Home > The Promise (North Woods University #5)(5)

The Promise (North Woods University #5)(5)
Author: J.L. Beck

“Not mine. I keep my promises. Always.” I get the feeling she’s been let down a time or two in her life, and I want her to know that if she needs some type of safety, I’m here for her. I’ll catch her if she falls.

Pulling her even closer, I hold her to me, showing her with my body that I’ve got her, that I’ll keep her safe. She takes my invitation, cuddling into me, burying her face into my chest. She sucks in a harsh breath and then melts into me.

I try my best to fight against the exhaustion that’s overcoming me, wanting this moment to go on forever, but I’m only so strong with her in my arms. Letting my eyes fall closed, I fall asleep with her warm breath fanning against my skin and the soft, steady beat of her heart on my chest.






My eyes blink open, and for one single second, the unfamiliar room has me in a panic, but as soon as I take in my surroundings, those feelings vanish into thin air.

Warmth surrounds me, warmth and safety. Lex’s heavy arm is draped over me, holding me tightly to his chest like I belong to him. Oh, how I wish that were true.

I wish I could stay here in his arms forever, but I know that’s just a dream. My family won’t stop looking for me if I don’t return. I need them to disown me first. I need to go back there so I can ultimately be free of them. I know they won’t let me go without retaliation.

A crazy thought enters my mind then. Perhaps I could come back here? Maybe I could see Lex again. Just as quick as the thought enters my mind, I banish it away.

Don’t be a fool, Jude.

This was a one-time thing. Just sex and nothing more. His words from last night were just that… words. I can’t expect him to feel what I’m feeling. Plus, I’m pretty sure the only reason I’m feeling so drawn to him is the fact that he is the first man in my life who’s shown me kindness. The first man who treated me with respect, who saw me as an equal human being and not as less because I’m a woman.

I’ll be forever grateful to him; for what he’s done for me without even knowing it. Quiet as a mouse, I slide out of bed and find my clothes on the floor. I wince, an ache throbbing between my legs as I dress.

When I’m dressed, I take one last look at Lex. It’s almost completely dark, the only thing illuminating the room is the night sky that’s filtering in through the window.

Even in the barely-there light, he looks magnificent, his bare chest on full display, rising and falling in an even rhythm, the sheet barely covering his nether region. It takes a lot of willpower to turn around and leave the room when all I want to do is crawl back into the bed to pretend the world around us doesn’t exist.

On the way out, I spot a notepad on the coffee table and decide to leave him a little message. Last night might not have been special to him, but I can’t leave without letting him know how much it meant to me.

Grabbing the pen, I take a deep breath before writing down what I feel in my heart.




Last night meant more to me than you will ever know.

You gave me a gift.

You gave me a choice.

You gave me freedom.

And for that, I will forever be grateful.



Love, Jude



I drop the pen and wipe the escaping tear from my eye before I head out. Closing the door behind me softly, I hope that one day I can find my way back here because I know…

Part of me will always be his.









Six Weeks Later



I duck out of the way as Roman’s fist flies through the air, barely missing the side of my head. Unfortunately, I’m not fast enough to dodge his follow-up left jab. He hits me square in the jaw, making my head snap back. Bright lights flash before my eyes, reminding me of Jude’s platinum blonde hair.


Forgetting her has been harder than I thought it would be. I decided about a week ago that she wasn’t a one-night-stand. If she was, why would I feel so stupidly fucking heartbroken?

“Lex, are we doing this, or are you off in la-la land?”

“Shut up and stop hitting like a bitch.”

Roman grins, and this time, I catch him off guard, slamming my fist into his side. I bounce back on my heels and snicker as he holds his side, but my amusement is forgotten when his fist catches me right on the nose. My nose throbs, and I feel the warmth of blood dripping down over my lips and chin.

“Looks like he got you good,” Luke says around a chuckle, from the side of the ring, leaning against the ropes casually.

I wipe away the blood from my face with my arm and turn to Luke. If it wasn’t for this gym, Roman and him, I’m not sure where I would be. Being able to come here and let all my anger out safely has helped to keep me centered, kept the nightmares at bay. It’s given me an outlet, physically and mentally, and I suppose I’ve gained two new friends out of it as well.

“What’s good, Luke?” Roman asks, tossing a towel over his shoulder. The guy is a beast in the ring. I’m surprised I don’t have more bruises these days. I’m pretty sure he takes it easy on me. There is a kind of restraint in his fighting, and I don’t want to be there when he lets loose.

Twisting the cap off my water, I bring it to my lips and empty the contents into my throat, letting it cool me.

Luke shakes his hair. “Nothing, just some shit with Grace.”

“Trouble in paradise?” Roman asks.

“No, some scumbag at North Woods was fucking with her in class earlier. She’s told him she’s married and not interested numerous times, but he isn’t taking the hint.” I can see the anger rising up in Luke. It’s not like him, at least from what I’ve seen. Usually, he’s cool, the jokester if you will. “I’m going to either end up finding the fucker, or I’ll have to tell Grace she can only do online classes, and you know how well that will go.”

Roman chuckles. “About as good as me telling Sophie she can’t do something.”

I shrug off what they’re saying, their personal lives are none of my business.

Outside of going to the bar a couple of times or working here at the gym, I don’t usually hang out with them.

“Yeah, so I’m going to go over to the campus and see if I can hunt the fucker down.”

Roman’s gaze turns serious. “Don’t kill him, he’s just a college kid, and I don’t want to deal with that shit right now.”

He runs a hand over his buzz cut head. Roman must be joking, though it’s hard to see it as a joke with the serious, I’ll-kill-you-myself look on his face.

“Luke, if this guy is giving your wife a problem, I can help.” I crumple the plastic bottle in my hand and cross the ring.

“In what way is that because my fists can probably do the same thing yours can? Maybe a little better judging by the way your face looks,” Luke taunts.

I grin because I can’t fucking help it. “Shut up, asshole. I know people, people like the dean. He’s my brother. I can talk to him, get the guy suspended, or at the very least talked to. Maybe then he’ll leave her alone?”

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