Home > Drive Me Crazy(30)

Drive Me Crazy(30)
Author: Leaona Luxx

She nods, not meeting my eyes. "I am and for the record, I've never doubted that you could take care of me."

There it is, my chance to tell her everything I've held deep and harbored my ill conception of myself for so long. But I can't bring myself to do it.

I don't want her to think of me any other way than how she feels about me right now. Selfish? Probably, but he's stolen years from me, and I plan to take everything I can get right now.

"Good, because I plan to do just that." I start the car, pulling out to head back home. "How about a quick whirl around town?"

She leans forward and I feel her warm breath on the back of my neck. "Do you think it'd be okay?"

"As good as it was when we were sixteen and buzzing on strawberry wine." I bite my lip as memories of her hair blowing in the wind and rosy colored cheeks spring to mind.

"Oh, man. Strawberry wine and cruisin'! It didn't get any better than that." She sighs heavily.

I come to a stop at the intersection. "Well, that's just shitty."

"What is?" She frowns as I peer at her in the mirror.

"That life got no better," I wink. "but we can change that together."

She leans forward, resting her chin on my seat. "What'cha got in mind?"

I turn my head, meeting her face to face. Our mouths are inches apart and all I can think about is taking them and marking her as mine. Her lips part as she exhales, and I'm swallowed whole.

"Everything, Harper." Her nostrils flare, mimicking my racing pulse. "But let's start with the basics and head downtown."

Her brow rises. "Tease."

"Oh, but when the time’s right, I'm gonna damn well please." I shift in my seat... for more reasons than one and release the brake. I fight to control my breathing; my entire chest is tingling and all I can think of is making her fall in love with me- forever.

"So, how long do you plan to do this?" She huffs, sitting back in her seat.

"Do what?"

She releases a heavy breath; I can't tell if it's her letting her guard down and relaxing or she's frustrated. "Drive me crazy?"

"Girl, I can't drive you there if you're a permanent resident." I snicker.

"Seriously?" She murmurs just before I feel her flick the hell out of the back of my ear. "Shithead."

"Owwww!" I rub my ear to her amusement.

Harper runs her hand over the back of mine. "Did I hurt it?"

"Maybe." I pout.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." She giggles. "They've always been a favorite of mine."

"Favorite what, target?" I grumble, pretending to have an injury.

The back of my seat moves as she leans in. "I'm hating the 'Driving Miss Harper' thing we have goin' on here."

"Believe me, I'd much rather have you by my side than in my rearview."

Her warm breath sweeps across my jaw, and my chest tightens from her proximity. "I'd prefer a different position too but here we are, separated like always."

"Yeah," I squirm, hoping to give my zipper some relief from the pressure it's under. "oh look, it's the new garage."

"Congratulations! It's huge." She chuckles and before I can say a word, she belts out... "that's what she said!"

I shake my head, laughing with her. "You're a hot mess, I swear you are."

"Whatever!" She shoves the back of my head forward. "Stop actin' like you're surprised."

"Oh, I wasn't surprised you're a hot mess. Only that you were lettin' it show, ya might wanna tuck that back in girl."

I slow to a stop at the next light, and glance at her through the mirror. "Ya know, I think you'd be lost without that thing."

"Huh?" My brows hang low.

She motions to the windshield. "You've been more focused on that thing than the road this entire time, I'm lucky you haven't wrecked us."

"Pretty sure I've had you in more precarious positions and dangerously close calls than this before." I wink and watch as she turns several shades of red.

She cuts her eyes at me before slowly wetting her perfectly pouty lips and leans forward. She brushes my ear with her mouth, leaving me with a cool sensation as her words spill from them.

"Yeah, Ridge. You've had me to the point of never turning back, yet here we are, still at the starting line."

"What I wouldn't give to have you back beneath me," I release the pressure on the peddle and our boiling pot of emotions. "driving you insane until you told me what you wanted."

Harper's so close to me, her scent is a reckoning to my soul. "If I had ever known I could tell you what I wanted, and you'd given it to me, our lives would be so different."

"That's the thing I love most about life, we can change it."

Harper gasps, drawing my attention to her. She's frozen in fear. I cut my eyes back to the road, searching the surrounding area. Just as I turn the corner, I spot him.

"Mother fucker!" I dig my cell out, hitting dial as I come to a stop across the street from the gas station by my house.

"Ridge?" One's deep tone clues me in that he understands.

"He's here, corner of King's Highway and 17 Business. Black sedan, far side of the station. He's walking in, must not be using his cards and is paying with cash." I growl through every word.

"And Harper?" One's voice is even lower.

My eyes snap to her, she's visibly shaking, and her face is wet with tears. "I have her, she saw him."

"Can you get home safely?" There's a flurry of activity on his end of the call.

"Absolutely." I swallow hard, praying it will help to extinguish the burning flames of fury that's engulfing my throat for Weston and myself, I can't believe I put her at risk like this... again. "I'll do whatever is necessary to protect her."

"We know, thank you." What sounds like a door closes. "Go home, keep watch. All hell is about to break loose there."

"Will do." I nod with understanding. "I'll let you know."

There's rustling, and then an engine fires up. "Go, now. I'll swing by later."

I end the call, still staring at the building sitting across from us. Finally tearing my eyes away, I gaze at her again through the rearview. She's biting her nail through soft sobs.

"Harper?" She cuts her eyes at me. "Let's go home."

She nods, slowly. "Are you gonna stay with me?"

"I'm never leaving your side again." I check the traffic before entering the road home.

A soft whimper escapes, and my heart seizes. "I don't know what I'd do if he hurt any of you, Ridge. I never wanted to dump any of this on y'all. I'm sorry."

"First of all, you're not 'dumping' this on any of us. We love you, Harper, and we'd all damn well do this again to help you and keep you safe." I seethe, thinking about the way he's convinced her this is her fault. The mere image of it makes my stomach revolt.

"I'm not sure I'm worth any of it, Ridge. I don't understand why any of you would ever want to be around me, knowing what it could mean to you." She snubs, and I'm ripped apart with every tear that falls.

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