Home > Up Close and Personal(55)

Up Close and Personal(55)
Author: Kathryn Freeman

‘Stop it.’ His green eyes flashed angrily at her. ‘You’re well aware this isn’t what I want. I’m trying to do the right thing.’ Another emotion came and went in his eyes, something tormented and raw. ‘I’m trying to keep you both safe.’

Mark bounded back up to the door. ‘You’re good to go.’

Zac nodded, and with one final searing glance at her, he followed Mark out.

Kat quietly shut the door. Then slipped onto the floor and let the tears fall.


Zac lay on the strange bed, in the soulless room, in the tiny apartment, and felt his heart shatter. The place was as far removed from Kat’s cluttered, homely house as was possible to be. A police officer was positioned outside, which was meant to reassure him, but actually only put the fear of God into him. It was one thing the film company paying a security company because they wanted to protect their asset. Quite another knowing the police were worried enough for his safety, they were prepared to spare some very stretched resource on protecting him.

It was after midnight when Mark knocked on the door and let himself in. The same Mark who, only a few hours ago, had held Kat’s arm in a proprietary manner that had triggered Zac’s jealousy radar. He’d wanted to snatch the hand away and tell him never to touch her again, Kat was his girl. Yet she’d declined to call him her boyfriend so he was, in fact, only a guy she’d slept with. And yes, he’d overheard her telling Mark exactly that.

Except there had to be more, didn’t there, because why else had she been so livid at him for leaving?

Because she thinks you don’t trust her, professionally. He sighed, running a weary hand across his face. Yeah, there was that.

‘I’ve brought some basics to keep you going,’ Mark shouted from the living area cum kitchen cum only other room in the place.

Zac levered himself off the bed and went to meet him, staring into the bag Mark had placed on the kitchen worktop. There were food essentials – milk, bread, cheese, fruit – along with toothpaste, deodorant, shower gel and a few magazines.

‘Thanks.’ He mustered a weak smile, reminding himself none of this was Mark’s fault.

‘Have you any plans for the weekend?’ Mark asked, his manner business-like. ‘Anywhere you need to be?’

It was only then Zac realised tomorrow was Saturday. Marvellous. ‘I’ve got a charity function Sunday night that I need to be at.’ Other than that, he had the choice of being bored to death within these four walls, or going out and literally facing death. If he decided to take the second option, it wouldn’t even be Kat trailing around with him, because he’d dismissed her – that’s how she’d taken it, though it was far, far from how he’d intended it.

‘Is that all?’

‘A workout at the studio gym tomorrow would be good.’ How had lifting weights become the highlight of his weekend? ‘If I can be picked up around ten?’

‘Fine. It’ll be me or a guy called Simon. He’ll have ID on him and I’ll text you in the morning to confirm. Anything else you need?’

Kat. Her name hovered in his mind, in his heart. He needed her right now more than he’d ever needed anyone. Just a dose of her calm, her funniness. Even her anger would be better than this emptiness. ‘No, I’m good. Thanks.’

‘Okay then. See you tomorrow.’

Mark headed towards the door and Zac felt the silence, the oppressive loneliness, start to close in around him. ‘Wait.’ Mark halted, turning expectantly, and suddenly Zac didn’t know what to say.


‘Sorry, I just …’ Feel horribly lonely, and you’re the closest thing I have to Kat, so I need you to stay a while? Words he could never admit. ‘Will Kat be assigned another client?’

‘It’s what she does, so yes.’

Of course, it was. Dumb question, born of weariness, of fear, of an ache in his chest. ‘You’re aware that my asking for someone else isn’t a reflection on her ability.’

‘I’m aware she’s damn good at her job, yes.’

The edge to Mark’s voice told Zac all he needed to know. ‘Is she aware you’re in love with her?’

Mark reared back, his usually phlegmatic face showing signs of shock. ‘Where the fuck did that come from?’

‘You probably think it’s none of my business, except that I’m also in love with her, so that makes it my business.’

Zac had a sense that Mark didn’t know whether to punch him, or commiserate with him. ‘I’m not discussing this.’

Zac laughed humourlessly. ‘You think I want to?’ He leant against the wall, feeling dragged down by tiredness. ‘Look, if there’s history between you, that’s nothing to do with me. But if it’s not consigned to the past, I want to know.’

Mark made a scoffing noise. ‘If you think she’s sleeping with us both, you don’t know her at all.’

‘I know she’s sleeping with me.’ He wasn’t a man prone to one-upmanship, but he enjoyed saying it. ‘I want to keep it that way.’ Though I’d like to know if I’m about to get my heart pulverised.

‘You’d better not get yourself killed, then.’ Mark gave him a flinty stare. ‘And if you hurt her, I might have to kill you myself.’ He marched to the door and let himself out without a backward glance.

Though Zac wanted to dislike the guy, he found he could only respect a man who carried a torch for the same woman he loved. And yes, he was no longer falling in love. He’d already fallen.



Chapter 28

Debs slung her overnight bag onto her shoulder. ‘Come on, Aunty Kat. It’s lame to be late.’

Kat paused, in panicked search of her car keys, to give her niece a glare. ‘Who told you that?’

‘Zac. Well, he didn’t say lame, more like one of those fancy words he uses, like “It’s good manners.” Oh no, wait, he used an even posher word. “It’s correct etiquette,” I think he said.’

‘Did he now.’ She tried to be annoyed, to tell herself he’d been taking a swipe at her. All she felt though, was a huge pang in her chest.

‘It’s weird without him.’ Debs shuffled the bag’s strap further up her shoulder. ‘Like, I dunno, too quiet.’

She shrugged her shoulders, clearly as baffled as Kat as to why their Saturday morning hadn’t felt the same. It wasn’t as if Zac had been a noisy housemate. He’d spent a lot of time in his room – damn and blast, in Mandy’s room – reading lines.

She’d known he was there, though. And when she’d offered him a drink, he’d given her that heart stopping smile. The one that made every part of her tingle.

Shoving the thought aside, she reached down the back of the sofa. ‘Bingo, found them.’ Clutching at the keys, she walked with Debs to the door. ‘You’re sure you’re okay with this?’

Debs rolled her eyes. ‘Duh. Anna’s mum is going to drop us off at the shops. You’ve given me money to spend, then a few others are coming over for a sleepover, and Anna’s mum and dad said we can put the tent up in the garden if we want. Sunday we’re going to the lido. It’s going to be epic.’

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