Home > Always Be My Baby(3)

Always Be My Baby(3)
Author: Mary Ting

I ducked lower from embarrassment when I spotted a few of Lucas’s fraternity pledges. They had been at the party and no doubt saw what had happened. Ugh! I wish I could disappear, better yet, make them disappear.

Crap! They filed in line.

“Six forty-eight,” I said to the girl in front of me, holding a tray of Gus’s special burrito and a soft drink.

She dug into her wallet and pulled out a five and a dollar. “Shoot. This is all I have. Can you just skip the drink?”

“Let me see...” I reached inside my front pocket, recalling I had shoved some change in the last time I wore those shorts. “Ah.” I pulled out two quarters. “I’ve got you covered.”

She lifted a corner of her mouth. “You’re so sweet. Thank you for covering for me. I promise to pay you back.”

“Whatever. It’s small change.” I moved on to the next person after giving her a smile.


The scent of warm spices and rich, dark wood filled my nostrils. Beautiful, crystal-blue eyes met mine under a mop of brown hair turned molten gold under the sunlight pouring from the glass ceiling. I tried not to stare, but for a brief moment, he made me forget about Lucas.

I dropped my eyes to his plate, feeling guilty. But then I thought better and reminded myself I was allowed to admire a good-looking guy. My hands were to myself and... Lucas cheated on me.

“You got a burrito, a taco, and a drink.” I tapped on the register. “That’ll be eight.”

He handed me a twenty, and gorgeous dimples pierced his cheeks. “Cammy.”

I blinked, taking a few seconds to register. I had never seen him before, or maybe I’d never paid attention to other guys ever since Lucas and I had been a couple.

“How do you know my name?” I asked, handing him back his change. His hand felt warm when I accidentally brushed it.

When he let out a soft chuckle, his broad and thick chest bobbed a bit. What was so funny?

He cleared his throat and pointed at my name tag.

I flushed with warmth and let out a snort. “Oh. That. Of course.” Stupid me.

“Anyway, you’re in my economics class. A group of us are studying for the midterm tomorrow night. Would you like to join us?”

He noticed me in that lecture room? Impressive.

“I don’t know.” I chewed the inside of my mouth.

For the past year, I’d avoided group study, especially when getting an invite from a guy. We had fought about it one time. Lucas told me the guy had only asked me so he could move in on me. Since it bothered him so much, I declined all the group studies. Now that the leash was severed...

“Please join us if you can.” He lowered his bottom lip and gave me puppy dog eyes.

Oh. My. God. I would have said yes to anything he asked with that pout, but I restrained myself.

“We’re meeting at the library at seven,” he continued. “I promise to behave. And by the way, my name is Grayson.” He winked and left.

I stared at his cool swagger, his jeans and T-shirt molding so nicely to his body. Girls from nearby tables watched him walk out the door. And I was thinking of Lucas again. Why the hell was I feeling guilty for lusting over a guy’s body? Lucas kissed Caroline, I reminded myself again.

“I don’t blame you. He’s so fine. So yummy. Say yes, or I’ll attend the group study for you.”

I spun to Gus, practically breathing down my neck, drooling was more like it. I had wondered about Gus, but that removed my uncertainty about his romantic preferences.

“By the way, I love your shorts with those shoes,” he added, checking out my ass.

I patted the rhinestones adorning the back pockets thinking it all made sense. “Thanks. I love them, too.”

Gus went back to attending the customers, and a frown replaced my smile when Lucas’s fraternity pledges gave me a knowing grin. I gasped when the three of them got down on their knees and started to sing loud and clear.

I’m sorry Cammy. For hurting you. You are the love of my life. I’m such a fool. Please take me back. For I love you still. My heart dies a little bit more every second we are apart. I can’t breathe without you. I can’t live without you. I’ll make it up to you. You’ll always be my baby. This I promise you.

They stood up, bowed, and one of the guys handed me a dozen beautiful red roses I had not seen him holding. Everyone in the food court clapped, the sound echoing like raindrops. Before I could protest, the bouquet was in my hands and they had left.

Tears burned my eyes, but I held them back, reminding myself I was at work. Lucas could be sweet and romantic, but it had been a very long time since he paid attention to me like that. I knew he was sorry, but my heart had already shattered. It was going to take time.

“They’re beautiful,” Tracy cooed behind me. “He hurt you that bad? What did he do?”

Tracy was new to the job and a freshman, and she needed to learn to shut her mouth. I didn’t say anything.

Gus shook his head with sad eyes. I didn’t need his sympathy.

Great! Now the whole world knew Lucas and I had a fight. Lucas’s sweet gesture of apology did tug my heart. A part of me wanted to forgive him and take him back, but I couldn’t help seeing the image of them kissing.

I had warned Lucas about Caroline so many times. He brushed it off and told me I was “just jealous.” The roses and the stupid song would not make the pain go away. I cursed him under my breath, tossed the roses in the trash, and got back to work.

Gus gawked at me, and Tracy almost fetched back the roses but stopped when I gave her the evil eye.



Chapter Four




“He didn’t.” Leah parted her mouth in shock and then passed me a plate of salad.

I shrugged as if it were no big deal. “He wrote a stupid apology song.” I gritted my teeth. “As if.”

Leah’s expression softened and so did her hazel eyes. “Well, I have to give him some credit for trying.” She speared a fork through a bite of chicken in her salad, shoved it in her mouth, and spoke again. “You could have brought the roses home. They would have made our apartment smell nice.”

I cringed. “I know. They were so pretty, but I was so mad.” My fingers tightened on my fork. “Does he think he could make me forget what he did that easily?”

Leah took a sip of water. “I don’t know. But he’s trying. Not that I’m on his side. What he did was unforgivable.”

I released a breath and bit into a crouton. “I know I sound like a broken record, but if he found me kissing another guy, he would go apeshit.”

Leah waved her fork at me. “But the point is he would never have found you kissing another guy, Cammy. You wouldn’t have cheated on him. You don’t even notice other males around you.”

I didn’t say anything. Still pissed off at Lucas, I just shoved more lettuce into my mouth and chewed like a horse.

“I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but...” She examined me carefully. “Isn’t Lucas moving back home after we graduate? He got accepted to the USC MBA program, right? And you’re staying in New York, right?” She knitted her eyebrows together, silently answering her questions before I had the chance to speak. “So maybe it’s better this way. I mean, not the part of him cheating, but if you can’t trust him when he’s in New York with you, how are you going to trust him when he’s in LA? Perhaps you two are not meant to be together.”

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