Home > Let Me In(51)

Let Me In(51)
Author: Ali Parker

It’s just the three of us and we did have some good times. I’d like to have more of those good times. I want to go fishing with you and dad. I want us to go to Mo’s and drink a beer around a campfire on the beach.

Say we can go back to those days. I know it is a huge ask but damn if I don’t miss those days. I’m going to try and get back for a visit before I deploy again or PDS overseas. Don’t make excuses. Just do it. I want to be like we were. This weekend was amazing. It reminded me of the good times.

Life is too short not to fill it with good times. Let’s make a pact to outweigh the bad with the good. Do it for you. Do it for me. I’ll call you before I head back east. Take care of yourself and take care of that beautiful lady. She’s a good one. I like her.

Love, Kade, the good-looking one.

I smiled and put the note back on the dresser. My eyes drifted to the picture. He was right but I wasn’t sure I could swallow my pride. There were a lot of hurt feelings. Every month, every year that passed, the gap between my father and me widened. I wasn’t even sure I could fix what was broken.

“Well, shit,” I muttered. I had a full breakfast downstairs and a clear schedule.

I went back downstairs and grabbed my phone. I doubted Evie was available, but I was going to call her anyway.

“Hello,” she answered.

“Hey,” I said, smiling as I took a bite of bacon. “What are you doing?”

“At this moment, I am going to a coffee shop.”

“Do you have a packed schedule today?”

“Nope. I only have a few things. Why?”

“Want to play hooky?”

She softly giggled. “What do you have in mind?”

“I took the day off to hang out with Kade, but he ditched me. I was thinking me and you could do something. I think I’m due for a new lesson in having fun.”

“I’m in. Let me go into the office and check on a couple things. Then I can be free, say by ten?”


“What did you have in mind?” she asked. “Theme park? Beach?”

“How about the zoo?” I blurted out, surprising even myself.

“The zoo?” she questioned, sounding surprised.

“Yeah, why not? I don’t think I’ve been there in forever.”

“I’m excited. That sounds like a great way to spend the day. I’ll need to go home and change. Do you want me to meet you at your place?”

“I can pick you up,” I offered.

“I’ll text you my address.”

“See you soon.”

I ended the call and felt hopeful. I wanted to take Kade’s advice to heart. I wanted to fill my days with fun. I figured I had another thirty or forty years to make memories that would hopefully fill the void in my life. I tended to dwell on the negative. The less negative I had, the less chance I could dwell on the bad.

I put away the leftovers and went upstairs to take a shower. I changed into a pair of shorts and the usual T-shirt. I pulled out a pair of new tennis shoes that had been sitting on a shelf in my closet for weeks.

I wasn’t a shopaholic. I didn’t really like shopping at all and I absolutely hated shopping at the ridiculously overpriced shops that carried brands like Gucci and Prada. I had the money, but damn if I was going to pay five thousand for a fucking shirt.

I headed back downstairs and went into my home office to check emails and kill time until she texted. I hoped she hurried. I was looking forward to seeing her. It felt like forever before she finally texted and said she was on her way back to her apartment. I grabbed my keys and was out the door in a hurry. I didn’t want to wait another minute.

Her place was only fifteen minutes from mine. I liked that she was close. I couldn’t explain why it mattered, but I liked it. I parked my car and texted to let her know I was there before going inside.

She met me in the lobby instead of waiting for me to knock on her door. I wasn’t going to read too much into it. She didn’t want me in her place.

Watching her walk toward me in the pretty pink capris and the white flowing blouse made me think it was probably a very good idea I didn’t go into her apartment. We would never get to the zoo.

“Hi.” I greeted her with a kiss.

“Hi, yourself. This was a nice surprise.”

“If the zoo isn’t really how you wanted to spend your day, I’m up for anything.”

“I’m absolutely thrilled to go to the zoo. Kade dumped you, huh?”

I nodded. “He had a friend in crisis. Those guys stick together. Kade is a sergeant and he takes his duties very seriously. He looks out for his team on and off duty.”

“That’s sweet. I can see him being like that. I think he wants to take care of you as well.”

I rolled my eyes. “He’s always been bossy. I’ve told him a million times I’m the older one. I’m the one who is supposed to take care of him.”

“And I bet you did when you guys were younger.”

I nodded. “I tried. Now, let’s go before all the animals go down for their afternoon naps.”

She wrapped an arm around my waist. I wrapped mine around her shoulders and pulled her against me. She was the perfect fit. We walked out to my car. I opened the door for her like a perfect gentlemen before going around and getting in the driver’s seat.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she questioned.

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t like public places. I know you aren’t comfortable doing public things. We could go somewhere quiet if you want. I don’t want you to do this for me. I am perfectly happy doing anything, as long as you are there.”

I reached across the center console and grabbed her hand. “I do want to go to the zoo. I have to confess something.”

“Oh?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I wasn’t always reclusive. I’ve never been a social butterfly, but it just seemed easier to fade away than deal with questions and opinions. When you are around, I do feel a lot better about being in public places. Your social butterfly wings protect me.”

“Okay, that works. Let’s go to the zoo.”

I put the car in drive and headed to the zoo. I shouldn’t have been surprised to find the place very busy. With no school, there were a lot of kids and families. There was a tiny twinge of anxiety, but I quickly tamped it down. I was a normal guy, out for a normal date with a beautiful woman.

She took my hand and gave it a good squeeze. “This will be fun.”

I nodded and handed over my credit card to buy our tickets. “Yes, it will.”



Chapter 34






He held my hand as we made our way from one animal exhibit to the next. He was saying all the right things and smiling and was acting perfectly normal. That was what bugged me.

He was too normal. He wasn’t being his usual self. I could feel him trying too hard to be the normal guy. Xander was naturally reserved, but just then, he was being very—for lack of a better word—normal.

“Something to drink?” he asked with a friendly smile. That was when I knew something was definitely not okay.

“Yes, please.”

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