ready for me to go?” I find that asking the question makes my breath freeze in my chest.

“Nope, I just don’t want to always be worried that’s it’s a good-bye every time I get a text from you.” The darkening of his eyes speaks to his the depth of his worry even if his voice feigns indifference. I see the Brinn who was always let down by people he let in, people he trusted. I see a little...reticence I now recognize is a part of him in everything he does, as if he’s bracing himself for the inevitable abandonment. Except for when we’re having sex; that’s when he opens up. That’s when he’s the most exposed. I’d rather rip my own heart from my chest than be one of those people that put shadows in his eyes.

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