Home > All My Loving(34)

All My Loving(34)
Author: Marie Force

“What about the cousins?” Will asked. “How come only Gray is on the schedule?”

“Grayson agreed to do it,” Lucy said, “but Noah said, and I quote, ‘There’s no way in hell I’m doing that.’ He said he’s completely consumed with rebuilding the inn and has no time for anything else. Izzie is doing the shoot for us, and the rest of the Colemans are in Boston, so we need to be happy with what we’ve got. Landon, I did the math on your schedule to figure out that your four days off happen next week, so you should be free, right?”

“Sadly, yes,” he said to laughter from his siblings.

“Excellent. We need your handsome face in the catalog.”

“Why do I have to do underwear?” Colton asked. “I feel objectified.”

“Oh, shut up,” Lucy said. “You prance around naked half the time. Putting underwear on is civilized for you.”

“Note to self,” Hunter said, “never visit the mountain without calling first.”

“You know it, brother,” Colton said with a smug smile. “There’s a lot of honeymooning going on up there these days.”

“Shut your mouth, or the honeymoon is over,” Lucy said.

“Yes, dear.”

“Has anyone considered what’s going to happen when the women receiving this catalog realize the male models live here in Butler?” Megan asked.

Lincoln gave her a blank look. “No. Why?”

Megan covered her mouth with her hand, clearly trying not to laugh.

Amanda picked up her meaning. “I believe Megan is saying we’re apt to be overrun with women wanting to meet the men in the catalog.”

“That.” Megan pointed to Amanda. “Exactly that.”

“Being overrun would be a good thing,” Linc said. “Isn’t that one of the goals of the catalog? To get people to come to the store?”

“Sure,” Will said, “as long as that’s the only reason they’re coming.”

“It’ll be fine,” Linc said.

Amanda wasn’t so sure about that, but didn’t say anything more. They’d find out soon enough.

“One more thing for the catalog,” Cameron said. “We had the idea to do some profiles of people who’ve been associated with the business for a long time. Amanda has offered to do them, and we’re going to start with Elmer and Mildred for the first ones. If you’re up for it, that is, Elmer.”

“I’d be delighted,” Elmer said with a wink for Amanda.

Could he be any cuter?

“What a great idea,” Linc said. “I can’t wait to read them.”

Amanda was thrilled that he liked the idea. “I’m looking forward to working on them.”

“Last item on the agenda,” Linc said, “is a reminder that we’re leaving from here at noon on Friday. We need to be in Boston for the rehearsal at five o’clock.”

“Mia and I are heading for Boston on Wednesday,” Wade said. “She’s got a final dress fitting on Thursday, and Cabot has all kinds of plans for us. He’s so excited.”

“He’s adorable,” Cameron said. “Imagine spending all that time hoping and praying he’d find his missing daughter.”

“I can’t,” Linc said. “What was done to him was unconscionable.”

“Does Mia talk to her mom at all, Wade?” Lucy asked.

“Once in a while. Things aren’t great between them, as you might imagine.”

Amanda had heard how Mia’s mom had taken off with her when she was a baby, hiding from her child’s father, and how Mia had uncovered her mother’s deceit after Hunter discovered her Social Security number belonged to someone who was dead. Mia had learned that her whole life had been a lie—and she’d found the father who’d never stopped looking for her. Amanda wondered how Mia could ever forgive her mother for such an epic deception.

It boggled the mind.

They were on their way back to Landon’s when Amanda opened the package that Emma had given her and sifted through bills, junk mail and other items forwarded from her office. A plain white envelope caught her attention. Amanda opened it to find three sheets of paper. The first was a cover letter with a logo on it that stopped her heart.

Dear Ms. Pressley,

Enclosed, please find a letter we received from your biological child’s adoptive mother and your child. Per your request, we have sent it along to you. After you’ve had a chance to review the enclosed inquiry, please contact our offices via the toll-free number listed below to discuss next steps. Of course, you are under no obligation to respond, should you choose not to.

“Amanda? What’s wrong?”

“I, uh, there’s a letter. About my daughter. It’s from her and her mother.”

Landon looked over at her. “What does it say?”

“I haven’t read it yet.”

“Do you want to wait until we get home? We can read it together.”

“Yeah. I’ll wait.” It’d be only a couple of minutes, but she absolutely could not do this alone.

“Are you all right?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t expect this. She’s only twelve. They said she couldn’t contact me until she was eighteen unless something about her situation changed.”

“Oh wow. I wonder what happened.” He reached for her hand. “Hold on to me. I’m here.”

“Thanks.” Amanda’s hands were shaking, and suddenly, she was freezing.

Landon drove faster than he usually did and got them home quickly. “Coming for you,” he said as he got out. “Hang on.” He helped her out and escorted her inside, took her coat and settled her on the sofa. “Let me just throw a log on the fire.” After he did that, he tossed his coat aside and joined her. “Look at me.”

Amanda forced herself to meet his gaze, which was full of concern and affection.

“Whatever it says, you’ll be okay.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you’re strong and capable, and nothing in that letter will change those things.”

She nodded, hoping he was right, and took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever she was about to find out.

“Do you want me to read it first?”

“Would you?”

“Of course.”

Amanda handed the two pages over to him.

He quickly scanned the cover letter before turning his attention to the second page. “Oh wow.”

“What does it say?”

“‘Dear Amanda, I’m writing to let you know that a situation has arisen that I didn’t foresee, and in light of our correspondence over the years, I thought you’d want to know. There’s no easy way to say this, but I’m dying.’”

“Oh my God,” Amanda said, gasping.

“‘I’ve been diagnosed with stage-four brain cancer and have been advised to get my affairs in order. As you might imagine, my only concern is for Stella.’”

Amanda tried to process what she was hearing, knowing that Stella’s adoptive father had died when she was seven, but it was too big, too much, and she almost couldn’t hear Landon’s voice over the roar in her own ears.

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