Home > Full Court Press(24)

Full Court Press(24)
Author: J. Akridge

“I’m not sure. I mean, I’m almost positive that he can’t because on paper he abandoned his child, but it’s all still so scary and I have no idea what to tell Carson. Regardless, if he really wanted to press me, I could countersue for the 5 years of child support he hasn’t paid.”

“Don’t tell him, not yet. Maybe there is nothing to get worked up about and the judge will laugh in his face. He should anyways.” He pulls his phone from his pocket and pulls up a text message.

“What are you doing?” I ask, but I have a feeling I already know.

“I’m texting my attorney to get to work on this also. He’s not taking him from us.” A tear slips down my cheek and I move quickly to wipe it. I hate taking handouts, but I really have no choice right now. I just lost my job and everything that has happened in the media could easily sway a judge’s decision to deem me as an unfit parent.

“Thank you.” Tears slip down and run over my lips. Landon presses his lips softly against mine and kisses them away. He picks me up, cradling me against his chest, and moves me down the hall to my bedroom. He slowly places me in my bed and moves back to undress himself and climbs in behind me. He moves my body so it’s perfectly aligned with his and holds me closely. I slowly drift off to the best sleep I’ve had since the last time I was in his arms.



Chapter Twenty-One



I’m sitting in the office of Landon’s attorney, waiting for him to walk through the doors. Landon was unable to come today because of a mandatory meeting with the team and I refused to move the appointment.

“Ms. Fran. How are you?” A man walks through the doors in a well-fitted suit. He has black hair and bright-blue eyes and stands around 5’8 if I were to guess. He moves around the chair to shake my hand before leaning against his desk and crossing his feet and arms.

“I could be better,” I joke. He cracks a sad grin and it’s then that I realize how much pity I receive from this entire situation.

“Legally, your ex doesn’t have a leg to stand on. He abandoned your son at birth, correct?” He grabs a file from his desk and begins flipping through the pages.

“That’s correct. I hadn’t seen him since the day I went into labor until a few months ago. He has still not made contact with Carson or me in the five years since.”

“Do you have proof of this?” He asks and my stomach sinks. I don’t, I should have kept up with it, but I was young and heartbroken and wasn’t thinking straight. “That alone will get him on abandonment if you could prove it. The only thing I am concerned about is the recent light of behavior that has hit the media like a storm.” He closes the file and places it under his arm and crosses his arms once again. “This could make a judge reconsider your parenting method. However, the judge we are going in front of is a very reasonable man and I think with what we can present him with will be more than enough to keep Carson in your sole custody. We will need to provide proof of a stable home life, which will just consist of a member of your local DFS coming and doing a home study with you.”

“Okay, how soon can we do that?”

“I will call today and set an appointment with them. They’ll contact you after that.” He holds his hand out again for me and I stand to shake it this time. I turn to the door and, as I open it, he stops me. “Everything will be fine, have faith in the system.” I smile, nod, and head for the exit, feeling relief for the first time.



Chapter Twenty-Two



It’s court day. I’ve been dreading this for so long. I’ve done all the appropriate steps to ensure that I am covered for this day, and my home study was completed with no issues. The day the attorney called and told me he had a date scheduled and would need Carson to attend, I cried for hours in Landon’s arms. He held me the entire time, never letting go.

Carson still doesn’t understand what today really is, he just knows his biological father will be present and the judge may ask him questions.

Our attorney didn’t think Landon should be present in the courtroom today, so I've asked him to just stay home instead of waiting in the hall and we will come to him once it’s finished.

He, of course, didn’t agree, and is sitting beside me on a bench outside the courtroom. His knees have bounced since we sat down and he’s been squeezing my hand for the past ten minutes.

“Landon, calm down,” I whisper. My parents sit on my other side, talking dinosaurs with Carson.

“I can’t. I’ve tried.” He looks to me. “If that son of a bitch thinks he is taking our boy, he is sadly mistaken.” My heart melts at his comment about Carson, but truly I’m a little nervous about today.

What if Kyle does win? I don’t think he’s prepared and I’m terrified for my son to be subject to any type of life with a man who originally didn’t want him.

The entrance doors to the courthouse open. Kyle steps inside, cocky as always. His attorney is by his side as they walk in our direction.

This time I’m the one squeezing Landon’s hand. Carson looks up and stands to move between my legs. He obviously feels the tension in the room and is scared.

Kyle stops in front of Carson and bends down so he’s eye level with him. My heart is beating rapidly.

“Hi, kid. What’s your name?” I scoff at his question. Is he fucking serious? He filed for custody of a kid he can’t even remember the name of? I told him in the voicemail I left in the hospital all those years ago.

“Carson,” my son says shyly. “My momma picked it out.” I melt at my son’s sweet voice and it semi puts me at ease.

“Well, cool.” Kyle looks less than enthused. “Can I ask you a question, Carson?”

My senses are on high alert. He’s about to say something completely out of line and I can feel it coming. I’m about to step in and tell him enough contact until we meet with the judge when the words come out of his mouth.

“You ready to come live with me, kid?” My mother gasps and anger hits me immediately. I’m about to shuffle Carson to my mother when Landon releases the hand he had on my leg. I look up to realize he is nose to nose with Kyle.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Landon asks. “Asking a kid that shit when he doesn’t even know who you are.”

“Listen, you may be boning this whore, but you ain’t my kid’s daddy.” I’m prepared to kick Kyle in the balls, but Landon places his hand out to stop me.

“Don’t you ever, fucking talk about her again. You may be his biological father, but you haven’t done shit for that boy.” He glances to wear my parents have created distance between us and are occupying Carson so he doesn’t overhear.

“That all stops today. He will be coming home with me, I've made sure of it.” He smiles and walks towards where Carson is standing. My breath hitches at the closeness.

“Looks like you should pack your bags, kid, you’ll be moving in with daddy.” He laughs and I feel sick. I step between Kyle and Carson, forcing Kyle to raise his eyes and stand.

“You’ll see.” He winks at me and I feel physically sick.

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