Home > Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(533)

Love is Contagious : A Charity Anthology(533)
Author: J. Saman

“You’re not asking, I know your life is here, Daisy Blossom and I want to be a part of that life.”

“Oliver,” Her voice choked with emotion. Our conversation is interrupted by Amber coming back with our drinks.

“Are you folks ready to order?” Daisy pulls her hand back from mine as she takes a look at the menu. The menu hadn’t changed since the last time we’d been here, making it easy to decide on the hop. Placing our order, Amber collects the menus and leaves us alone again at the table.

“Are you going to tell me what else we are doing tonight?” Daisy smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Her shoulders are still slightly tense and she doesn’t look me in the eyes.

I reach for her hand again, I want to offer her reassurance, to tell her I have no regrets with the decision I have made, that I have chosen her, I want her to feel that from just our hands connecting until our lips can.

“Remember Mister Misty’s Magic Mountain?”

“The park closed down, Ollie, a while ago.” A frown tugs at the corners of her mouth, we’d made grand plans to visit the theme park years ago but the owner, who we assumed was the Mister Misty, had died before we got there and his family closed it down.

Shaking my head, “No, well technically yes but tonight there is a grand re-opening and we have tickets.”

The brightest smile trails Daisy’s lips before she shrieks and jumps out from her side of the table, in a rush her arms are around my neck and she’s sitting in my lap.

“Are you serious? Like really really serious?”

“Really really.”

“Oh my God, Ollie, this is amazing.” With her head thrown back, she laughs in delight before peppering my face with kisses, “Ah-maz-zing” Her last kiss lands on my lips, my mouth opens on contact and before she can pull away my hands slide up her back, pressing her body to mine, my own tongue forcing entry into her mouth. She tastes like cherries, sweet, delicious, lush, ripe cherries. She is like a drug, her lips my own personal heroin.

Her pulling away allows for a groan at the loss of contact to escape my own mouth.

“Ollie, stop.”

“No, I can’t.” Tangling my hands through her hair I crush my lips to hers, I didn’t just want Daisy, I needed her, all of her, in my life. “I don’t want to and I can’t.”

Daisy pressed her hands against my chest, pushing away and breaking the kiss.

“Oliver, you promised me Mister Misty’s Magic Mountain, and this kind of behaviour will not get us there.”

Dropping my hands I release her from my grip, she returned to the safety of her seat on the opposite side of the table.

“Daisy, if we have any hope of making it to that fucking park, you’d better stay on your side of the table, okay?”

She nods and I watch as the blush creeps across her already flushed cheeks and it almost brings me undone, it takes all my willpower not to drag her out of the restaurant and take her back to her house. Hell, I’d rent a room if it meant I would have Daisy under me sooner.

Amber returns with our meals, perfect and bad timing simultaneously. Her happy disposition that had been so endearing was now growing annoying, this meal was taking entirely too long for my liking.


* * *


The park was lit up, colours of the rainbow radiated and flashed all around us, although it wasn’t remotely anything like a mountain, having Daisy’s hand in mine and with our arms brushing against each other as we walked definitely felt like magic.

“Okay, Sweetheart, where do we start?”

Daisy was glowing, seeing her so happy made my chest feel like my heart was swelling inside. Squeezing my hand, she pulls me in the direction of the Ferris Wheel.

“Let’s start you off slow, Mr. Coxen.”


* * *


I didn’t mind that the line for the ride was long, I had Daisy in my arms, her head resting against my shoulder. A slight breeze carried the scent of cotton candy and hot dogs to us, the carnival music was playing on loop, with bubbles of laughter floating in the sweet night air. Loose strands of Daisy’s hair twisted and danced, tickling my nose as I rested my cheek on her head.

A sigh had me asking her if she was okay.


When it was our turn to climb onto the wheel, she grips my hand tightly. “Daisy Blossom, you’re not scared are you?”

“Well, heights aren’t exactly my most favourite thing.” Reassuringly, I squeezed her hand in return before wrapping my arm around her shoulders and shuffling her closer toward me.

“I got you.”


* * *


We spent another two hours at the park, by the time we started to head home we were both tired but content. Daisy had nestled in beside me on the bench seat, kissing the top of her head, it wasn’t long before she was softly snoring next to me.


* * *


“Daisy, my love, we’re here.” I had pulled the car into her driveway, the same place I had picked her up from hours ago. It felt like no time had passed at all, yet it felt like so much was different whilst everything else remained the same.

Briefly, she stirs as I plant a kiss to the top of her head, letting out a quiet moan in her groggy state. She only snuggles in closer, her voice coming out as a muffled whisper. “Will you come in?”

Turning to cup Daisy’s face in my hands. “Are you sure? I can walk you to the door, say good night and I can come in another time.” I search her eyes for the answer, “We have plenty of time, Sweetheart.”

“Ollie, I didn’t expect you to try to talk me out of it,” She giggles and it makes me want to kiss her, hard and fast. “Yes, I’m sure. I haven't been sitting around the last five years pining over you, if that's that you think.”

“I'd be lying if I said the thought of you with other men didn't bother me, Sweetheart, but I know it wouldn't be fair for you to live like a nun. You're here with me now and everything beyond us no longer matters.”

“Maybe I need you to come in and I want to you stay the night, Oliver.” A smile plays on her lips, I know she’s teasing me and I have every intention of teasing her until she is begging me to stop.

We climb out of the car in unison, the anticipation between us feels thick, expectations ripe as we make our way along the brick path to her front door. It takes four thuds of my heart in my chest for Daisy to wrestle the door open.

Hooking my heel around the door, I push it closed as Daisy walks ahead into the living room.

“Tea?” She’s cute, she twists her hands nervously while she watches me with her doe eyes.

“Maybe later.” I stalk toward her, tangling my hands in her hair as I bring her face up to mine, as my lips find hers it is like our hearts are beating loudly in unison, calling to the other, singing the song of life and love like the little blue bird calling for their mate. Daisy’s hands grip my shirt as she pulls me closer, a little whimper coming from her as I deepen our kiss.

Sliding my hands down over her back, I squeeze her arse before gently lifting her off the floor, wrapping her legs around my waist, we stumble backward toward the bedroom, Daisy issuing hurried directions in between kisses.

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