Home > absolution (Grace #3)(68)

absolution (Grace #3)(68)
Author: Autumn Grey

“Not only did my mother have to deal with the emotional and physical damage that . . . monster did to her, but she also had to come to terms with the fact that she was carrying a child. A child that she never planned on having under the worst circumstances imaginable. And, instead of being there to support her, like any decent, loving father should, you gave her an ultimatum. You kicked her out and turned your back on her, forcing her to make decisions no woman should ever have to make to survive.”

Emily sniffles, her head bowed. For a just a second, my heart breaks for her, but then I remember that she’s part of the problem. She chose to sit back while her husband made my mom’s life a living hell. I know I need to rein it in, but I can’t. They both need to hear this.

“My mother raised me with ZERO help from you.” I point at William. “It takes a lot of courage and strength to do what she did, rather than take the easy way out, which is what you wanted her to do. And you know what? We survived just fine.

“So like it or not, I’m here. The granddaughter you couldn’t wait to get rid of, the mistake, the wrong”—I use air quotes on the latter—“thing to do, living my best life. No thanks to you. It must really kill you to see my mother thriving, moving on with her life.

“You really are a piece of work, William. Thank God my mom didn’t listen to you. You don’t deserve to be in our lives. You don’t deserve us.” My voice wobbles, and I hate that I’m crying in front of this person who made me feel like I’m less than nothing.

I’m done, I’m so done with them. If I never see my grandparents again, it will be too soon.

“He didn’t mean it, Grac—”

William glares at his wife. “We invested a lot and gave her the life so many girls her age would kill for. Then she goes and—”

“Enough!” Christopher says, standing to his full height, arms at his side, fists and jaw clenched. “I will not allow you to talk to the woman I love and my daughter like that.”

His words knock the wind out of me, momentarily erasing the pain William injected into my system with his awful words. Wiping my cheeks, I look at Christopher, and he gives me a soft smile. He holds out his hand to me, and I take it, allowing him to pull me to his side. He tucks my head into his chest, and I feel safe.

My asshole of a grandfather faces him, eyes narrowed. “Who the hell are you to tell me how to talk to my own daughter?”

Christopher kisses my hair, then drops his arm. Stepping forward in front of me and my mom, he crosses his arms over his chest. “I’m the man who is going to make her and your granddaughter the happiest people on earth, and they will forget the pain you caused them. You have no fucking clue how amazing and brave these two women are, do you?” Taking a deep breath, he looks over his shoulder at my mom, his features softening. “You want them to leave? Just say the word, darling.”

Mom’s eyes fall shut, and she breathes in deeply. When she opens them again, she holds out her hand to her fiancé, then aims her gaze at her father.

“You know what? I don’t care that you don’t approve of me. You and my mother threw me out of the only place I called my home. My haven. If you don’t like what you’re seeing, feel free to leave.” She looks at her mother. “You didn’t stand up for me when I needed you the most. I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive you both for that.”

My grandmother opens her purse, digs out a tissue, and dabs her eyes. “I’m so sorry. This is not what I had in mind—” She stops talking and darts her husband a furious look before facing us again and stands. “We’ll leave now. Again, I’m incredibly sorry.”

Gripping the strap of her purse over her shoulder, she sniffs and heads to the front door, shoulders slumped. William trails after her, never looking back.

After they leave, we all exhale a collective breath of relief as the tension dissipates.

“Um, that went well,” I comment, wiping my wet cheeks with the back of my hand.

Christopher blows out a breath and shakes his head. “I’m so sorry that you both had to go through that.”

Mom blinks rapidly, and that’s when I notice her wet cheeks. “You were amazing, love.” She leans into Christopher’s palm when he reaches his hand to brush the tears away. “Now, I need to take a shower. And a Xanax.” She glances at me. “I love you so much, sweetheart. You are everything I ever dreamed of.”

I flash her a wobbly smile. “Fuck them, right?”

“Yeah. Fuck them.” She walks over and hugs me before stepping back to study me. “Did you have a good time in Boston?”

I nod, smiling. “We did. And your gown is gorgeous!” I say quickly before I can blurt out that I proposed to Sol. I don’t think this is the right time, especially with my grandparents’ departure still so fresh. I dash back to the hallway and return with the gown.

Once she takes it, the soon-to-be married couple say goodnight, then head into their room.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out and read the text from Sol.

Sol: Everything okay?

Me: Yes. My grandparents left. It was awful.

The phone starts ringing immediately, Sol’s name flashing on the screen.

“What happened?” he asks as soon as I answer the call, concern in his voice.

“They were already here when I got home. I swear I hate my grandfather so much,” I mutter, blinking away the tears threatening to fall.

“What did he do, Grace?” he asks, his voice turning urgent.

I suck in a quick breath and glance at the ceiling, forcing the tears back. “He said Mom should have done the right thing when she realized she was pregnant.”

There’s a pause, then he says, “Surely, you don’t mean . . .”

“Yeah. Aborted me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so worthless or mad before.”

Sol curses under his breath, then huffs out loud. “You are not worthless, Gracie. Don’t let him get to you. You’re the most amazing person I know. Please tell me you believe that.”

I sniff. “I know, Sol. It kind of hit me hard is all.”

He sighs. “I wish I’d been there. I’m really sorry that happened to you and your mom. ”

“It’s not your fault he’s that ignorant,” I say. “He’s so focused on how things could have been instead of focusing on the present.”

“What about your grandmother?”

“I don’t know. A part of me feels sorry for her. I don’t think she knows how stand up to my grandfather, you know?” I shake my head, realizing now that my grandmother is probably dependent on my grandfather and will never break the chains that bind them. She’d rather follow him blindly than be her own person. What a sad way to live. Eager to move away from what happened tonight, I ask, “You already in bed?”

“Yeah,” he replies. “I’m kind of beat.” I’m grateful he doesn’t pursue the subject. “It won’t be the same sleeping without you. I miss you.”

I close my eyes and all I see is Sol’s beautiful smile and eyes shining with so much love for me. “Me too. So much. Love you, baby.”

“Love you, Gracie.”

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