Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(453)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(453)
Author: J. Saman

“What’s up, everyone?” Storm says, walking into our flat as if he owns the place. He walks over to the coffee table and whips out a bag of marijuana and begins to roll a joint. “What are you doing?” I ask, my voice a littler higher in pitch than I anticipated.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” he matter-of-factly replies.

“Not in my house,” I snarl.

“Chill, Bai. It’s just a joint,” William says. Taking a seat next to Storm, he begins to roll one himself.

“Not. In. My. House.” My jaw is clenched as I spit each word out, “If you want to do that, get out,” pointing to the door as I say this.

“You’re such an uptight bitch, you need a hit,” Storm hisses.

William laughs. Wendy and Nancy come back into the room, both of them have flushed cheeks and I smile, but when Nancy sees what’s going on her face drops. “Nope, not in this house. If you two want to light up you can leave.” They stare blankly at her. “Out!” she bellows. Nancy has a gentle nature, but when you do something that she’s not fond of, her wild side comes out—this is one of those times.

“Lighten up, babe. Maybe all you chicks need a hit.”

Wendy, not one for confrontation, walks into the center of the room and scowls at him. “William, you’re my brother and I love you and all, but not here. The girls and I don’t want that here. “

“You are full of shit, dear sister. You and I had a toke just the other day.” She lowers her head and sighs. Nancy’s head snaps toward her and her face is full of disappointment.

“What is he talking about, Wendy?”

“Nothing, he’s just being a butthead brother. Right?” Wendy is glaring at him.

“Yeah, I’m just joking around. Come on, Storm, let’s go outside.”

With that, they both stand up and leave. Nancy walks over to the door, flicks the lock, and when it engages, she turns around to Wendy and sadly asks, “Did you?” Wendy dejectedly nods. “You know how I feel about drugs, why, Wendy, why?”

Wendy begins to cry. “I don’t know why. William was being William and I let my guard down. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” She falls to her knees and begins to sob. Nancy races over to her and wraps her arms around Wendy.

“Shhhh. It’s okay. We all make mistakes. I just don’t want to lose you like I lost Stephen.”

“I know, I’m so sorry, Nance. I’ll never do it again. I don’t want to lose you. I love you too much for that.”

My eyes bug open at this declaration. Nancy’s face breaks out into a super big grin. “I love you too,” she whispers back, resting her forehead against Wendy’s. They stare at each other for a few moments before Wendy places her lips against Nancy’s, she places her hands on Wendy’s cheeks and they tenderly kiss each other. It’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Quietly, I try to exit the room, but I trip on the shaggy rug and land next to them. They break apart and their heads snap to me.

“Hi,” I timidly say. We stare at one another and then break out laughing. Once we have all calmed down, with a huge smile I say, “I’m so glad you two are together.”

“You knew?” Wendy asks.

“Blind Freddy knew.”

“Shit, William,” she gasps.

“He’s blinder than blind Freddy. He has no idea, and I think it’s best to keep it that way for now. He’s a total pompous ass, how you two are related is beyond me.”

“I question that everyday.” She pauses, takes Nancy’s hand, and squeezes. “Are you sure it’s okay?”

“More than okay. I’ve been wishing for this for months now, but it seems you two are very good at hiding things.”

“Guess we will have to hide a little longer then.”

“Not in this house you don’t. I want you both to be happy, and I am over the moon that you’ve found each other. One day, I hope to find a love like you two.”

“You will, Bai. And dressed like that, maybe today will be the day.” She winks at me.

“Here’s hoping.”

Wendy, Nancy, and I step outside, where we find Storm and William leaning against his truck waiting for us. “Ready to go?” William shouts, as if the confrontation five minutes ago didn’t occur.

“Yep,” the three of us girls say in unison. We all break out laughing, and as we climb into the truck, I know this weekend is going to be amazing, and I hope that maybe I will meet my Romeo.









William parks his truck and we all climb out and walk in. The atmosphere is electric. There are people dancing everywhere. People are smoking joints out in public, and I shake my head at their brazenness, but to each to their own, I think to myself.

Wendy, Nancy, and I link arms and we continue to walk around. William and Storm are behind us, but if I’m honest, I hope we lose them in this crowd—fingers crossed. Eventually Wendy and Nancy break away from me, and I find myself happily watching them—but not in a creepy way. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a guy leaning against a fence, chatting and laughing with his friend. Midstep, I freeze. He is absolutely gorgeous. Dark shaggy hair. Tight jeans that accentuate his hips. His shirt is hanging in his pocket, and I’m met with a chest that was carved by the gods. I swallow deeply as I continue to stare at this fine specimen of a man. He looks up and our eyes lock on one another. The music and chatter fades away. I don’t register anyone except him. He grins at me and his smile is electric. I feel it from where I’m standing, and I’m a good ten to fifteen feet away from him. The moment is broken when William crashes into my back. “Sorry, Bai,” he says, but I don’t react, my eyes are still locked on the guy. William looks to where I’m staring, and I swear he growls like a feral dog. Gripping my arm tightly, he pulls me away and over toward Nancy and Wendy. “Let’s go, Bailey,” he angrily grumbles, as he continues to pull on my arm.

Looking over my shoulder, I see the guy is gone and instantly I deflate. Pulling my arm free, I stop. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

“You’re too good for him,” he spits between clenched teeth. His eyes full of rage, I can feel the anger radiating off him.

“For who? What are you talking about?”

William spins around, roughly grabs my upper arms, and snarls, “Stay away from him.”

“What and who are you talking about?” I’m so confused right now, and when I look at him, I see he’s staring at where the guy was. “Do you know that guy, William?”

“Just stay away from him, Bailey.” Before I can press him further, he storms away. Leaving me standing there confused.

Wendy walks over to me and slings her arm around my shoulder. “What was that all about?”

Shaking my head, I shrug. “Beats me, but your brother needs to lay off the weed. He’s acting weird.”

“Bai, he’s always been weird.” She laughs. “Now where to?”

“I need a drink and a dance.”

“Sounds like a fine plan to me,” Wendy says.

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