Home > Drive Me Crazy(33)

Drive Me Crazy(33)
Author: Leaona Luxx

When he turns on me, I can see the hackles rise on his neck. I stiffen, readying for what I know is coming. Closing my eyes, I wait for his fists, but they never come.

Instead, I feel his fiery breath on my face, and my eyes snap open. "You've got to be kidding me, right? You're telling me, you're still in love with Ridge. All I ever done was try to save you from that piece of shit and what thanks have I gotten?"

"Save me? You're deranged, you fucking prick! All you've ever done is make me loathe you." I buck him, pushing him as far as I can, hoping to buy more time.

"You ignorant cunt, you fucked him. Didn't you? You can't keep your legs closed for five minutes. I wonder if he has any idea what a whore you are?" He smirks, making my stomach roll violently. "Is that why it's taken me so long to find you, you were with him, right? Did he tell you his little secret? Do you know why you're with me and not him?"

My chest tightens, I know he's a liar and will do anything to hurt me but there's something in his eyes that's chilling. "I don't know what you're talking about and we both know what a fucking liar you are. Whether or not he's in the picture, it doesn't change the fact that I've never loved you."

"As if he ever loved you. He could've stopped all of this; do you know that? He stood there and let me walk away with you. Haven't you ever wondered why he never fought for you? I told him I'd kill you and he didn't even put up a fight. He never looked back." He chuckles, solidifying his insanity.

I shake my head, refusing to believe a word he utters. "Go to hell. Ridge would never have left me with you if he had known how you were gonna treat me."

"Oh dear, your undying faith in him is a waste and sorely misguided. He's the fucking asshole and if I let you live; I might even allow him to be the one to crush you and your little ole heart. Fucking dumb bitch." He pokes me in the face with every word, busting my lip with the last.

I narrow my eyes, readying for the fallout of what I'm about to say. "You wanna know why I came running home to him? Because you could never satisfy me the way he did."

"You will regret every fucking word, I promise you." Weston picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I hit his back, thumping, and clawing at him. He slings me into the car, holding me down when I scramble, reaching for the other door. "You're only making this worse on you and you'll have no one to blame but you."

I flip over on my back, kicking him in the side as I pry the handle open above my head. He winces, giving me the chance, I need. Clambering from the passenger seat, I land on the ground.

Hurrying to my feet, I meet the devil face to face. He shoves the gun into my ribs and though I want to fight, I can't. I'm afraid he'll shoot.

My breath hitches as I bear witness to my world imploding, playing in slow motion. In the distance, Ridge barrels toward us, drawing Weston's ire. He pushes me back down into the door; I brace myself, trying to stay upright.

The personal living nightmare I've been living for years comes true when I hear a blast. It's the sound of a gun. I crumple to the ground, rooted here, and covered with the spatter of wetness.

I run the back of my hand over my face, clearing my sight to search for Ridge when I notice I have blood on me. Somewhere in the background, I can hear my name but there's only one thing that can bring me back from this, him.

"Harper!" I fall against the car, the cold metal on my back isn't even enough to pull me from the dark recesses I've fallen in.



"Nothing." My scalp prickles and a feeling of dread inches down my spine. "I don't understand where the car went to that was here."

"Call Harper, ask her if she saw anyone move it or if it left." One grumbles.

I tilt my head, straining to hear a faint sound far away. "Hang on, I think I hear..." My body quakes when it registers with me. I take off in a dead heat toward the screams. "He's here. Near Landon's. I'm going." I end the call, not waiting on his response.

My lungs burn as my legs move as fast as they can. The closer I get, the harder my heart pounds against my ribs. I hurdle Landon's fence, rounding the corner of his house in a full sprint.

I immediately spot Scout on the side of the street, yelling as she types frantically on her phone. I follow her line of sight as I move beyond the trees in their yard, to find Weston dragging Harper down the road.

"I'm gonna kill him!" My heart seizes, I can't make any mistakes or Harper will pay the price for my actions.

Scout's head whips around and I motion her to stay quiet. I cut through the thicket, around to where Harper and Weston are now across from me.

My pulse thrums through my veins, it deafens me. Weston moves to the side, as he tries to force Harper in the door. I have to give it to her; she's putting up a hell of a fight.

The clouds part, allowing the sun to break through, glinting off the metal in his hand. Weston has a gun in one hand and Harper in his other. Without another thought, I hurl myself toward them. I'll be damned if he tries to hurt her on my watch.

"Weston!" I yell his name with such a guttural menace, his head spins, and the look in his eyes tells me everything I need to know.

It's her or me.

I lunge at him, my fist connecting to his jaw with a crack. His knees buckle, and the gun falls to the ground. I kick it under the car on my way to Harper.

Or so I thought I did. A loud pop jolts me, knocking me to the ground before I can reach Harper. Her face distorts as terror grips her body and all I can do is watch as blood splatters across her face.

"Harper!" The ringing in my ears throws me off balance. Disoriented, I fight to stay present. I reach for Harper, needing to know she's Alright.

I lose my balance when I try to stand and have to lean against the car to stay upright. She's trembling when I wrap her in my arms. "You're okay. It's going to be Alright."

Scout shouts as she sprints toward us, but I'm practically deaf and can't make out what she's saying. She points behind me until I crane my neck to see One and his friends swarming the area.

I turn back to Harper, laying my hand on her face. "You're safe now, I'm sorry I let you down again."

Harper lifts her eyes to mine; they're teaming with emotion. Her lips quiver as she murmurs something to me. I shake my head, unable to hear her or to read her trembling mouth.

Emergency personnel gather around us, slowly separating our hands. I feel her slipping away just as her fingers leave mine. Harper's decimated and for the life of me, I don't have a clue why.



"Ridge?" Emerson touches my shoulder to get my attention. The last few hours is all I've thought about, I've replayed it in my mind a million times, and I can't find any other way around it.

I straighten in the bed, so I can read her lips for the things I can't make out. "Yeah, is she okay? Did you see her? Would they let you talk to her?"

"Slow down." Emerson holds her hand up, giving me as much direction as she's telling me. "She's Alright, just a few more bruises and scars but honestly, you probably saved her life."

I shake my head repeatedly. "No! I didn't protect her at all, I let her down again."

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