Home > Sweet Dreams(39)

Sweet Dreams(39)
Author: J. Clarice

“We need more information if we want a chance. We can’t simply rely on the extra numbers of Dreammares and the Havened Ones. Hell, we don’t even know how many of them there could be. We haven’t heard a single thing from Samsus. Who knows if he’s even doing what he’s supposed to?”

“Official Grant, you are forgetting your place. Official Samsus will not be insulted while he is not here to defend himself. That is a cheap blow for even a man of your status and I expect better.” Cher sharply cut Official Grant down and he lowered his eyes under her harsh stare. “As for why we haven’t heard from Official Samsus, you’ve also seemed to have forgotten that the Havened Ones are not easily swayed. Patience is key when it comes to them as most will not want to relive such horrors while others will understand what’s at risk. They need time.”

“With all due respect, Mrs. Blackdall, time is not exactly on our side.” Official Grant stated as he kept his head lowered. As much as it bothered Cher, she knew he was correct on that fact. Before he could get cut off, Official Grant glanced at Cher. “It is for this reason I have devised a plan. If I may?”

Cher stared him down before gesturing for him to continue.

“As you all know, the Dark Realm has gone completely dark with their movements and that is a huge negative for us.” Nods were returned in agreement. “I have the idea to deploy a team of Dreamers and Dreammares to enter the Dark Realm and they’d be able to capture information that we don’t have.”

Even Cher and Scarlett couldn’t ignore the positive in his plan as they did need information. At least with Edgar, he was boastful and made himself known. This new threat kept a tight leash on everything it was planning.

Cher opened her mouth only to be interrupted by the slamming of a door. Everyone’s gaze snapped toward it and Scarlett’s mouth parted at the figure that walked through.

Cain’s eyes wondered before they zeroed in on Scarlett. Her breath caught as every inch of herself come to life. No one had seen him since he stormed out of the Refuge and he appeared the same as ever.

Cold and ravishing.

His black armor was bulked with extras and perfectly showcased his lean figure. Cain’s black hair was ruffled and his sharp jaw was held high. His steel eyes were dark and yet bright as they caught the breath in Scarlett’s lungs.

“How did you –?” Official Grant began as the bracelets on all the Officials lit up.

“Weapon’s down,” Cher ordered. Her eyes didn’t leave Cain as the Officials lowered their hands. Official Grant’s eyes found Cher’s and she stared at him before he complied.

Scarlett couldn’t take her sight off Cain. ‘He came back…’

“What brings you here, Cain?”

Cain strode to the table and placed himself directly on the opposite end of where Cher stood. Power radiated from him and everyone could feel.

“I couldn’t help but overhear the news of planting a rat to scurry around the Dark Realm for information. It’s not necessary and a good way to aid them in killing your people.”

Eyes widened and stared at Cain in confusion and revulsion.

“Excuse me?” Official Grant exclaimed as he stared at Cain with disgust. “This plan is necessary. If we don’t get some kind of information, we’ll be going into the fight blindly!”

Cher lifted her hand before Grant could continue.

“For what reasons, Cain?” Cher asked as he kept his expression cooled.

“You can’t risk sparing any more lives with how low your numbers are. It wouldn’t be an intelligent move.” Cain stretched out his last two words and Scarlett knew him well enough to know exactly why. Out of the corner of her eye, Official Grant’s fists clenched as he silently steamed.

“That is not all. It isn’t necessary because, in my absence, I gathered the information needed for the oncoming battle.”

Voices rose as the Officials fired questions at Cain. Even Scarlett had to bite her tongue to stop questioning out loud.

“Enough!” Cher silenced them all and gestured for Cain to continue.

Cain nodded. “He goes by the name of Raxon. He’s a Dreammare of the highest level, much like my own. He has planned to rid Ever Realm of Dreamers and let the Dark Realm rule superior to us all.”

The Officials scoffed at the idea. “Those stupid bastards! Without us, they’d be stuck in their dingy Realm forever.”

Cain continued. “Which is exactly why they need a Dreammare’s mind to be able to open a gate big enough. Its power would allow Nightmares to travel between Realms and terrorize as they wish.”

“Where would they get one powerful enough to do that?”

Cain’s eyes found Scarlett’s and she lifted her chin as she spoke next.

“Me. They’d need me to accomplish their plan.”

The Officials whipped their heads toward Scarlett and Cher. “You?! You’re merely a month old Dreammare!”

“A month old Dreammare with the mark Edgar predicted. With the powers he’d tapped into, he somehow transferred them… to me.”

The Officials mouths widened as they took in Scarlett’s words. The one thing the Dark Realm was after, was right before their eyes this whole time. Official Alich was the first to snap back.

“Who is this Raxon anyway? And how does he even know of such things?” She threw as she met Cain’s eyes.

“Haven’t you noticed the similarities in the recent events? How else could a Dreammare have gotten his hands on this exact information? Who else tried to accomplish the exact same thing?” Cain’s words fell on their ears as everyone grew rigid. “He’s simply following in his father’s footsteps.”

“He’s Edgar’s son.” Cher’s whisper broke the silence that had followed. Some shook their heads in disbelief while others stared at Cain with their eyebrows furrowed.

“How do you know of such things?”

Everyone paused as Official Alich cocked her head at Cain. She narrowed her sharp eyes as the tension in the room grew. Scarlett noticed some twitch their hands and kept her power within reach.

Whether to protect Cain or the other’s against him, she didn’t know.

Scarlett saw the twitch in his jaw and met his dark grey eyes as he spoke the next words.

“He is my brother.”

The Officials erupted into an uproar and lit their bracelets. White tendrils flowed from their hands as anger thundered throughout.


“He could be working with his brother for all we know!”

“Filthy Dreammare!”

Cain stood his ground and opened his palms releasing his power. Scarlett could see his muscle tense underneath his armor as he defensively faced the Officials. They noticeably backed away at the threat bigger than their own. Scarlett only managed to take a step in his direction before she was yanked back by her mother. Cher’s breath was on Scarlett’s ear as she fought the urge to pull away.

“Don’t, I will handle this. You losing control will only make matters worse for him and most importantly, all of us.” Scarlett’s body slowly relaxed under her mother’s grip.

She was right.

Her mother would have to smooth things out.


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