Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(454)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(454)
Author: J. Saman

She grabs Nancy’s hand, links arms with me, and the three of us walk toward the stage, where a band called Santana is playing. “These guys are pretty good,” I whisper to them, they both nod at me and we continue to sway to the music.

After a few more songs, I lean over to Wendy. “I’m going to the bathroom and to get a drink, want anything?”

She shakes her head no and then pulls Nancy into her arms and they rock to the music together. I’m so happy they finally took a leap. I’m lined up for the bathroom and I find myself still swaying to the music. After emptying my bladder, I look for somewhere to get a drink when I shiver. I feel like someone is watching me. Spinning around, I see that right behind me is the guy from before. I thought he was good-looking from ten feet away, but up close he is absolutely stunning.

“Hhh...hi!” he stammers like a bumbling fool. “I’m Nate.”

“Nice to meet you, Nate, I’m Bailey.” My tongue darts out and I lick my bottom lip, gently biting it. I notice that Nate is watching me intently. My cheeks darken, and my heart rate increases. Never have I been affected by a guy before like I am with Nate. “Are you having a good time?”

“I am now,” he confirms, raising his eyebrows at me before winking.


Swallowing deeply, I take a deep breath and ask, “Wanna go for a walk with me, Nate?” Never before have I been so confident or brazen with a member of the opposite sex, but Nate makes me feel at ease and strong.

“I’d love to, Bailey.”

I smile back at him, I love the way he says my name. Linking arms with him, I say, “Lead the way,” and we head in the opposite direction to the stage.

Our steps fall into sync. Vaguely, I hear the music and chatter of people around us, but right at this moment, all I can focus on is Nate. Eventually we stop, and I notice that we are at the spot where I first laid eyes on Nate, I laugh.

“What’s so funny?” he asks.

“Umm, you were standing in this exact spot when I first noticed you.” He nods his head at me. “I looked back and then you were gone. I thought I imagined you.”

“I noticed you as soon as you walked in. Bailey, you are exquisite. There’s this aura around you that draws people in. I wanted to race over to you, dip you back, and kiss your gorgeous glossy lips.”

I blush at his words. No one has ever spoken to me like that before, and if I’m being honest, I love it. “I’d have liked that,” I whisper, and before I know what’s happening, Nate has me dipped back and his lips are pressing against mine. My mouth opens and his tongue ever so slowly slips into my mouth. I gently suck his before I slide my tongue into his mouth. We continue to caress each other’s tongues, our lips fused together in the most sensual, erotic kiss ever. This is the best kiss of my life. All too soon, I’m upright again and I’m staring into Nate’s eyes. My breathing is labored, and I swallow before I lift my fingers to my lips. “Wow,” I mumble to myself.

“Wow indeed,” he replies.

A force beyond my control takes over my body; I wrap my arms around his neck and smash my lips to his again. He slips his arms around my waist and pulls me in close. Our lips meld together, you cannot tell where I end and he starts. I moan into his mouth as the kiss deepens. Breaking our connection, I close my eyes and rest my forehead against him. “This is all familiar. It feels perfect.”

“I agree,” he whispers.

Our perfect moment is interrupted when I’m yanked away from Nate. “Stay away from her, Winters,” William growls.

“Clayton, nice to see you,” Nate calmly replies.

“You two know each other?” I ask, completely confused.

“Yep,” Nate says at the same time that William snarls, “Unfortunately.”

“William, don’t be so rude,” I snap.

“Walk away, Bailey. You don’t want this scum in your life.”

“William, I will hang around whomever I want. You are not the boss of me.”

“Don’t press me on this, Bailey. I—”

“Bailey, it’s fine. I’ll catch up with you later,” Nate says.

“Like hell you will,” William snarls.

Nate reaches for my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. His eyes never leave mine. He whispers, “Trust me,” before leaning forward and gently placing a kiss on my cheek.

From my side, William yells, “Stay away from her, Winters!”

Turning to William, I angrily stare at him. “William, what’s gotten into you? This isn’t you.”

Nate rolls his eyes and scoffs at this. My head snaps to his and I lift my eyebrows at him. He raises his hands in surrender, “Bai, I’m going to leave you with him.” He emphasizes the word him. “I’ll catch you later.”

I like the way he says Bai, but I’m uncomfortable with what’s going on between William and Nate, especially when William mumbles, “Don’t count on it.” I glare at William before I look back to Nate.

“I’d like that, Nate and I’m sorry.” Nodding my head in the direction of William.

“Don’t be, it’s not you. It’s him.” He places emphasis on the word him but his eyes never leave mine.

“What is with you two?” I ask, looking between the two of them.

Neither one of them answer me. They just glare at one another. Like children. I shake my head. “I don’t have time for this crap.” I start walking away. Someone reaches for my hand, and without turning around, I know it’s Nate. He tugs me back to him. He leans into my ear and whispers, “I’ll be thinking about you until I see you again later.”

I shiver at his words, but before I can reply, he’s gone. I’m left standing in the middle of at least twenty thousand people and I feel lonely. I’m snapped back to reality when William grabs my elbow. “Bailey, you will stay away from him.”

“Tell me why and maybe I will.”

“Because,” he sternly states, crossing his arms defiantly over his chest.

“Because? That’s all I get?”

“Just stay away from him.” Before I have a chance to reply, he storms off and, once again, I’m left standing by myself.

I’m angry.

I’m confused.

And I’m pissed off.

All my happiness from five minutes ago has disappeared, but I know one thing for certain, I want to see Nate again.









After purchasing a homemade lemonade from the drink stand, I take a sip and moan. It’s the perfect combination of sweet and sour. Looking around, I see many revellers dancing and having the time of their lives. Woodstock’s popularity blew everyone away and there was a chance it was going to get cancelled, but thanks to Max Yasgur—thanks, Max—he offered his land and here we are. Standing amongst the crowd, I find myself happy, but I’m not enjoying myself as much as the other partiers. I’m so confused right now. The incident between Nate and William keeps playing in my mind. And then there’s Nate, I can’t stop thinking about him. I really hope we do meet up again.


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