Home > Pretty Sweet(9)

Pretty Sweet(9)
Author: Christina Lee

He smiled and walked away. I stood there, watching him go.









You sure tomorrow’s a good day to drop off my car? Seth had texted last night.

We’d communicated a bit back and forth the last couple of days after he’d reached out to me about his tires, and I was going to bet Seth felt a bit awkward about reaching out. But I wasn’t kidding the other day. The tires were pretty bald, and I had a feeling other stuff would need a service soon too since he didn’t seem to pay much attention to maintenance.

Yep. I told Mia to put you on my schedule.

Cool. See you soon.

I was underneath a car, draining the fluid for an oil change, when I heard the familiar, rambling voice entering the garage.

“Oh, uh, hey, hi…I was looking for Jake?”

“Yo, Jake,” Tucker called to me.

“Be right there.” I replaced the cap, then wiped my hands on the rag draped over my shoulder.

“Hey there,” I said, walking toward him. He was wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers, much like the other night, except this time his ball cap was missing, which surprisingly made him look older. All that brown hair I hadn’t seen the times I’d met him before was now on full display. His bangs were falling over one of his eyes, and he nervously pushed them away from his forehead.

“Cool place.” Seth motioned to the space, which was clean but absolutely nothing special. He looked me up and down as I approached. “Nice outfit,” he teased.

My coveralls were stained with grease. “Eh, helps save my clothes.”

“Jake is always worried about grease getting on his precious collection of jeans,” Tad said while fiddling with the air compressor, and Brett snickered from the rear tire of the truck in the first well. Nosy pains in the ass.

Seth raised an eyebrow. “Collection of jeans?”

I snorted. Fuckers. “They like to mess with me because I try to keep my stuff clean, which, as you can tell, is pretty much a losing battle.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you want to tell yourself,” Brett rumbled as he reached for a floor jack, then headed back to the SUV he was servicing.

My cheeks burned even though this was how we always were with each other, but the smirk on Seth’s face told me he was amused rather than appalled.

“So hey, I can drop you home, or we have cars for daily rental.” I pointed over my shoulder to the parking lot where we kept sedans for customer use.

“No worries, I already have an Uber coming.” He looked down at his phone. “In two minutes, actually.”

“If you’re sure,” I said, and was a little disappointed when Seth nodded. Was I hoping to drive him home? Talk to him more? Or was it that protective instinct in me? Christ, after I’d told him the other day that Mom and I would smother him with attention, he probably thought I was a little much, so I needed to tone it down. Except, there was a loneliness mixed with wariness in him that I seemed to latch on to—I’d recognized it in my mom too many times to count.

Somehow, though, I already knew Seth would get me and wouldn’t make fun. Not like these guys were about to do as soon as he left. I waved goodbye and watched as he got in the back of the Uber, noting the make and model, just in case. Christ, I was pathetic. But fuck, you couldn’t be too careful. I told Mom never to use a car service alone, unless I was on the phone with her or she took a photo of the license plate before she got in the back seat and texted it to me.

Yeah, I was definitely a little much.

“Who the hell was that?” Tad asked right on cue, and I rolled my eyes.

“He works with my mom at Rose City,” I muttered, walking back over to the oil change I needed to finish.

“That guy works with the elderly?” Tad asked, incredulously. Yeah, I really couldn’t picture it either. Yet I absolutely could at the same time. “And what’s with the guyliner?”

“Otherwise known as eyeliner? That anyone is free to wear?” Mia scoffed as she stepped into the garage to hand me Seth’s keys. Leave it to her to set these guys straight. “He’s adorable, by the way.”

“He’s a nice kid,” I said, because no fucking way was I gonna admit anything else in front of these guys, no matter how harmless. I’d never hear the end of it.

“Kid?” Mia scoffed. “I’m pretty sure he’s not much younger than you.”

“Yeah, okay. Way to bust my balls too.”

She smirked as she strolled back to her office, no doubt to kick someone else’s ass who crossed her path.

Once I finished with the oil change and tire rotation, I parked the Caddy in a visitor spot outside, then fished Seth’s keys out of my pocket as I headed to his BMW.

Sliding into the front seat, I was immediately hit with the pleasant scent of apples, and spotted the air freshener hanging from his rearview mirror. I absently noted the inside was fairly clean, but what did I care? My truck could be a wreck sometimes with paperwork and supplies. And don’t even get me started on some of the beaters that customers dropped off.

I started the engine, and when music immediately began piping through the speakers, I bit back a grin. Some kind of boy-band shit. I looked at the dash, where the name of the song came into view atop the radio dial. BTS. Who in the hell?

“Sweet Beamer,” Brett said as I pulled the car into the dock. “Dude must have some loaded parents or a sweet inheritance.”

“Knock it off already.” I hopped out and headed toward the workbench for a lug wrench, the truth of his words cutting a little too close. “Since when do you scrutinize our customers’ rides so much?”

His eyebrows scrunched together. “Uh, since we work in an auto shop where we service cars?”

“Shut it.” Besides, I wasn’t about to go there. Seth’s business was his own.

Yeah, I must’ve liked the kid—guy—because I was already acting all defensive. And I needed to cut it out, or I’d hear about it even worse.

I spent the rest of the morning giving Seth’s car a tune-up, then a new set of wheels. Once finished, I test-drove it around the block, and it ran like a beauty. He’d be able to trade it in no problem for his…what was it? A Mini Cooper, which would probably fit him better. I couldn’t help smiling as I pictured it.

After parking his car in the nearest space to the garage, I pulled out my cell to text him.

You’re all set. No rush, we’re open until 6 p.m. Let me know if you need a lift.

No, I’m good. Thanks.

Then I got back to work.



“It looks great.” I was leaning over the workbench when I heard Seth’s voice traveling from the parking lot, where Mia had obviously shown him to his car once he paid inside. “Can you tell Jake I want to thank him?”

“You’re free to—”

“That’s okay, don’t want to bother him.”

I made my way toward the garage door, which we kept open in the summer or we’d sweat to death. When I caught his eye, I waved. “Good, yeah?” I asked, inching a few steps forward.

“Perfect!” He beamed. “Thanks!”

“No problem,” I replied, and when I felt Mia curiously watching our interaction, I waved again and retreated. “Let me know if you need anything. Catch you later.”

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