Home > Another

Author: Fiona Cole

1 Carina



I never used to spend my weekends in the office. Hell, not too long ago, I was fucking two men.

I’d been engaged.

I’d been happy.

Now, I was scrambling to shut down my computer on a Saturday to go on a blind date my four aunts had arranged as a Christmas gift.

A blind date that was a boudoir photoshoot with a stranger. They’d set it up and wrapped it with a bow in a card. I’d never forget looking up into their giddy faces as my jaw hit the floor. Who the hell got their niece a blind date that required intimate situations with a strange man?

“It will do you some good.” Aunt Violet waved away my concern.

“Is this sex?” my dad yelled. “Did you get my daughter sex?”

“Stop being such a prude, David,” Aunt Vera chimed in.

“Our girl has been down and smiling less than usual,” Aunt Vivian defended. “It will be good for her to have some adventure to take her mind off that dick that abandoned her.”

Aunt Virginia, the quietest, but by no means the calmest, just smirked, letting me know she was the mastermind behind all of it.

I’d put off their gift, but they’d hovered over me for a week until I booked it. They’d promised to ask for all the details once it was over to make sure I went. They’d gushed over the possibilities and finished off more than a couple bottles of wine as I filled out the form.

“Request a big dick in the preference box,” Aunt Vivian had demanded. “No harm in asking.”

All I could hope for was someone hot and not a creeper who wanted me to put the lotion on the skin. Honestly, I just wanted to get it over with, so I could get back to working on my projects—the only thing that sparked my interest these days.

Maybe my doubts would be proven wrong, and I’d actually enjoy myself. Maybe a ridiculously hot man would be waiting to sweep me off my feet and ignite the fire that had almost been extinguished six months ago. Someone to make me have somewhere better to be than the office on a weekend.

I’d made huge strides in my career, but I missed the girl who danced while she cooked, laughed more than not, who bravely slept with two men. I missed the girl who dared her fiancé to fuck her in public. Who owned her body and lacked any inhibitions. Who feared no man and the pain they could cause.

Shutting my car off, I sat outside the building for a few more minutes before heading in. I fluffed my hair that had been pulled up in a bun earlier this morning, practiced my smile that had grown rusty, and took one last cleansing breath, trying to go in with an open mind.

“Hello, welcome to Queen City Photography,” a smiling woman greeted from behind her desk. “What can I do for you today?”

“I’m Carina Russo. I’m here for an…appointment.”

She dropped her gaze to her computer and typed a few things in. “Ah, yes. The blind date session. Your match is already here. If you want to head through those doors, he’s in the waiting room on the other side. Make yourself comfortable, and Sarah, the photographer, will be in to talk with you in a bit.”

“Oh…okay. Thank you.”

I turned, facing the door like a firing squad was on the other side. When was the last time I’d dated? Six years ago? I’d been with Jake, my fiancé, for so long, it all of a sudden hit me that I didn’t remember what dating felt like. Even before Jake, I’d been in college and hadn’t really dated anyone. It was just parties and fooling around.

What if I sucked? What if I was the worst at dating? What if this was the worst hour of my life and I was scarred from the experience? What if I never dated again. and died surrounded by all the cats I’d eventually buy so that I wouldn’t have to be alone?

I was being ridiculous—a coward. My eyes slid closed, and I breathed as deep as possible, stretching my lungs, forcing them to push past the band of panic that had been squeezing them. I was Carina Russo, heir to Wellington and Russo, marketing queen, and a powerful woman. I didn’t fail. I pushed on and succeeded.

You failed pretty epically at your engagement, a voice reminded me, faltering my steps.

Shut up, stupid voice.

With my hand on the knob, I reminded myself one more time. I was Carina fucking Russo. Whoever was on the other side of that door was about to have their socks knocked off. Like an engine sputtering to life, my excitement began, a coy smile forming on my lips.

A hallway greeted me on the other side of the door, and I pulled my shoulders back, making my way to the opening a few feet down. My heels clicked with authority, and the first thrill shot through me when I rounded the corner to find a man filling up an entire chair. His legs were spread wide, elbows on his knees as he looked down at his phone. I couldn’t see his face, but I could see the dark head of hair attached to ridiculously broad shoulders encased in a gray sweater. I could see his long fingers moving over his screen, his hands elegant but manly.

But everything in me froze when he lifted his gaze to mine, and I was confronted with an unusual set of gray eyes. Gray eyes I’d never been able to forget. Gray eyes that had helped me through the night I’d realized my relationship with Jake was over.

His brow furrowed at the same time his lips tipped up, like he was pleased to see me, but couldn’t place why. Maybe he didn’t remember me.

I sure remembered him.

“Listen, beautiful. I can be the man that takes you home and finds ways to make you forget who hurt you. I can make you like it. But I’m not sure that’s what you want. And I’m not the man to cause regrets.” He pressed another soft kiss and I returned it. “But if I’m wrong, then just tell me. I’ll pay for those shots and fuck you before we even make it upstairs. Probably finger you in the cab on the way home.”

“Hi,” I greeted, my voice a little breathy.

He stood but didn’t rush to introduce himself, still studying me. God, he was tall. I wasn’t short by any means, but he had to stand at least six inches above my five-eight.

I reached my hand out when he still stood there. “I’m Carina.”

His brows rose, and recognition finally sparked. Sliding his hand in mine, I finally heard the voice that’d been on replay in my dreams. “I remember you.”

The combination of his rough fingers encasing mine completely, and the rough tone sliding past smooth, smiling lips sucked the air from my lungs. My body blazed hot from those hands, and I held fast to my veneer of control, so I didn’t melt into a puddle at his feet.

“I’m Ian.”

My tongue slicked across my dry lips. His eyes tracked the movement, and my confidence grew. He was just as affected as I was.

“Nice to meet you, Ian. Again.”

“So, you’re my date for today?”

“Looks like I am.”

He scanned my body, still holding my hand. “Good.”

Unable to handle the intense stare any longer, I dropped my eyes and bit my lip, lightly extracting my hand from his. I was excited to see him, but he didn’t need to know how much. The man could work a little for my attention.

“Small world meeting you here.”

“I can’t say I’m sad about it. But I must admit, I’m shocked to see such a beautiful woman on a blind date. I can only imagine men line up to have a moment with you.”

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