Home > Between Heaven and Hell(6)

Between Heaven and Hell(6)
Author: Erin Trejo

“That I’m pulling too much attention. Forgive me, Uncle.” I sincerely try to apologize when he stands suddenly. His shoulders are tight, his back straight. I’ve pissed him off in the worst kind of way.

“The thing is Cord, I can’t leave you to your own wellbeing anymore. As of this moment you are moving into the mansion with me. I won’t have any more backlash and your fights are over.” His dark eyes glare into mine and I know there is no fighting this. So I don’t even try. It would be a waste of both of our time. So I do what I need to do, nod my head and say, “Yes, sir.” In less than a few days, my things are packed.



My things have been moved into my Uncle’s as I was told. I sit behind the desk of my new office going over some paperwork when the door opens.

“Glad to find you working,” My uncle says as he walks into the room. Setting the papers down onto the desk, I lean back in my leather chair taking him in. Many years ago he was calmer, less wound. I remember when I first came to live with him. The way he tried to care for me as if I was his child. It never worked though because I wasn’t, and the world we live in doesn’t allow for that.

“Where else would I be?” Eyeing him as he crosses the room, he takes a seat in the chair in front of me. I watch him intently as he scrubs his hand across his face. The dark greying hair that hangs in his face, shadows his eyes.

“I wanted to discuss things with you later but after the news I received today, I think we should talk now.” That’s never a good sign.

“What is this about?” I ask. leaning forward. Now that he has my attention, I wait.

“Let me be frank with you here, Cord. You’re young; you have a life ahead of you. You have an empire at your fingertips. Anything your heart desires is within your grasp. The snap of your fingers gets you those things.” I listen intently as my uncle speaks. His words are dark and haunted, not that, that ventures from the normal. “Let’s be straight with each other, Cord. If I were to tell you that I have cancer and only have a few more months left on this earth and I asked you bluntly, are you ready to take over this family, what would be your response?” His eyes grow dark. Darker than I’ve ever seen them before.

“I would say that my entire adult life has been preparing me for this moment. I would take it in my hands and step up to the head of the family like I am supposed to.” Knowing in the back of my mind that this is killing every chance I had at being a twenty-two-year-old man, I know what my fate is. My uncle doesn’t beat around the bush; if he said it, he meant it. Watching him stand, I do as well. He walks around the desk with authority in his steps.

“There are many things yet for you to learn. My desire is to teach them to you before I leave this earth.” Grabbing my hand in his, he brings it to his lips. Pressing a kiss to the ring that adorns my finger, he smiles. “You, my son, are now the Boss. You must show no mercy to those that disrespect our name. You must provide leadership to the ones that come before you. You must show no emotion to the outside world as that will be your demise."

Every single word he utters is truth. It’s truth in the rawest of forms. It’s truth that isn’t to be taken lightly.



One year later



The world is an ugly place. The hate that lives within my heart is all consuming. There’s a weight on my shoulders. This past year has done little to ease that weight. If anything, it’s added to it. My Uncle passed away much like we knew he would. My way of life quickly changed. In the blink of an eye, I’ve become the monster that was to be feared by all and hated by many. I was the Boss of the Vitale family, a feared monster, a devil in disguise. I quickly adapted to that way of life. I knew my place and I make damn sure to prove to my uncle that I am in my rightful place in this family.

As I’ve learned my place, Jordy has fallen into step next to me. There is no one I would trust with my life aside from him. Jordy has been a constant in my life and having him here on this journey just seemed right. Our mindsets have changed. Our attitudes, our demeanors. Even though I have many new bodyguards and soldiers at my disposal, Jordy has never failed me and remains at my side. My duties have become more defined and have taken over every aspect of my life. There is no room for anything aside from this family.

Many times I find myself wondering what the higher purpose is and how to find that purpose, only to realize that I am the purpose. I am the man that makes this city revolve. I am the one that makes the fucking light of day before the darkness of night. In this city, there is no God aside from me. I am the creator, the holy one, the one that is respected at every turn. When I first took this spot a year ago, I had to fight. Tooth and nail, I had to prove to the ones that doubted me that I could handle holding this title. Some didn’t take me seriously while others knew they had no choice. Those that didn’t obey my wishes quickly found out that I was not one to be taken lightly. My uncle set a high standard for me. A tough act to follow as they say but I believe I’m filling his shoes perfectly.

“Tell me you have good reason to be hovering around my door!” Snapping loudly, I can see the shadow that’s present outside my office.

“I know you were lost in thought, I didn’t want to intrude,” the voice says. Benny steps through the door as my eyes track his movements. At one-point, Benny was a good man. I didn’t think anything of it when he came to me looking for a job when the fighting scene was no longer an option to me.

“And what is it you want?” I have to take a breath before I lose my mind. There is only so much stress I can handle without relieving it. When he doesn’t answer, I ask again. “Do you have a purpose here, Benny? I have work to do even if you don’t!” He jumps slightly before he looks at me again.

“There’s been some strange news that I have come across.”

Welcome to my life. Strange news isn’t anything new. In fact, the last strange news I had gotten was about a head in a box. I suppose to outsiders looking in that would be strange. To me? It’s life. Strange news. This is why he’s been lurking outside my door. For this so-called strange news.

“Do you care to elaborate on that?” I ask, my tone harsh. Benny looks at his hands before coming to meet my gaze.

“There is a child.” His voice cracks as he speaks. My nerves are almost to the end of their short fuse when I stand from the chair causing it to roll back hitting the bookcase behind it. Benny jolts as I move around the desk to grasp his shoulder.

“Look at me, Benny, and understand me now. I let you have this job as a kind gesture. If you can’t handle speaking to me, get the hell out of my office.” Squeezing his shoulder, I can feel the tension rolling off him. As good of a man that I know he is, he has to work on his people skills.

“There’s a child in the foster care system. A social worker contacted us while you were away on business.” Is he getting to the point?

“They said she is your sister.” The words tumble out of his mouth as I look at him. Arching my brow, he shrugs his shoulders.

“My sister? Well, they have made a mistake, obviously. I don’t have siblings,” I tell him, releasing the hold I had on him. I walk back to my desk to finish with what I was working on when I notice he’s not moving.

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