Home > The Secrets We Keep(9)

The Secrets We Keep(9)
Author: Ella Jade

“Now you don’t have to do your own dishes.”

When I reached for the top shelf in the cabinet to put away the serving platter, Xavier came up from behind me, his breath swept along my neck as his chest brushed against my back.

“Let me.” He took the platter and gently placed it on the top shelf. I turned to face him, trapped between the counter and his masculine body. He glanced into my eyes for a moment before dropping his gaze to my lips. He smelled of autumn. It wasn’t overbearing but enough for me to commit the crisp, clean scent to memory. I wondered what his lips would taste like. From where I stood, they seemed awfully delicious and I…

“Lila takes very good care of me.”

“Who’s Lila?” Talk about killing the moment.

“Technically, she’s my housekeeper but I don’t really refer to her as that. She’s been in my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up with her daughter. A few years ago, her husband got sick and she needed a job. She’d been a homemaker her whole life. She swore that was all she knew how to do.” He stepped back, creating some distance between us. “I didn’t believe that but I needed help around the house with groceries, cleaning, dry cleaning, things like that.”

“You helped her.”

“She helps me so much more.” When he spoke of Lila, I could tell he was fond of her. “I’m away from my house most of the day and a lot of nights. She keeps me up and running. She’s a personal assistant, cook, and honorary mother. She likes taking care of me, so I let her even though I pride myself on being very independent.”

“She sounds sweet.”

“Her husband passed away last year and her daughter lives in Washington, so she has a lot of time to dote on me. I tell her she does too much but she insists it helps her.”

“It probably does.”

“Your home is very nice.” He gazed around the kitchen. “This is a solid neighborhood. Good schools too.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “The house is a little big for just Zoey and me.”

“Are you thinking of moving?”

“I haven’t given it much thought but it could be in the future. Zoey goes to a private school. It goes up to eighth grade. It was Josh’s mother’s idea.” So many things were her idea but like her son, she took off and left me here to survive. “I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with that either.”

“What do you mean?”

“The school is a little over the top. Don’t get me wrong,” I said. “It’s a great place but it comes with a hefty price tag and I’m not sure it’s really necessary.”

“A good education goes a long way.”

“Says the Princeton graduate.”

“Exactly.” He grinned. “Zoey seems to be well-adjusted. She’s advanced for her age.”

“She’s always been articulate. I’ve been reading to her since the day we brought her home. Sometimes, I wonder if she’s a little too advanced.” I laughed. “The things she says.”

“If the school is working for her, maybe you shouldn’t change anything.”

“She’s thriving there. She has friends and loves her teachers. Plus, the afterschool program is phenomenal. They stage plays, teach sports and dance, and they even have a creative writing program. Of course, it’s not anything elaborate but the pictures she draws and the stories she creates to go along with them are amazing.”

Xavier stared into my eyes, with a slight smirk on his face. All I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss him.

“I’m bragging.”

“It’s wonderful.”

“What is?”

“The way your face lights up when you talk about her. She’s a very lucky girl to have you.”

“Thank you but I’m the lucky one.” I gazed down at the floor. “I’m trying so hard.”

“You’re doing a fantastic job.” When he took my hand, I was caught by surprise. “It’s not an easy one but you’re here doing the best you can. I see that.” He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “If I can see that after only a few days, I’m sure so many others do too.”

“I needed to hear that.” I glanced at our joined hands, enjoying the warmth his touch created.

“Mama!” As Zoey came running into the kitchen, X let go of my hand. “Can we watch the movie now?”

X dropped down to Zoey’s level. “What are we watching?”

“Princess Daisy!” she exclaimed. “It’s about a princess and a pirate. Do you like pirates?”

“I do.” He stood and followed her into the family room.

“What about a princess? Do you like them?”

“I’m not sure.”

As I grabbed the tray with the popcorn and drinks, I couldn’t remember the last time things had felt this normal. I did my best to give my daughter a stable life but I wondered what she missed out on. Seeing her with Xavier made me realize how much she lacked a father figure.

When I joined them in the family room, Zoey and X were already on the couch. She was explaining to him how to work the remote. He bit the inside of his cheek as he humored her.

“Oh, so that’s how it works?” He studied the buttons. “Interesting.”

“It’s easy,” she told him. “Mama.” She patted the sofa. “You sit here. I’ll sit next to X.”

“Okay.” I set the tray on the coffee table before taking the throw from the loveseat and covering her with it. “I see you two have it all under control.”

“I’m following Zoey’s directions.” X grinned. “She’s good at delegating.”

“What does that mean?” Zoey asked.

“It means you’re good at being the boss.” He laughed. “Don’t ever change.”

“Del la gating.” Zoey tried out the new word. “Are you the boss at your job?”

“I am,” X answered her.

“Do you like delegating?”

“I do.”

“Me too.” She cuddled into my side. “I want to be the boss when I grow up too.”

“I’m sure you’ll make that happen.” I kissed the top of her head. “Are you ready to watch the movie?”

“Yes.” She pointed at X. “Can you please press the green button?”

Once the movie started, Zoey stayed close to me but managed to take X’s hand in hers. In a few days’ time, this man had captivated both of us but I still couldn’t get an accurate read on him. He was guarded almost to the point of distant but there was something about him that intrigued me. Seeing him sitting on the couch watching a princess movie on a Saturday night, might have had something to do with it.




Zoey had fallen asleep about twenty minutes into the movie but Kara and I continued to watch. I didn’t think either of us were actually paying attention to what was on the screen. Each time I stole a glance at her, she quickly turned her head and focused on the movie. She’d been staring at me too. Was she thinking about that brief encounter in the kitchen when I dropped my defenses and almost lost myself? If the circumstances were different, would I have kissed her? Was that what she had wanted me to do?

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