Home > Sweet Dreams(41)

Sweet Dreams(41)
Author: J. Clarice

“What was that for?” Scarlett laughed as she slowly calmed.

“After what I just told you, that was the most random thing you could’ve possibly said.” He leaned back on his arms as he threw his head back. The sight did something to Scarlett. His neck was exposed and his jaw pronounced as ever. His muscles flexed beneath his shirt and heat curled down Scarlett’s spine.

Cain’s laughter slowly ceased and moved his gaze towards Scarlett. The grin stayed on his lips as he took in her lit up eyes and parted lips. Scarlett’s breath caught at the intensity rising between them.

“Shut up, I didn’t know what else to say.” A warmth filled her cheeks as she dropped her gaze to the ground. Fingers grazed the bottom of Scarlett’s chin and she fluttered her eyes to Cain. He lifted her chin as he moved closer. A million reasons crossed Scarlett’s mind as to why she shouldn’t get closer, but one, just one dimmed all the others.

She let it shine bright as she lowered her gaze.

Their lips met with the slightest of touches. As if hesitant to take the next step.

But their desire for each other could no longer be buried.

Cain lowered his lips onto Scarlett’s and they perfectly molded as one.

Something released from the inside and ignited every feeling they’d ever felt. Their longing, frustration, grief, and pain mended together as their lips moved in sync. Scarlett moved her hands to Cain’s chest and lightly trailed them up to his neck to the side of his face. Each touch brought them pain and pleasure, fanning the flames that built in the pit of their stomachs.

Scarlett was becoming unhinged as Cain wrapped his arms around her waist and moved her onto his lap.

She let go.

Lightness filled every pore and only brought her bliss.

Cain crossed every boundary he had set in his mind and opened himself to Scarlett.

Every piece of them clicked into one.


Deep, deep down, Scarlett knew exactly what was becoming of them, but the overwhelming emotions drowned her thoughts. Tears came to her eyes as she moved back and pressed her forehead against Cain’s.

The kiss was so much more.

He felt it. Everything she’d been holding onto; her pain, her cries, and her anger. All the while, she felt his.

“Let go, Scarlett.” His deep voice pulled Scarlett from her thoughts.

Her blurry eyes opened to Cain’s which shown with the most she’s ever seen from him.

Everything she’d kept pent up, came crashing down as she sagged in Cain’s arms. Her heart cracked as waves of emotions swallowed her whole. She was trust falling with the blackness tearing at her from the inside out.

They were terrified of what was to come even if they didn’t say it outright.






Each hour passed as the anticipation for Raxon’s next move rose. Everyone knew he wasn’t done, he couldn’t possibly be. He wished to rid Ever Realm of all Dreamers and let the Dark Realm rule. If that happened, everything would ensue into chaos and the balance of the Realms would be thrown off.

Scarlett returned to Ever Realm and Cain departed as there was business to take care of.

Upon entering the Center, Jayden pounced on Scarlett. She’d opened her mouth but quickly shut it as she observed Scarlett closely before widening her eyes.

“Scarlett, did you guys do the nasty?” She asked with all seriousness.

Scarlett's cheeks heated. “Shut up, Jayden!”

She pulled Jayden close and they walked deeper into the Center. “We just kissed. That’s all.”

Jayden raised a brow and let out a low whistle. “That must’ve been one hot ass kiss.” She fanned herself. “Even got me all jealous.”

Scarlett rolled her eyes before laughing at Jayden’s dramatics. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you’ve seen Liam.” Jayden nonchalantly asked but Scarlett saw right through it.

“Looks like someone else is trying to get themselves a kiss?” Scarlett teased a scoffing Jayden. “I haven’t seen him, maybe check your quarters or the training rooms?”

“Yeah, yeah, thanks.”

Jayden strode away in search of Liam while Scarlett asked around for her mother. She was in one of the meeting rooms and Scarlett knocked on the door to catch her attention.

Cher glanced up from the files on her desk. “There you are, how’d it go?”

Scarlett bit her lip to hide the smile that wanted to spread itself across her face. However, nothing went past her mother.

“What happened?”

Scarlett moved and sat beside her as she folded her hands on her lap. “I may or not have found my partner…”

That immediately got Cher’s attention; she dropped her files and observed Scarlett. “Who?”

She decided to rip the bandage off. “Cain.”

Scarlett watched her mother’s expression stay the same before she blinked a few times and looked in the distance.

“Well, my Realms. I had a feeling this one was coming.”

Scarlett’s eyes widened. “You did?”

Cher shook her head as if to shake thoughts away and graced a sad smile. “You're my daughter, of course, I did. You’ve found your other half.”

Scarlett knew the reason for the change of mood. She got up from her seat and embraced her mother. She knew of the pain and grief that tightly gripped over her mother’s heart. She’d lost her partner. Her other half.

“Cherish it, Scar.”

Cher whispered the words and planted a kiss on Scarlett’s head before rising and excusing herself from the room. Her whispered words stayed in Scarlett’s ears as she watched her exit the room.

The weight over Scarlett’s heart got heavier as her spirits fell. It brought her back down to the harsh reality.


Another day, another sunset.

Scarlett hugged her knees as she sat on the ground and watched the sun make its descent. The autumn breeze brought forth the goosebumps on her arms. Winter was around the corner and Scarlett dreaded it. Christmas and Thanksgiving no longer sparked the joy it used to. She’d be lucky enough to even be alive by the time they came around.

Her black strands were let loose and she wore an oversized hoodie to help shelter her from the cold. The once green trees surrounding her were now an auburn shade. Heaps of their leaves lined the floor as they readied themselves for the oncoming season.

Scarlett touched her lips and smiled. Yesterday was the first time she’d felt content in a while. Cain’s expression stayed the same around others, but his eyes had shone with something else and it made butterflies flutter in her stomach. They couldn’t dwell on their kiss for too long as the tension at Ever Realm was at an all-time high.

A rustling sound from behind Scarlett broke her from her thoughts. She quickly stood and turned around.

Someone stood in the shadows of the trees. Only their legs were visible while the rest remained hidden by sunset’s shadow.

“Who are–?” Scarlett trailed off her words as she squinted her eyes at the black pants. “Cain?”

She furrowed her eyebrows as the figure stepped forward into the rays of the setting sun. The sight of Cain greeted her and his face was steeled from any expression. He wore another black suit and his hair was slicked back instead of its normal ruffled state.

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