Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(456)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(456)
Author: J. Saman


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“Nate, there you are.” The moment is interrupted when his friend walks up to us. “I just saw Clayton and he looks pissed off, I know you did something.” He doesn’t see me. “Dude, what—” He finally notices me, then looks back to Nate, “Yep, now I get it.” He turns his attention back to me. “Pleasure to meet you, ma’am, I’m Archibald Calhoun, but my friends call me Archie.”


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“I’m Bailey. Call me ma’am again, Archie, and we won’t be friends anymore.”


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He looks to Nate. “I like the sass on this one.” He turns his attention back to me and with a cheeky grin adds, “When you get sick of this mug, come find me.”


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“I’ll keep that in mind.” I glance to Nate, before adding, “But I think I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.”


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“Your loss. Anyways, dude, what’s up with Clayton?”


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“Are you talking about William?” I question Archie.


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“You know him?” Archie probes.


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Nodding my head, I reply, “Yep, I live with his sister.”


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“That explains everything then.”


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“What do you mean?”


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Before Archie can reply, Nate interrupts, “Ignore him, I do.” He tries to subtly eye Archie to be quiet, but I notice. “He clearly got too much sun today. Bai, how about you go find your friends, and we can meet up later like we agreed to?”


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Staring at Nate, I nod my head. I’m unsure of this change in him, but I do want to find Wendy and Nancy I need to discuss: A. Nate, and B. Find out the history between him and William. “Yeah, okay. I’ll catch up with you here later when Credence is on.”


* * *


Stepping toward him, I place my lips on his cheek. I linger a little longer than necessary, but I can’t seem to help myself when it comes to touching Nate. When I pull back, I nod at Archie and walk away. With each step I take, I can feel Nate’s eyes boring into me. I find myself smiling, I cannot believe how today has turned out.









Walking away from Nate, I’m in a daze. I’m sitting on cloud nine and I could not be happier. The air around me is electric and I’m not referring to the concert, I’m referring to the buzz I have from being with Nate. Don’t get me wrong; everyone at Woodstock is having a great time too.

I’m not sure who is playing on stage at the moment, but everyone is grooving away and I eventually find Wendy, Nancy, William, and Storm. The four of them are swaying to the music, enjoying themselves. Nancy and Wendy have their arms wrapped around each other and that makes me smile. I’m so happy they decided to act on their feelings. If any two people should, and deserve to be together, it’s them.

“Hey hey, party people!” I yell when I’m in earshot. My arms swinging above my head, my hips swaying to the beat of the music.

“You took your time,” Wendy says, but when her eyes land on mine, she grins at me. “So, how was the drink? You are looking mighty refreshed.”

William growls at Wendy’s statement, this causes us to look at him inquisitively and immediately I remember his warning about Nate. It pisses me off, so I say to Wendy, “I kinda met someone.” This garners another growl from William. Staring at William I add, “He and I are going to meet up again later.”

“Do tell?” Nancy excitedly asks, pushing William to the side.

“Well, his name is Nate. He’s ohh so dreamy. Like Jim Morrison hot.”

“So he lights your fire?”

Nodding my head in agreement, I grin. “Actually, I saw him when we first arrived, but he disappeared and then POOF he appeared. I can’t explain it, but I’m drawn to him like a moth to a flame.” I gaze to the sky and grin. “I can’t wait to see him again.”

“Bailey and Nate sitting in a tree,” Wendy starts to sing, and then Wendy joins in, “K. I. S. S. I. N. G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes—”

“You two can’t sing for shit.” William points to the stage. “Shut up and let the professionals do it,” he snarls.

Wendy, Nancy, and I exchange a ‘what the hell’ look and shrug our shoulders.

“Well, I’m happy for you,” Nancy says. “Everyone needs to find that special someone.” She says that end part while staring lovingly at Wendy; seeing them finally happy together gives me hope that I will find happiness like that too…and I think I have.

“Yeah, we all do,” I say, nudging her shoulder and happily winking at her. “Let’s dance,” I suggest, and the three of us let the beat of the music overtake our bodies once again.

This is the most amazing festival I have ever been to. I’m standing next to Storm when the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and I know he’s behind me. Spinning around, I see Nate and Archie walking toward me. A force beyond my control engulfs me and I run to him. When I’m close, I launch myself in the air. He opens his arms and catches me. I wrap my legs around his waist and I throw my arms over his shoulders. I slam my lips into his and press myself into him. He pauses for a moment, and then he’s kissing me back.

From behind me, I can hear Wendy, Nancy, and Storm hollering and a growl, which I’m going to guess is William, but I’m not giving in to him. He can suck it up and deal with it. Lowering myself down with a smile, I murmur, “Hi.”

“Hi, feel free to greet me that way anytime.”

“Duly noted. Come meet my friends.”

“I'd love to.”

We lace our fingers together and make our way over to them. “Guys, this is Nate. Nate, this is Wendy, Nancy, Storm, and William.”

William grunts and stomps away.

Storm outstretches his hand to Nate. “Nice to see you again, Winters.”

“You too, Storm. You still working for what’s-his-face?”

“If you mean, Jenson, then nah. I’ve gone into the family business.”

“You, Storm Johnson, are a banker? Like in an office? Suit everyday banker?”

“Yep. The old man persuaded me to follow in his footsteps.”


“It’s fucking awesome. Who knew?” He pauses before sternly adding, “Now, you take care of Bailey here, or I will be forced to kick your ass.” Nate laughs and nods his silent agreement that he will not hurt me.

From behind him, William spits, “How about we just kick his ass anyway?”

“What is your problem, Willy?” Wendy snaps at him.

“He is.” He turns to me and through clenched teeth snarls, “You are too good for him, Bailey, and when he breaks your heart and stomps on it, I’ll be the first to say I told you so.” He turns to Nate then. Stepping into his personal space, he spits in his face, “You break her heart and I will end you.”

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