Home > Drive Me Crazy(34)

Drive Me Crazy(34)
Author: Leaona Luxx

"You did what One asked you to do, and you did it unprotected as well." Emerson takes my hand, pulling on it until I look at her. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks, Em. Where is everyone?" I roll my shoulders in hopes to relieve some tension.

Em takes a deep breath. "Harper's having a few more tests, she ran everyone out of her room. One, Aksel, our parents and her family are all out in the waiting area. Along with several detectives and agents."

"Why is she alone? Is she okay?" I twist my bottom lip between my fingers.

"I've already told you she's fine, it's a few extra tests. How are you?" Em wrinkles her nose, looking at my hand.

I attempt to pull it away from her, which she has nothing to do with. "I'm fine. I got one punch in before all hell broke loose."

"Well, I'm proud of you for charging in and taking control like you did, although it was stupid." She giggles. There's a knock on the door just as it swings wide.

A man in a white coat strolls through with a cheesy grin. "Mister Willis, how are you feeling?"

"Like I need to go home." I grumble.

"You're in luck, I agree that you can go home. Keep your wound clean, it's mainly superficial." He scribbles in the file, finally looking at me. "Your girlfriend will be a few minutes, but you can wait with your family."

I cut my eyes at Emerson. "She's my friend, not girlfriend."

"But she said..." he trails off, lowering his brows. "it doesn't matter, she'll be ready to go within the hour."

I clear my throat when my breath hitches, playing it off. "Good, I'm ready to get home."

"Alright get dressed. I'll get these finished and you can hit the road." He offers his hand; I take it with a quick shake.

"Thanks, Doc." I nod as he walks from the room. I glance at Em, smiling. "Are you helping me get dressed?"

She shoots up from her seat. "Ew, no! I'll be in the waiting room."

I swing my legs off the bed, flexing my hand to work out the soreness. "Fucking dumb ass, of all the times to fuck something up, you pick now."

Sliding off the bed, I walk over to my clothes and yank them on. Stepping into my shoes, I run my hand through my hair and head toward the front of the hospital.

I can hear the low rumble behind the doors from halfway down the hall. This bunch is loud and as soon as the door opens, I’m overtaken with love. I'm swarmed with hugs and kisses.

"Thank you, Ridge. We deeply appreciate you and all you've done for her." Landon pulls me into a manly hug, including a pat on the back.

I wave him off, knowing I screwed up. "No man, I should've waited with her. She would've never been out there if I had stayed with her."

"We both know, you would've gone to help Scout too." Landon holds her close to his side.

"I'm so happy you're okay." I lean in, slipping my arm around her for a hug.

She pats my back. "You can't get rid of me that easy, what happens if I need to replace him."

"Good point." I wink at her. "Can someone tell me what happened? I thought I had kicked the gun far enough away he couldn't get it."

"You did." One places his hand on my shoulder, reassuring me. "He had a second one in the back of his pants, when the agent saw him pull it, he made one command and fired. Weston's gone."

My jaw ticks, thinking of what might've happened had he not been there. "I heard nothing except her, I was blind with rage. I went in all hot headed and stupid. I could've gotten her killed."

"You could've gotten killed, I think you made the right choice and I refuse to allow anyone to second guess it. Including you." One stares at me as if to say, stop now.

My shoulders shag, and I continue my demolition in private. "I hear ya."

"Harper will be released soon, then we can all go home." Harper's dad announces.

I rub my stomach when it knots and make my excuse. "I think I'm gonna head on out. Mack's blown my phone up and I want to get everyone settled in for the night, I know tensions are still high."

"Oh, yeah. Sure." Landon gives me a curt nod. I side eye One, hoping to duck out before he can catch me.

I wave at Harper's parents and walk through the doors. By the time I hit the pavement, I take a steadying breath, thinking I've skirted the worst.

"Ridge." One's voice carries across the lot. "hold up."

I wince, turning around to find him with another man as they approach me. I shift my feet; worried Harper will be out here before I can leave.

"What's up?"

One frowns, tilting his head as he gets closer. "You're not waiting on Harper?"

"Ahhh, no." I press my mouth into a thin line, rocking back on my heels. "I figured she'd go home tonight with her parents, so I wanted to get out of the way. You know, give them some time together and all."

"I see." He lifts his head, nodding slowly. "This is Agent Adams; he wanted to meet you and get your basics so he can reach out in a day or two."

Agent Adams juts his hand out for me to take it, I do but only because I want to get this over with. "It's good to meet you, I hope you don't mind the intrusion."

"I think we're well past that shit. How can I help you?"

"As you probably know, I'll need to come by and get a statement from you. Would you like to arrange the details now?" He scrolls his phone, ready to enter any information I offer.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be at Mack's Garage in Cherry Grove the rest of the week." I avert my eyes when One narrows his at me.

The agent's head bounces from me to One and back. "I thought you lived near where the incident took place?"

"My home is there but I need to make up some work time, so I'll be at my apartment for the foreseeable future. My business partner is weeks away from giving birth, I need to be closer to work." I shove my hands in pockets and pray One takes my answer at face value.

He nods, making notes. "Alright, I'll swing by tomorrow afternoon."

"By the way, if you run into a smallish girl at the front desk and she gives you any shit, it's best you take it. She's my niece, and little fireball. You'll never get to me without her approval." I chuckle thinking of Rumor.

"I'll keep it in mind." He offers his hand once again. I yank mine free, taking his with a smile. It's fake as hell, but I've had enough of real for today.

One holds his hand up, a sign for me to wait while he finishes with the agent. Once he walks away, One turns his sites on me. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"No, but I'm not sure it matters either." I shrug.

He pursues his lips; I can tell he's weighing his next words. "Ridge, I've known you since you were five. You're headstrong and have always gone your own way, things I can appreciate, but you need to stop your bullshit or you're gonna lose this girl forever."

"In case you haven't noticed, I've never had her." I fold my arms over my chest, hoping to help keep it from imploding. My heart is already obliterated.

His forehead wrinkles. "I think you need to step back, take some time to be honest with yourself and then come find Harper, she deserves to know what in the hell this all is about because it's obvious it isn't her."

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