Home > The King of Hearts

The King of Hearts
Author: Jovee Winters

Aphrodite (alternate timeline)



The rumors floated to me. Of a woman, a mortal no less, with beauty that could rival even my own.

I clenched my fists, staring out at the night sky dotted with sickle shaped starlight. Not really staring at anything.

For weeks now I’d heard of this breathtaking beauty, a woman so perfectly made that she must have been blessed by the gods.

Well, if I ever found out which god had done that, I would kill them.

I clenched my teeth, baring my incisors.

Helen of Troy was her name, what a stupid name at that. It was said that Hera was also taking an active interest in the lass. Hm.

I inhaled deeply, watching as Nyx glided gracefully across the sky, turning day to night. Perhaps I was thinking about this all wrong. If Hera was already taking an interest that meant Helen was protected. I couldn’t out and out kill her, but I could come as a wolf in lamb’s clothing. Make her think I was on her side, only to turn around and force her death by other more devious means.

I smirked. Now wouldn’t that be fun.

“Tell me who to kill, Aphrodite, and your wish will be my command.”

I twirled, glaring angrily at an insolent looking Ares. He was tall and dressed in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. My lust instantly rose, and my nipples hardened to fine points. I lifted a brow, temporarily forgetting about the stupid mortal and my halfcocked plan to start a war.

“Ares. How dare you trespass in a married woman’s room?” I said with a lazy drawl, leaning heavily against the ivory column behind me as I slowly drew a finger down the vee of my breasts.

His dark, hot eyes instantly zoomed into the movement. He wanted sex. And now, so did I.

He snorted. “Since when has that fact bothered you?” he teased me, referring, of course, to my hasty nuptials just three months past to his boorish brother, Hephaestus.

We’d had to cover up my pregnancy and since the idiot and I hadn’t yet fucked (because I wanted to be a good little girl and wait until I was his in truth…*snort*) it was the only way to make sure none ever knew.

So now Hephaestus and I had fucked plenty, but fucking him was like fucking a hairy blanket. I rocked back and forth, had pretend orgasms, and now I was “pregnant.” Yay. Oh, and no more fucking for him. Disgusting troll had gotten more than he’d deserved in the first place.

I rolled my eyes as my hands drew down to the loose sash tied low on my hips. I still wasn’t showing, but I felt the life stirring within me. If this child had been the trolls, I’d have gotten rid of it. But call me a sentimental fool, I wanted to bear Ares’ babies. As many as I could. Imagine the power they’d have with a mother like a me and a father like him.

“Good point,” I said with a smirk and let the robe puddle at my feet. He sucked in a sharp breath, causing his impressive abs to concave and making my own hunger roar like a lioness on the prowl.

I wet my lips as I gently began tweaking my own nipple.

He scrubbed a hand down his face, his eyes were wide and they were hungry.

I grinned. “You want this, Ares? You want to sink your hot, heavy cock deep inside of my wet, warm—”

I didn’t get a chance to finish. He pounced on me, taking me to the ground. I laughed even as he cradled my head in his hands and twisted so that now I rested upon him as he took the brunt of the fall.

We’d barely even landed on the marble floor before I lifted up on my knees and sank down hard on his extremely well-endowed penis.

Our coupling was violent and animalistic. He bit down on my breasts, leaving marks all over me. I, in turn, scored the flesh of his steely hard biceps and abs. Leaving thin ribbons of blood streaked flesh in my wake.

By the time we’d finished we were coated in sweat and panting heavily.

“Can my brother fuck you like that?” Ares asked a moment later.

I lifted a brow and leaned up, staring at him. “Jealousy does not become you, War. And he probably could, if I ever bothered to teach him how to fuck me properly.”

He snorted, slapped his palm down on my naked rear and jiggled a goodly amount of flesh in his palm. “This is mine. And you are mine. Forever. I agreed to let you marry him for the sake of your reputation, but don’t think to screw me, Aphrodite. You won’t win. No one ever bests me.”

I shivered, loving the dark edge to his tone. The gristle and raw fire in it. I liked knowing that Ares was always on a knife’s edge of violence. Hephaestus looked like the tougher brother, but he was all sunshine and unicorn farts by comparison. Ares was the true power and power was what called to me. Always had.

But I wouldn’t let him know it. So, I snorted and shook my head, then I stood. Staring down at his still sticky, wet, but now limp cock. “You should clean up. You’re disgusting you’re so filthy.”

He growled.

My heart fluttered but I forced myself to turn away and snapping my fingers, I summoned my robe to me. Covering myself up once more. The buffet was now closed. I was tired and needed a rest.

“And shut the door behind you, Ares.”

“Don’t you dare leave me now.”

But I did, I left him. I flashed out of my own palace and toward Gnósi, I had a visit planned for many months now. Ever since learning of my pregnancy. I wanted to see what the Fates had in store for my little one.

I could just wait like any normal mortal mother would and learn as I went, but what was the fun in that? If I knew my child’s future, I could plan accordingly.

Would she be powerful? More beautiful than I?

I frowned. No, not that. But power would be good. Would she make the masses kneel to her in worship?

I straightened my shoulders. Imagining the glory and honor my daughter would bring to me.

All the worlds would worship me then. They’d have no choice.

When I entered the lair of the three homely sisters, I looked around. Of all the deities upon Olympus, the sisters were the only one I dared show no disrespect to. They had more power in their one pinky nail than even Zeus did.

And they were one of the few among us who could actually kill us. So yes, I was rather fond of my neck.

I absently ran a finger over it.

“Oh, sisters,” I called out, meekly. “I am here. ‘Tis I, Aphrodite, Goddess of—”

“Love, yes, how could we forget.”

I turned and gasped. They’d not been there just a second ago, but suddenly all three were there in their crone forms. Shriveled breasts bared. Rheumy eyes drilling holes into my own. Barely any hairs covered their liver spotted heads. Brown, black, and white, even as elders there was something mesmerizing about the three of them when they stood together.

I swallowed, feeling the faint stirring of fear in my belly.

But I tried to hide it behind an affable smile even as I clutched at my belly protectively. “Sisters, it is good to see—”

“She lies. She is not happy to see us.” This said by Lachesis, seer of the present.

Clotho (seer of the past) and Atropos (the future) both nodded.

Atropos, pale as cream in the moonlight, closed her eyes. The skin covering them was so fine I could see each and every blue vein. “You wish to know about your son.”

“Son?” I mouthed, frowning and rubbing my stomach. A bit bothered that I was to have a son, I’d so wished for a daughter. But the feeling soon faded when I felt my child stir within. I nodded slowly. “Yes, will he be—”

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