Home > Full Court Press(28)

Full Court Press(28)
Author: J. Akridge

It’s been four months since the car accident. After we left the hospital, Landon brought us by my house and told both of us to pack a bag because we would be staying at his house indefinitely. Carson was so excited for a new room and a house with a pool, it took him only five minutes before he was waiting at the front door. All his dinosaurs were sticking out the side of his little backpack.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his excitement. Landon had grabbed his bag and tossed it in the back of his jeep. I packed most of my clothes and grabbed everything I needed from the bathroom. Landon was having a moving company come and pack up the rest for us.

I’ve been homeschooling Carson since the tabloid scandal. It’s easier that way; he’s not in the public eye as much but I know he will need to be around other children soon, so I think after the summer we are going to enroll him in a private school.

When we get settled in at Landon’s, Carson is snuggled between us on the couch. He fell asleep after watching Cars on repeat for nearly three hours.

“I’ll put him to bed.” Landon smiles and scoops Carson up like he has a million times before. I watch his retreating figure and think about how differently my life has ended up since meeting him.

Landon comes back into the living room and sits beside me. He raises his arm for me to snuggle in closely. I pull the throw blanket from the back of the couch to cover me up.

“I’ve been thinking.”

I raise up slightly so I can see his face. “About what?”

“How would you feel if I adopted Carson?” He looks at me, his features are hard to read, but I can tell he’s unsure of my answer. I’ve thought about this, so many times. It’s only been a short period in time, but he’s been more of a father to Carson than his biological father ever was. He’s always there for both of us, and you’d never know Carson truly wasn’t his child by the way the two are together.

“Honestly, I’m fine with that. You’re the only dad he has ever known, and I know you’d always take care of him.” He smiles down at me and crushes his lips against mine.

Eight Months Later



We stand in the courtroom. Carson is positioned in between us. We have all our family here. Carson’s mom and sister, my parents and sister, Landon’s teammates, and my best friends. The judge enters and takes his seat.

“Mr. Prince.” The judge nods at Landon, who just smiles back at him. “I understand you’d like to adopt this young boy?”

“Yes, sir,” Landon says without missing a beat.

“You do realize that he will be your responsibility. If something were to happen to your relationship with his mother, you would still be responsible for this child as if he were born to you.”

“Yes, your honor. I understand.”

“Good.” The judge looks down at the file on his desk.

“Carson?” the judge asks and Carson freezes. He has a hand in each of ours. Landon lets go of his and gently rubs Carson’s back, giving him the assurance he needs to speak.

“Yes?” Carson little voice is shaking. He’s been terrified that the judge would say no to the adoption.

“Would you like Landon to be your father?”

“Yes, I would. He’s nice and he plays dinosaurs with me.” Carson smiles at the judge.

“That’s always a good quality to have in a dad, wouldn’t you say?” The judge tilts his lips slightly.

“I think so, yeah.” Carson continues to smile.

“Carson,” The judge asks. “What would you like your last name to be?”

“I wanna be a Prince.” He smiles. He’s just lost his first tooth, so he has a big gap in the front and when he smiles his little tongue peaks through.

“Well, I have no objection. I now declare this young boy adopted. His legal name will now remain Carson Andrew Prince, son of Landon Prince and Kelsi Fran.” Landon and I smile at each other over Carson, who jumps with joy and then launches himself at Landon.

Many have asked if I’m okay with Carson having Landon’s last name and me not; truthfully, I’m thankful that my son has a father. A father like Landon who always, always puts him first in any and everything. I have no doubt that if anything were to ever happen to me, Landon would still treat him just the same as he always has. Carson can now feel complete with a father and I truly don’t think Landon and I will be apart ever again.

Landon catches him with ease, lifting him up so Carson’s little arms can wrap around his neck. They squeeze for long time before pulling away from each other.

“I love you, Dad,” Carson says and I can’t help the damn tear that slips down my cheek.

“I love you too, son.” My heart bursts with love for both of my boys. “Are you ready?” Landon asks Carson and I’m momentarily puzzled before I realize what’s happening. Landon drops to one knee in the center aisle of the courtroom. All our friends and family are smiling as if they’ve known this was going to happen. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. Carson stands beside Landon with an arm around his shoulders, smiling up at me.

“Kelsi, I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while, but I felt like today would be the perfect time to make our family complete. The first time I saw you, I was mesmerized. You were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, even with cheese dripping from your shirt.” The courtroom fills with laughter at Landon’s joke. Tears silently fall down my cheeks as I stare at this man before me. “I didn’t expect to begin a family, I was prepared to be a bachelor for a long time. But then I met you, and I met Carson, and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Kelsi Fran, will you marry me?” Landon slowly opens the black ring box in his hand, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. I slowly wipe my tears.

“Will ya, Momma?” Carson askes and the entire room breaks out into laughter once again at my sweet boy.

“Of course, I will.” Carson plows into me with the biggest hug he’s ever given me before running off to tell everyone I’ve said yes. Landon rises to his feet; I lift my hand out for him and he gently slides the diamond ring on my left ring finger. I hold my hand in front of me, admiring my new ring, then look at my fiancé.

He bends to scoop me up against his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck as he spins us several times before placing my feet back on the ground.

“I’ve got something to tell you too.” He leans back to see my face. “You’re going to be a daddy again.” I move Landon’s hand from my hip to my stomach. I’m still early in the pregnancy and just found out a couple of weeks ago. It’s been the hardest secret I have ever kept but I knew today would be the most amazing day for him to find out.

“Really?” he asks.

“Really,” I reply. Landon yells, causing the entire room to fall silent.

“Hell yes!” Landon kisses me hard before pulling away and running to where Carson is with everyone we love. “We’re having a baby.” He scoops Carson up and brings him over to where I stand. We all hug before we’re closed in on by our closest friends and family to congratulate us.

I never would have imagined my life would end up this way, that a small elementary school teacher, who was a single mom and didn’t feel loved, would fall in love with such an amazing man who loved both of us unconditionally.

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