Home > Unexpected Turn(54)

Unexpected Turn(54)
Author: CY Jones

“Do you want to tell her, or should I?” Nichole questions.

“Oh, do continue, you’ve gone this far,” Tyson drawls. His words may sound like he couldn’t careless, but I can see straight through his mask. The tension is thick, almost choking, and Tyson fisting his hands is the only sign he’s bothered at the turn this dinner has taken.

“Why sweetheart, Tyson here is old money and the second richest family in New York. His father practically owns this city with the family business and all. Why do you think the paps follow him around like he’s royalty?” Nichole looks smug and I wonder what her agenda is. She should know by now I couldn’t care less about money. With the two wolves at the table, I thought she was a harmless sheep, turns out she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

“What’s your point, Nichole? Tyson isn’t the first rich family I’ve run across and I doubt he’ll be the last.” She frowns her pretty face. This isn’t the reply she wanted to hear from me. Maybe she thought I’d be uneasy, like the other day when we went shopping, but I learned that as long as I hang around people like them, this is my new normal and I shouldn’t get offended. Tyson blows out a relieved breath and I grab his hand in support. It seems like Nichole was trying to break me and Tyson up and I couldn’t figure out why. In her eyes, am I good enough to fuck her husband, but not have a man like Tyson?

The waiter comes back with our drinks and I suck up my lemonade through my straw like I’m sipping on one of those fruity alcoholic drinks that pack a punch when you least expect it. I wish I had one about now, but I settled with this for now.

“I thought you would like to know that I kept Nancy on, although she is no longer my personal secretary,” Grayson tells me.

Frowning, I reply, “I hope she took it well.” The last thing I need is a vengeful Nancy coming after me.

“She did. I told her you were the one to convince me she should keep her job, but I can’t have anyone working for me and shifting through important documents who enjoys spreading rumors, so she’ll be sent back down to the lower levels until she can prove herself. Bad news for you is that I’m in need of a secretary and that’ll be your job until HR fills the spot.”

I groan at that and mutter, “Great.”

“You’re making it sound like it’s torture to work for me,” McHottie says, raising a perfectly arched brow.

“It’s not that. It’s just double the work now. I thought I was supposed to be lessening my workload,” I gripe.

“You are. Grayson can make do until a replacement is found or use a junior associate until the position is filled,” Tyson suggests.

“Who? They are all snooty about answering phones,” I comment.

“They’ll do it if a partner asks,” McHottie interjects and I can’t argue with that. All the junior associates in there are all ass kissers.

When the food arrives, I bypass all proper etiquette and dig in. I’ve never had lamb before, but it was quite tasty, especially dipped in the white wine sauce it was served with. I could close my eyes and pretend all the alcohol wasn’t cooked off. Used to my eating habits, the rest of the table grows quiet for the rest of the meal and we’re able to have enjoyable conversation without the tension like when we first got here.

When the plates are cleared away and dessert, some sort of fancy chocolate mousse which I forgot the name of after the waiter said chocolate, is served, Nichole says, “So, Tyson, what’s the special occasion? There has to be a reason why you brought us here.”

“I said the same thing in the car,” I reply over another spoonful. I was in heaven and I moaned appreciatively at the chocolatey goodness sliding down my throat. Tyson ignores Nichole’s question, staring at me with blown out pupils. I know exactly what’s on his mind. I’m definitely getting some as soon as we get home. When I dip my spoon back in my dish and take another spoonful, something metal clicks against my teeth. I spit it out in the palm of my hand and stare amazed at the huge chocolate covered diamond ring. Confused, I look over at Tyson. He’s no longer sitting in his seat, but on one knee before me. My head swivels back and forth from my hand toTyson as my mind is too slow to make the connection. When I do, I gasp, shocked.

“Jade, I told you you’re my jewel, one of a kind that can never be replicated. You’re it for me. No one can make me feel the way you do. Our time apart only taught me I can never live without you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

“I-I…” I stutter. What the hell? I knew he was up to something, but never in a million years did I suspect he’d propose. Am I even ready for that step? We haven’t known each other for long and didn’t Nichole say he’s like filthy rich? But this is Tyson. While we were apart, he nagged my brain and how much it would hurt if I lost him for good. Now I know he’s serious about me. I don’t think I can turn him down. “Yes,” I finally answer after having my inner battle in my head. Tears run freely down my face and my vision blurs. The waiter, who must have been standing by, politely takes the ring from me and cleans it off before giving it to Tyson, who slides it on my finger. I’m overjoyed and also confused. This seriously can’t be my life. Tyson Garfield can’t possibly love me enough to be his wife.

“This can’t be happening,” Nichole says in a low voice and I turn my attention to her.

“What do you mean?”

“This can’t be fucking happening,” she says, louder this time and I’m more surprised at her cursing than her actual words. I didn’t even know she knew what a curse word was. “No, Jade, I forbid it. You can’t marry him.”

“Why the fuck not? You’re not her keeper,” Tyson yells. He’s pissed and I can’t say I blame him. Who does she think she is? My mother?

“Nichole, love, are you okay? Usually I wouldn’t agree with Tyson, but he’s right. You have no say in who Jade chooses to marry.”

“No, can’t you see?” she says, jumping to her feet. “He’s ruining everything. All my careful plans, ruined,” she shouts in a shrill voice. Grayson stands to calm her down, but she just pushes him away, too far gone in her tangent. Turning wild eyes on me she shouts,“You can’t marry him; do you hear me? I won’t allow it.” She grabs onto me in a surprisingly strong grip and I try to pry her off. What the hell? Nichole has gone completely batshit.

Grayson grabs her again, with help from Tyson and they both try to pry her off of me before she falls onto the floor in a fit of coughs. By now, the manager has come to see what all the commotion is about while our waiter looks on with wide terrified eyes. I’m sure if we weren’t tucked away, everyone here would be trying to see what the spectacle is.

Strong arms pull me to him and I bury my head in Tyson’s chest, inhaling his comforting scent. When Nichole’s coughing doesn’t subside, the manager hands her an unused cloth napkin from the table. I hear a crash and then Grayson’s frantic words of, “Call 911.” I swivel my head back over to Nichole to find she was the source of the crash as she has passed out, crumpled to the floor with the cloth napkin she was given covered in blood and with more of it dripping from her mouth.

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