Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(528)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(528)
Author: J. Saman

“Instead you were killing me, slowly. I lost you regardless as to whether someone come knocking on our door or not.”

“I’m sorry. So fucking sorry.”

We ride in silence, both lost in our own thoughts. If I could go back to that day would I do anything different, would I let her come with me? I doubted I would do anything different. I still feel like it was the lesser of two evils.

The warmth of her hand covering mine surprises me. “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry you lost your partner. I wish I had been able to be there to comfort you, I wish you had let me.”

Lifting her hand to my lips, I kiss her knuckles. Her words soothed the ache in my heart more than I could imagine was possible.

“Ollie, I get why you left, I understand, I do. I’m sorry I didn’t make it easier for you and that I behaved like a selfish brat.”

“Don’t apologise. I guess we both handled it badly. Your stubbornness and my ego, like oil and water.”


* * *


Drew is waiting nervously on the street outside the cinema complex, with an uneasy smile on his face. Waving us over, his smile brightens.

“Hey, Ollie, Daisy, this is Morgan.” Waving his hand at a blonde haired man standing beside him. “Morgan, this is my brother Ollie and my best friend Daisy.”

We all exchange greetings as I shake Morgan’s hand, “Nice to meet you.”

‘You too, I’ve heard so much about you both.” Morgan’s smile is warm and genuine.

“Shall we go?” Daisy suggests, “I need some of that popcorn that smells so good.”

I rest my hand on the small of her back as she lets me guide her in through the double doors. The foyer is crowded with people queuing up to buy tickets and at the candy bar, we take our place in the slow moving line.

“So, Morgan, Drew says you’re an ER nurse. That is an interesting job to have.” Daisy twists around to speak to Drew and Morgan who were standing behind us.

“You could say that. We’ve had some very interesting cases come in over my time there, it can be quite unusual, especially on some night shifts.”

“Tell them about the guy who came in with the marbles,” Drew smirks at Morgan, who smiles back, it was as if they had a private joke between them, “inserted up his backside.”

Daisy mocks shock, before gesturing an upward motion with two of her fingers. “What the hell? How? Or more importantly, why?”

The reasoning as to why someone would do such a thing is beyond my own comprehension, Daisy gapes with a slack jaw waiting for Morgan to fill us in on the story.

“He claimed to have sat on them,” Morgan leans in closer to Daisy and me before whispering, “but we retrieved six and the jack.”

Holding up two hands, Daisy counts six out on her fingers. Morgan and Drew nod. I can only shake my head whilst trying to contain the laugh building in my stomach.

“Did you give them back to him?” Daisy is intrigued by the accounts of the patient with the marbles up his arse.

Morgan nods, “We did, and they belonged to his son. His wife promised to wash them very thoroughly.”

“That is insane.” Daisy chuckles.

“Some might say he’d lost his marbles.” I add, which results in Daisy swatting me on the chest as we all laugh together, drawing the attention of the other patrons standing close by.


* * *


Drew and Morgan decide on the movie we see, I couldn’t have cared less what it was as long as I was spending this time with Daisy, so their choice of action film was an added bonus.


* * *


I couldn’t focus on the storyline, not when Daisy’s arm was resting so close to mine on the edge of the seats. I wanted to take her hand in mine, lace our fingers together and pretend we were on a real date and not just playing as a buffer to Drew and his real date.

“Stop staring at me.” Her voice was hushed for only my ears, while her focus is still on the screen in front of us.

“Sorry. I can’t seem to help it.” I whisper back.

“Friends don’t stare at other friends, Oliver. Watch the movie.”

Sighing, I turn my own attention to the action sequence that was unfolding in front of us, there were explosions and gunfire with a dramatic car chase, everything that would normally have had me on the edge of the seat but tonight, it was the gorgeous companion sitting next to me that had my nerves on edge. Having her so close and not being able to touch her had me wound tighter than a jack-in-a-box with someone slowly and painfully turning the handle.


* * *


I was grateful when the credits began to roll, finally releasing me from the cocoon I had been wrapped in for the last two hours.

We spill out onto the street to find that the daylight hours have been taken over by the evening darkness.

Drew spins around, a grin spreading wide across his face, “You two lovebirds want something sweet?”

My heart thumps in my chest, I was about to protest whatever Drew had in mind when Daisy spoke beside me.

“Are you suggesting I give the competition my money?” Daisy lifts her hand to rest over her heart, over acting her shock at Drew’s suggestion.

“Why yes ma’am, indeed I am.”

“That’s just plain rude, Andrew.”

“I’ll shout.”

“Fine, if you’re paying then you’re on.” Smiling, she gives in.

Drew and Morgan chat as they walk ahead of us along the street, heading in the direction of the dessert bar a couple of blocks over from the cinema, leaving Daisy and me to walk together, just the two of us.

"Is it weird seeing your brother on a date with another man?"

"Yes and no. There are men in my unit who are gay and it doesn't make any difference to the way they do their job or the person they are, it's the same kinda thing with Drew. Not to say I wasn't surprised because I was but seeing him tonight, with Morgan, it's the happiest and most relaxed I've seen him in a really long time." Sneaking a look at Daisy from the corner of my eye, she takes another sip from the jumbo cup she’d taken from the cinema. "He's my brother and all I want for him is to be happy, whether it's with this guy or some other dude."

“That’s all anyone really wants.”

“Dase, thanks for coming out tonight, I know Drew really loves spending time with you.”

“Drew, huh.” She drains the cup of the last of the soft drink before dumping the cup into the rubbish bin on the footpath as we pass. “Just Drew?”

“No, not just Drew. Morgan seems to have taken a liking to you as well.”

“Yeah okay. And Morgan.”

“Okay, Daisy Blossom. I’m really glad you came out too. I mean, how awkward would it be third-wheeling on my little brother’s date?” Daisy bumps her shoulder into me. I chuckle, her tiny little bump does nothing to change my movement but I take the opportunity of her closeness to wrap my arm around her shoulders. Her body relaxes into mine and my chest tightens. Progress.









* * *


Oliver’s arm around me felt right. The heat from his body mingled with mine and it kept us both warm on the frigid night, the temperature had dropped by at least ten degrees in the time we were inside the cinema. His cologne I had become so familiar with filled my lungs and I wish for a moment I could breathe it in deeper, to keep it trapped there for when I needed the reminder of him.

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